Death of EX-CIA Director: William Colby (he obviously didn't accidentally drown)

He died 135-days before the CIA's birthday and 'Central Intelligence Agency' equals 135.

He died a span of 136-days before the CIA's birthday and 'William Colby' equals 136.

In 1996, he died on 5/6, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56 (think about the CIA keeping an eye on people), 'CIA Agents' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and interestingly, the phrase 'C.I.A. Assassination' equals 56. Also, Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati, it was founded 56 years after the Bavarian Illuminati was, the same year the U.S. became "independent", and 'The Order of Skull and Bones' equals 263, which is the 56th prime number.

His body was found on 5/7, 'Colby' equals 57, 'Conspiracy' equals 57, and 'C.I.A. Assassinations' equals 57 (just thought the latter connection was interesting as well).

He died 123-days after his birthday, 'Assassins' equals 123, and 'Conspiracy' also equals 123.

He died on a date with 126 numerology and in Jewish gematria, 'The CIA' equals 126.

He died 33 weeks after the CIA's birthday, 'Federal' equals 33, 'Order' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, and 'CIA Agent' equals 33.

On 4/27/1996, he went missing from his vacation home, this was on the 118th day of the year, connecting to 'Homicide' and 'Death' in Jewish gematria.

This same date was 144-days before the CIA's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, 'The Mark of Time' equals 144, and in Jewish gematria, both 'Time' and 'Killer' equal 144 (ever heard the phrase "Time is a Killer").

This date was a span of 115-days after his birthday, 'Killing' equals 115 in reverse ordinal and in Jewish gematria, and 'Assassin' equals 115.

Conspiracy Researchers: Texe Marrs and Jim Marrs, Astrology, and The Jesuits

Texe Marrs died 57-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'Rome', 'City of Rome', 'Conspiracy', 'Mars', and 'Texe Marrs'. Mars is the 'Fourth Planet' from the sun, the emphasized equals 57, Mars is the 'Roman War God', a phrase equating to 57, and Ares is the name of the 'Greek War God', a phrase equating to 57 as well. Jim Marrs died in the time of Leo, which is ruled by the sun, and 'The Leo Zodiac', 'Ruled by the Sun', and 'Ruled by Sun' all equal 57. Think about war/mars (which is the planet of action) representing masculinity just as the sun does, as action is a more masculine trait, and the Jesuits are the military order for the catholic church.

Jim Marrs died 5-months and 1-day after the start date of the ancient roman holiday in tribute to 'Mars' and 'Mars', 'Rome', and 'Conspiracy' (think of the Jesuit's covert war strategy) all equal 51. Also, the first month of the ancient roman year was 'Martius', which was named after 'Mars', and 'Martius' equals 510 in Jewish gematria, remember, the Illuminati (a Jesuit creation) was established on 5/1 in 1776 as well.

Texe Marrs died 120 weeks after Jim Marrs did (by the way, despite their matching last names, they're allegedly not related), 'Texe Marrs' equals 120, 'Illuminati' equals 120, both Texe and Jim researched the Illuminati, and throughout history, the Jesuits, who created the Illuminati, have been called 'Assassins', a word equating to 120.

A branch of the Illuminati has been said to be 'Skull and Bones', a phrase equating to 202 and 76, like 'Texe William Marrs' does, and his birthday was a span of 76-days after the Illuminati's birthday, which was established in 1776, the same year the U.S. became "independent"

He died on the day leaving 38-days in the year, 'Planet Mars' equals 38, and 'Jim Marrs' equals 38. Also, Mars was been called the god of 'Death', a word equating to 38, along with 'R.I.P.', 'Killing', and 'Murder', and he died 38 weeks before the Society of Jesus's birthday. Jim Marrs died in Leo which has the element of 'Fire', a word equating to 38, of course, the sun is a ball of fire, and think about war, which the Jesuits are all about, but in a covert way. The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, said "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire" and he was shot by a cannonball in the battle of 'Pamplona', a word equating to 38. Furthermore, the 'Aries' zodiac is ruled by mars and its element is 'Fire' also, 'Aries' equals 38 ("Ares" is the god of war in greek mythology), the last day of Aries is the day Ignatius of Loyola became the general of the Jesuits, he died on a date with 38 numerology, on 7/31, and 7+31=38.

Mars is the 'Roman God of War' (also the god of destruction) a phrase equating to 201, in Jewish gematria, both 'Roman' and 'Mars' equate to 201, 'Roman Mythology' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201. 'Jim Marrs died in the time of Leo, which is ruled by the sun, the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) have a sun for their logo because Jesus is the personification of the sun, and 'The Leo Zodiac' equals 201.

Texe Marrs died a span of 153-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, connecting to 'The Illuminati' and 'Jesuit Order'. Jim Marrs's real first name is "James" and 'James Marrs' equals 153, his book "The Illuminati: The Secret Society that Hijacked the World" released a span of 153-days before the Jesuit superior general's birthday, and as he died in the time of Leo, 'Leo Zodiac' equals 153 as well. Speaking of the superior general, the first superior general of the Jesuits was its founder 'Ignatius of Loyola', whose name equals 1053 in Jewish gematria, he died on the day leaving 153-days in the year, and 'Aries Fire' equals 153. Finally, "Martius" was the first month of the ancient roman year and the general information about it online states that it was possibly the first month of ancient Rome until 153 BC and if you go by the gregorian calendar, Ignatius of Loyola was hit by a cannonball a span of 153 days before Armilustrium, which is an ancient roman festival for mars.

The 'Order Out of Chaos' Year, Monkeypox, Coronavirus, The Georgia Guidestones, and More

I call this year the 'Order Out of Chaos' year, since it's 2022, and this phrase equals 222, I was just thinking about the possibility of a lockdown due to monkeypox, and in Jewish gematria, 'Monkeypox Lockdown' equals 2022, also in Jewish gematria, '2022 Monkeypox Outbreak' equals 1399, which is the 222nd prime number. Of course, we already experienced a lockdown because of the 'Wuhan Coronavirus', a phrase equating to 222, which was declared a pandemic 222 months after 9/11, 'Covid Vaccines' equals 222 (which act as the mark of the beast), 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, and 'Hell' equals 222 in English Sumerian. Monkeypox was declared a global emergency 2-months and 22-days before after the Illuminati's birthday, the 'World Economic Forum' is involved as they are reporting about monkeypox, and their name also equals 222. The World Health Organization formed on 4/7/1948, the anniversary of which is called 'World Health Day', a phrase equating to 222, and the masonic motto, 'As Above, So Below' equals 222.

Monkeypox was declared a global emergency 258-days before the world health organization's 76th birthday, on 4/7 in 2023, as far as 258 goes, 'Order of Illuminati' and 'Number of the Beast' both equal 258, along with 'William Henry Gates', who has played a big role regarding the world's health recently. Interestingly, the phrase 'Global Contagion' equals 258, and by the way, all these 258's are in the same cipher.

Regarding the 4/7 date, this is an all too familiar number, connecting to 'Beast', 'Saturnian Beast', 'Time', 'Judge', and 'John' (as the book of rev. is also called the apocalypse of john). The Guidestones last birthday was on a date with 47 numerology, 'Christian' equals 47, as the Guidestones opened a span of 47-days before R.C. Christian's birthday (who got the Guidestones to be built), he was for population control, and 'Depopulate' equals 47. The anniversary of the release of a song named "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" was a span of 47-days before Charlie Daniel's death date (singer of this song), which would later be the date the Guidestones were destroyed. In addition, the Guidestones were destroyed 47-days after the day in history that the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, was shot by a cannonball, all too fitting as this connects to a bombing.

As far as this connecting to the World Health Organization's 76th birthday, recall, the CDC just turned 76 only days before the Guidestones were bombed on 7/6, 'Bomb' equals 76, and the monkeypox simulation took place on the 76th day of the year. Recall the first rule on the Guidestones, if you don't already know how they fit into the depopulation agenda, 'Vaccines' equals 76, and 'The Mark' equals 76. The man who wanted the Guidestones built and a supporter of population control was 'R.C. Christian', whose name equals 76. Charlie Daniels wrote "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", he died on 7/6 in 2020, and his birthday was 7-months and 6-days after the Guidestones were opened.

Event 201 was a pandemic simulation that was predictive programming for the covid outbreak and it was 144 weeks and a day before monkeypox was declared a global emergency, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, and 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria (Saturn/the Beast/Satan rules time).

A monkeypox simulation described the outbreak as a "bio-terror attack" and 'Bio-Terror Attacks' equals 237, resembling the date monkeypox became a global emergency on, 23/7, and there is talk of a 'Monkeypox Vaccine', a phrase equating to 237 as well.

The United Nations was formed 933-days before Israel officially became a nation, the United Nations is for depopulation, and 'Population Control' equals 933 in Jewish gematria.

The monkeypox simulation was put on by the Munich Security Conference on a date with 19 numerology, 'Chaos' equals 19, there were 19 experts on the panel of this simulation, and the fictional pandemic lasted 19 months (source: Monkeypox: Simulation in 2021 'predicted' current outbreak (

Jay-Z's "The Black Album" and Prince Hall Freemasonry

Prince Hall is black freemasonry, which Jay-Z is a member of (or at least was), Prince Hall was the founder of this society, and according to many sources, Prince Hall died on 12/4, instead of 12/7, and Jay-Z was born on 12/4.

His "The Black Album" came out a span of 47-days after Prince Hall masonry's birthday, 'African' equals 47, modern freemasonry was established on a date with 47 numerology, their compass is set to 47 degrees, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, 211 is the 47th prime number, and the album released on the day leaving 47-days in the year.

Prince Hall died a span of 201-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, connecting to 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Jesuit Order'.

"The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up" Documentary

This documentary came out 123-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Conspiracy' equals 123, and 'Hidden Hand' equals 123 in Jewish gematria (the "Hidden Hand" got its name from a masonic ritual).

The documentary is 1-hr. and 20-min. long and 'Illuminati' equals 120.

The director of this movie's birthday is 201-days before the Illuminati's, connecting to 'Order of Illuminati', 'The Freemasonic Order', and 'The Jesuit Order'.

The documentary released a span of 42-days before his birthday, 'Freemason' equals 42, 'Jesuit' equals 42, the Vatican city-state was created on the 42nd day of the year, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible.

Eric Jon Phelps and the documentary exposing the Jesuit Order

The Documentary: History of The Jesuit Order/Society of Jesus (MUST WATCH, LIKE, & SHARE) #catholic #romancatholic - YouTube

In this documentary, a man named 'Eric Jon Phelps' exposes the Jesuits, and his name equals 201 along with 'The Jesuit Order' and 'Order of Illuminati' (founded by a Jesuit). This number is HUGE with the Jesuits, if you don't know, see here: Exposing the Gematrix: The Significance of the number 201 with the Jesuits (

His birthday is 70-days before the anniversary of the 'Vatican' becoming a city-state, 'Vatican' equals 70, and the first Jesuit pope is Pope 'Francis', a name equating to 70, which is a match with 'Vatican' in three of the four base ciphers as well.

Death of Frank Church (Politician and U.S. Intelligence Investigator), George Orwell, "1984", and The Guidestones

Frank Church died on 4/7, the Club of Rome's birthday, which consists of politicians like Church, and 'Club of Rome', 'Republican', 'Democrat' (which Church was), 'Government', and 'Authority' all equal 47. Also, Church was an Idaho senator, and 'Idaho Senate' equals 47. Furthermore, he graduated from 'Stanford' in 1947, 'Stanford' equals 47, and in 1976 he announced he was running for 'President' 4-months and 7-days before his birthday, and 'President' equals 47. The CIA was established in 1947 (he was heavily involved in a big investigation of U.S. Intelligence agencies), Frank died on the Club of Rome's 16th birthday, and 'Sixteenth' equals 47. Furthermore, the NSA was created 47-days after the CIA's birthday and 'NSA' equals 47 (which is an agency like the CIA). Frank Church died exactly 211 weeks after the Guidestones were opened, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, 211 is the 47th prime number, and recall the other 47s with masonry. The Club of Rome is for depopulation, think about the first rule on the Guidestones, and 'Depopulate' equals 47. Could this ritual be more of a mockery? As Frank CHURCH is connected to 211, along with its prime number, 47, and 'Vatican' equals 47, which became a city-state on 2/11.

As Church died on the Club of Rome's birthday, note that this club was founded in 1968, 'Catholicism' equals 68, and "1984" (which we'll be talking about throughout this decode) was published on 6/8, 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. "1984" describes a surveillance state, think about the 'CIA', an acronym equating to 68, and 'Spies' equals 68.

The CIA's birthday is 201-days before the Club of Rome's birthday, connecting to 'Order of Illuminati', 'The Freemasonic Order', and 'The Jesuit Order'. One source states that on 1/27/1975 the senate voted to form the U.S. Senate select committee to study governmental operations, which would later be called the Church Committee, named after its chairman, Frank Church. This is significant because this date was a span of 201-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. Also, 'George Orwell' equals 1229, just as 'Winston' does, which is the name of the main character in "1984", and 1229 is the 201st prime number.

In addition, this date is written like 127, which connects to 'Bavarian Illuminati', 'Big Brother is Watching You' (a repeated statement in "1984", which we'll talk more about), 'Ministry' (a department in "1984" is referred to as a 'Ministry'), and 'Religion', this must be a coincidence since this connects to someone named Frank CHURCH.

This date was 186-days after Church's birthday, 'Frank Church' equals 186, 'Nineteen-Eighty Four' equals 1109, which is the 186th prime, and Church's death date, or in other words, the Club of Rome's birthday was 186 days before the release of the movie "1984" in the U.K.

The same date that we've been talking about was also a span of 187-days after Church's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, the Guidestones destroyed on the 187th day of the year, and Church's death date, or in other words, the Club of Rome's birthday was a span of 187 days before the release of the movie "1984" in the U.K.

Furthermore, this date was 216-days after George Orwell's birthday, in Jewish gematria, 'Big Brother Is Watching You' equals 2160, 216 is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Frank Church' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria. Think about the Illuminati that was created on 'May First', which is a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian.

Church died 78-days before modern freemasonry's birthday and the anniversary of the publication of the book "1984" was 78-days after the Guidestones opened, connecting to 'Scottish Rite', 'Jesuit', and 'Order Out of Chaos' (the motto of the Jesuits and Masons). In addition, George Orwell was in the 'Fabian Society', a phrase equating to 78, and its birthday was 78-days before the Guidestones were opened.

The Guidestones were destroyed 182-days before the Fabian Society's birthday and 'George Orwell' equals 182. You could also say the Guidestones were destroyed 183-days after the Fabian Society's birthday and 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 183.

Of course, the Guidestones were destroyed in 2022, "1984" was published a span of 22-weeks and 2-days after the Fabian Society's birthday, 'Fabian Society' equals 222, and 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222 (for more connections between the Guidestones and 222, click: Exposing the Gematrix: Bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, R.C. Christian was Herbert Kersten? The Bush Family, the "Skull and Bones" video game, and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter (

Frank Church died 257-days after his birthday, which was on a date that could be written 25/7, and 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 257.

You could also say he died a span of 258-days after his birthday, connecting to 'Order of Illuminati', 'Number of the Beast', 'Beast Sacrifice', and 'Sacrifice to Saturn', all in the same cipher.

His last name was Church, like 'The Catholic Church', which is a phrase equating to 84, like 'The Jesuit Order' does, along with 'Jesuit' alone, and he died in 1984, the title of Orwell's famous book, which was Jesuit-controlled all the way, and 'United States of America' equals 84. Also, George Orwell belonged to the Fabian Society, which was established in 1884.

George Orwell died a span of 266-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Nineteen-Eighty Four' equals 266, another phrase repeated in "1984" is 'Down With Big Brother', which equals 266, the Jesuit motto 'Iseus Hominum Salvator' equals 266, and the first Jesuit pope is the 266th pope.

The Guidestones were the monument of the new world order, which were destroyed 166-days after George Orwell's death date, his real name was 'Eric Blair', a name equating to 166, 'Big Brother' equals 166, and 'Secret Society' equals 166.

In leap years, Orwell's birthday was on the 177th day of the year, a concept in "1984" is 'Thoughtcrime', a word equating to 177, along with 'New World Order', 'The Jesuit Order', 'The Mark of the Beast', and 'Propaganda' (which is constantly being force-fed to the people in "1984"). Remember, the Guidestones were opened 177-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday and "1984" begins on 4/4/1984, which is a span of 177-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday. To go back to Frank Church, he dropped out of the presidential election in favor of Jimmy Carter, who did win it, as he was the president when the Guidestones opened, and Frank Church died 177-days before his birthday.

Jim Marrs and his book "The Illuminati: The Secret Society that Hijacked the World"

This book released on the day leaving 201-days in the year, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. His last name was "Marrs", like the planet 'Mars', which the Jesuits use in their rituals often, and 'Mars' equals 201 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Roman' does.

This book released on 6/13/2017, a date with 56 numerology, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and he died 56-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday. Jim died 263-days after the Jesuit superior general's birthday and 263 is the 56th prime number. Also, in this book of his, I'm pretty sure he talks about skull and bones, a society that's a part of the Illuminati, which was created 56 years after the Illuminati was, and think about Bill Cooper, a well-known conspiracy researcher, who was born on 5/6 and died on the day leaving 56-days in the year.

The book released a span of 191-days after his birthday and 'Society of Jesus' also equals 191.

It released 322-days before the Illuminati's birthday and 322 is the number of skull and bones, which is a part of the Illuminati.

It released a span of 51-days before he died, 'Conspiracy' equals 51, 'Mars' equals 51, 'Rome' equals 51, and 'Federal' equals 51. Jim Marrs allegedly died of a heart attack and there are heart attack guns, which the CIA have, so that may be how they fulfilled this ritual, as well as others, and 'Heart Attack Gun' equals 51.

The book released 187-days before the Pope's birthday, 'Holy Roman Empire' equals 187, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 187 as well.

His first and last name, 'James Marrs' equals 153, just like 'Jesuit Order' does, 'The Illuminati' equals 153, and the book released a span of 153-days before the Jesuit superior general's birthday.

Jim Marr's full name was 'James Farrell Marrs Jr.', which equals 82, and he died on 8/2.

He died on a date with 47 numerology, 47-days before the CIA's birthday, which was established in 1947, think about all the 47s with freemasonry, and 'Government' and 'Authority' both equal 47.

Victor M. Ramos an EX-Master Mason exposes Masonry

Click this video to see what I'm talking about: Ex-Master Mason EXPOSES The Freemasons - YouTube

This guy's first name, 'Victor', and last name, 'Ramos', both equal 33, connecting to 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', 'Order', 'Federal', and the 33 degrees in Scottish rite freemasonry. At the end of the video he gives out his email and phone number, his phone number: 330-707-5159, and his email: "".

'Victor M. Ramos' is almost a perfect match with 'Secret Society'. Notice the 77s under and above in his contact info.
'Victor Ramos' is almost a perfect match in the base ciphers with 'Jesuit Order'.

The Master Numbers connected to notorious false flags in History, Astrology, Hermeticism, and Semen Retention

The master numbers are 11, 22, and 33, and 11 is added to get the next master numbers after 11.

The JFK Assassination was on the 22nd day of the 11th month, or on 11/22, in English Sumerian gematria, 'JFK Assassination' equals 1122, and 11+22=33. The Georgia Guidestones opened on the 22nd of March. Coronavirus became a pandemic on the 11th of March, 'Beast' equals 11, nine eleven was on the 11th day of September, which Coptic Christians regard as the real birthday of Christ, 'Jesus' equals 11, and the twin towers stood like a big 11.

Speaking of Jesus, he died at age 33, which is the master teacher number, 'Alphas' equals 33, 'Teacher' equals 33, 'God's Son' equals 33, and 'Son' equals 33 (like "Sun", if you know you know). There are 33 vertebrae of the spine, and by retaining sperm (for males at least), you work it up the spine, which can nourish the brain, lead to being more enlightened, and being closer to self-mastery, and 'The Self', 'Enlight', 'Sex', 'Male Semen', 'Seed', 'Celibacy', and 'Manifest' all equal 33. If I'm not mistaken, this is the real reason why the masons wear an apron around their waist, to symbolize that they are celibate or at least that they're supposed to be. Of course, Scottish rite 'Masonry' has 33 degrees, 'Masonry' equals 33, the masonic compass and square add up to 137 degrees, and 137 is the 33rd prime. The two highest chakras of the seven chakra system connect to 33, the 'Pineal' gland, a word equating to 33, and the crown, 'Corona' is Latin for crown, and it equates to 33 as well. The "Corona" is also the outermost layer of 'The Sun', a phrase equating to 330 in Jewish gematria (think about enlightenment).

Hence the Coronavirus and 'Corona' also equals 66, which is the 11th triangular number, recall, it was declared a pandemic on the 11th of march. The square root of 121 is 11, 'Beast' equals 11, the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. on 1/21, and it was declared a pandemic 121 weeks before the Guidestones were destroyed, connecting to  'Antichrist', 'Satanists', 'Revelation', 'Apocalyptic', 'Mark' in Jewish gematria (as in mark of the beast), 'Coronavirus Outbreak', and 'World Health Organization'.

Remember, the sum of all the master numbers is 66, connecting to 'Number of the Beast', 'Number of a Man', 'Beasts', 'Mankind', 'New Testament', 'Biblical' in Jewish gematria, 'Curse', and 'Corona', as well as revelation being the 66th book of the bible (which is a part of the 'New Testament'). Also, the master teacher number spelled out is 'Thirty-Three', which equates to 66.

Going back to 22, 'Mind', 'Master', 'Guru', 'Lord', and 'Buddha' all equal 22. The Guidestones were destroyed on 7/6, 'Master' equals 76, 'Master Number' equals 76, in Jewish gematria, 'Mastery' equals 706, and 7/6 is the day Rajneesh's ranch held their Master's Day on (look up my decode on Osho, who was born on the 11th of December). This ranch was called 'Rajneeshpuram', a word equating to 76, it was also called a "Utopia", which was the title of a book 'Thomas' More wrote, 'Thomas' equals 76 and 22, and he died on 7/6. Speaking of Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus was named Thomas, a name that is Hebrew for "Twin", this is a reason why some think he was the twin of Jesus, recalling the 'Twin' towers, and 'Twins' equals 22. The twin stars of Gemini are the brightest ones, one of which is called 'Castor', the gematria suggests that Thomas was a personification of 'Castor', as that name equals 76 and 22 just like 'Thomas' does, and 'The Twin Stars' equals 76. Furthermore, JFK was born in the time of 'Gemini', a word Latin for "Twins", which is why it's known as "the twins" zodiac, 'Gemini' equals 33, 'Kennedy' equals 33, and he was shot on a date with 33 numerology in Dealey Plaza by 'Lee Oswald', a name equating to 33. Dealey Plaza was named after a 33rd-degree mason, 'Federal' equals 33, the F.B.I. was founded on a date with 33 numerology, a span of 33-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, 'False Flag' equals 33 (as all the other examples I brought up were), and 'Gemini' is located at the 22° north declination.

Going back to kundalini, it is symbolized by the serpent coiling up the spine, which reminds of the serpent tempting Eve to bite the apple from the tree in the biblical garden, some have interpreted the tree as adam (as many spiritual teachings say a man is like a tree), therefore the fruit would be his penis, meaning they had sex, and then god curses the planet because of their disobedience. Is the lesson of that story to retain your sexual energy to transmute it into something meaningful and focus on self-mastery? I think it would be fair to say yes, as 'Garden' equals 137 in Jewish gematria, 137 is the 33rd prime, so think about a tree being like a man with its sap, which is packed with nutrients and nourishes the tree just as semen is packed with nutrients and nourishes the body, 'The Tree' equals 303, and 'Sapwood' equals 33 (refer to the other 33 connections regarding this topic from earlier). The Buddha gained enlightenment under a bodhi tree (a part of monkhood is to be celibate), Sir Isaac Newton was hit on the head by an apple, and this allegedly triggered an "aha moment", which lead to his creation of the law of gravity, but what they don't tell you in the history books is that Newton was celibate his whole life, hence the reason they told you this all too familiar allegory. Furthermore, Nikola Telsa was also a master of semen retention, 'Tesla' equals 33 (he died in a 33-ritual), he invented the 'Tesla Coil', a phrase also equating to 33, and think about how kundalini is symbolized by snake coiling up the spine. By the way, kundalini means "the coiled one", 'Coiled' also equals 33, and it is feminine or 'Yin' energy and 'Yin' equals 33. Kundalini also means "coiled snake", 'The Coiled Snake' equals 76, along with 'Semen Retention', 'Sexuality of Man', 'Fruit of the Tree', 'The Sexual Fluid', and 'Energy Within'. Also, semen has been called "life force" and 'Life' equals 76 and 22, and with it, the 'Law of Attraction' process is easier, and that phrase equals 76 as well. (NOTE: As one who practices semen retention, I can tell you that everything I've said about it is true, it's not for everybody, but I feel better when I'm practicing it.)

Going back to Tesla, who is known for his 3-6-9 theory, and his famous quote on the subject is 'If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe', which equals 369 in the most pure cipher, 'Hermeticism' equals 369 in Jewish gematria (look up the seven principles of hermeticism and this will make perfect sense), and 'The Apple of Eden' equals 369 in Jewish gematria.

The Holy Land, The Abrahamic Religions, The CIA, and The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones were opened on 3/22 (recall they were a big Skull and Bones ritual, who go by "Order 322"), 3-months and 22-days before the 32nd anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, and Islam is a part of the 'Abrahamic Religions', which is a phrase equating to 322. As far as this connecting to the 32nd anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, which was on the day leaving 32-days in the year, the Jesuits have 32 sun rays on their logo, and 'Biblical', 'Solomon', 'Jerusalem', 'Scottish', and 'Christ' all equal 32. In addition, Israel was recognized as a nation 32-years, 3-months, and 22-days before the Guidestones opened, and 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 322.

The Guidestones were destroyed 7-weeks and 4-days after the State of Israel's 74th birthday, 'Muhammad' equals 74, 'Jewish' equals 74, 'Jesus' equals 74, 'Masonic' equals 74, the Guidestones were destroyed 74-days before the CIA's birthday, and the exact date the CIA was established was 9/18/1947, which is a date with numerology of 74. Also, Israel was recognized as a nation 74-days before the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state, the first president of Israel was born in 1874, and 'The Hebrew Bible' equals 74.

The reflection of 74 is 47, 'The Holy Land' equals 47, which was recognized as a nation in 1947, the same year the CIA was created, 'Foundation' equals 47, 'Star of David' equals 47, 'Christian' equals 47, 'Beast' equals 47, and think about all the 47's with masonry. The CIA was established 2-months and 11 days before Israel was recognized as a nation, the Vatican became a city-state on 2/11, and 211 is the 47th prime number.

The Guidestones were destroyed a span of 147-days before the 75th anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, 'The Central Intelligence Agency', 'Conspiracy', and 'The Biblical Israel' all equal 147, and 'Order', 'Order Out of Chaos', 'New World Order', 'Catholic Church', 'Holy State of Israel', and 'Muslim' all equal 75. Also, in Jewish gematria, 'Muslim' equals 379, which is the 75th prime number.

The CIA's birthday comes a span of 42 weeks after the anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, the Guidestones last birthday was their 42nd, the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. on 1/21/2020, a date with 42 numerology, 'The Plagues' equals 42 (think about the bible), the first case of coronavirus arrived in the U.S. 903-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, and 903 is the 42nd triangular number. Furthermore, 'End of Days' equals 42, 'The End Days' equals 42, 'New Testament' equals 42, 'New World' equals 42 (as we are in the time of revelation, which is not the end of the world, but a new beginning), there are 42 generations of Jesus, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible. On top of all that, 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturn' (a.k.a. Satan or the Beast), 'Saturnia Beast', 'Jesuit', and 'Freemason' all equal 42, and the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year.

Muhammad's historical birthdate was 174-days before Israel was recognized as a nation, 'Number of the Beast' equals 174, 'New World Order' equals 174, and 'Arabs' equals 174 in Jewish gematria.

You could also say his historical birthdate was 191-days after Israel was recognized as a nation, 'The Nation of Israel' equals 191, 'Holy Islamic State' equals 191, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 191, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

Israel's first president died in 1952, 52-days after the CIA's birthday, 'President' equals 52, 'The Holy Land' equals 52, 'Holy Israel' equals 52, 'Kabbalah' equals 52, 'Tree of Life' equals 52, and 'Foundation' equals 52 (as this connects to the establishment of the nation of Israel). The 'Torah' is the first five books of the Hebrew bible and in Jewish gematria, 'Torah' equals 239, Israel officially became a nation 239-days after the CIA was established, and 239 is the 52nd prime number.

Israel's first president died a span of 187-days before Israel's birthday, he died 1807-days before it was recognized as a nation, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, and the Guidestones were destroyed on the 187th day of the year.

He died at the age of 77, 'Zionist' equals 77 (which he was), recall the Guidestones connection, as Georgia Guidestones can be abbreviated G.G., which translates to 77, the Guidestones were off Highway 77, which is on or around 'Guidestone Road', a phrase equating to 77, 'Book of Revelation' equals 77, and 'United States' equals 77.

Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, Manly P. Hall, and The U.S. of America

Francis Bacon was born on a date with 99 numerology, he died on the 99th day of the year, he was a driving force behind the colonization and philosophy of America and was heavily involved in Masonry/Rosicrucianism, 'Mason' equals 99 in the reverse Francis Bacon cipher, and 'The United States of America' equals 99. The United States of America was named so on 9/9 in 1776, to replace the name "United Colonies". In addition, there is a society named after him called 'The Francis Bacon Society', a phrase equating to 99, the Illuminati was created 99-days after what would've been his birthday, he was head of the 'Fra Rosi Crosse Society' ("Order of the Rosicrucians"), another phrase equating to 99, and 'Rosicrucianism' equals 99. Bacon wrote "The New Atlantis", a title referring to what's now known as the U.S., which he also called the 'Land of the Rosicrucians', a phrase equating to 99, and 'America' equals 99 in the franc baconis cipher. Before the U.S. became "independent" (which it never really did), the period under British rule was called 'British America', another phrase equating to 99.

Furthermore, 'Francis Bacon Society' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Bacon was a part of 'British Royalty', which is a phrase equating to 201 as well. In addition, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed a span of 201-days before what would've been Bacon's birthday, 'Colonialism' equals 201 in the reverse Francis Bacon cipher, think about it, Bacon was a big force behind the colonization and philosophy of the "new world" and the Guidestones acted as commandments for the new world (order). Manly P. Hall (a highly respected mason) said in his book 'The Secret Destiny of America' that Bacon's society was behind the colonization of America, but we know who is really behind all this, the Jesuits. As this book title equates to 1229 in Jewish gematria, 1229 is the 201st prime number, and Manly P. Hall died 201-days before his birthday.

Furthermore, this book title also equals 144 and 270, 'The United States of America' equals 144, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, the 'Jesuit Order' was established on the 270th day of the year, 'Scottish Rite Masonry' equals 270, and this book released 270-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.

This book released 191-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

Anyways, Bacon was born 4/9, 'America' equals 49, 'Washington' equals 49, 'York Rite' (a masonic body), and 'Scottish' equals 49, as in 'Scottish' rite masonry, which Bacon helped develop.

The United States of America was named so to replace its former name "United Colonies" 153-days before Bacon's death anniversary, Modern Freemasonry was formed 153-days after what would've been Bacon's birthday (Bacon is a key factor behind Modern Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism), 'The Illuminati' equals 153, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 153.

The U.S. was named so 33 weeks before Bacon's birthday, according to one source, Bacon was the one that developed Scottish rite masonry into 33 degrees, and 'England', 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. Many think Bacon and William Shakespeare were the same person, more on this later, but for now, note that Bacon would've just turned 3-years and 3-months old when Shakespeare was born.

According to many, Bacon was the secret child of Queen Elizabeth I, he was born a span of 229-days before her birthday, 'Francis' equals 229 in Jewish gematria, and 'Sir Francis Bacon' equals 229 in the Francis Bacon cipher. Also, another title of Bacon's was '1st Viscount St. Alban', which equals 229 as well.

As far as William Shakespeare being Francis Bacon, Shakespeare died 119 months or 9-years and 11-months (like 911, the reflection of 119) before the death of 'Francis' Bacon, whose first name equals 119, just like 'Vatican' does, and he was born 1190-days before Shakespeare was baptized, which connects to the fact that Bacon was also known as 'Lord Verulam', a title equating to 1190 in Jewish gematria. Also, the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, and 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911 in Jewish gematria.

Shakespeare allegedly died on his birthday, which was on the 123rd day of the year, 'Conspiracy' equals 123, and 'Mason' equals 123 in the franc baconis cipher.

Death of Ivana Trump, ex-wife of Donald Trump, and their Children

Ivana Trump died 144-days after her birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, and 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Killer' does. Interestingly, 'Faked Death' equals 144 in Jewish gematria as well.

She died 74-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Illuminatus' equals 74 (singular for "Illuminati" and what a member of the Illuminati is called) and 'Masonic' equals 74.

Her full name 'Ivana Marie Trump' equals 73, just as 'Ritual Sacrifice' does, 'Sacrifice' equals 73, and 73 is the age she died at.

She died on 14/7, 'Conspiracy' equals 147, 'Freemason' equals 147, 'U.S. President' equals 147, 'President of the United States' equals 147, and '45th President' equals 147 (trump was the 45th president).

Think about all the connections to 47 that apply to this decode, 'Trump' equals 470 in Jewish gematria (and he's Jewish), 'Trump' equals 47, 'President' equals 47, 'Republican' equals 47 (as he was), 'Forty-Fifth' equals 47 (trump was the 45th president), 'Ivana' equals 47, 'Ivanka Trump' equals 47. In addition, she died a span of 211-days after Saturnalia (we'll talk more about Saturn later), 211 is the 47th prime, 'Saturnian Beast' equals 47, and 'Beast' equals 47.

Ivana was Trump Jr.'s mom, who died 170-days before his birthday, 'Sacrifice' equals 170, and she is dead on the day leaving 170-days in the year.

Ivana was also Ivanka Trump's mom, who died 257-days after her birthday, and 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 257.

You could also say she died a span of 258-days after Ivanka's birthday, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 258, 'Number of the Beast' equals 258, 'Beast Sacrifice' equals 258, 'Sacrifice to Saturn' equals 258, and she died 258-days after her fourth husband's death (4 is the number of death).

She died a span of 177-days before Eric Trump's birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 177, 'New World Order' equals 177, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 177.

She married Trump 45 years before her death, 'Ivana Trump' equals 45, and 'Trump' was the 45th president of the U.S.

Death of Francis Scott Key, writer of "The Star-Spangled Banner", and Francis Bacon

He died 163-days after his birthday, 163 is the 38th prime, which connects to 'Death, 'R.I.P.', 'Killing', and 'Murder'.

He died 202-days before his birthday, 'Masonic Brotherhood' equals 202, and 'Skull and Bones' equals 202.

He wrote 'The Star-Spangled Banner', a title equating to 223, 'Skull and Crossbones' equals 223, 'Masonic' equals 223 in Jewish gematria, and 'Bavarian Order' equals 223 (as skull and bones is a part of the Bavarian Illuminati). Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" after seeing a British attack on Fort McHenry in the 'War of Eighteen Twelve', a phrase equating to 223 as well.

Speaking of the Illuminati, he died on 1/11, a span of 111-days before the Illuminati's birthday, and 'Francis Key' equals 111. Remember the Illuminati was created on 'May First', a phrase equating to 111, 'Secrecy' equals 111, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 111, and 'Mark of Beast' equals 111. Think about the 'All-Seeing Eye', a phrase equating to 607 in Jewish gematria, and 607 is the 111th prime number. Another famous "Francis" in history is Francis Bacon, who died a span of 11-weeks and 1-day after his birthday.

Francis S. Key died 35 weeks and a day before the anniversary of his composition of "The Star-Spangled Banner", which he wrote at age 35, 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35, 'Eye' equals 35, and think about the all-seeing eye, which was put on the dollar in 1935.

He died 149-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Skull and Bones' equals 149, and "The Star-Spangled Banner" was allegedly composed on 14/9 in 1814. Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" after seeing a British attack on Fort McHenry in the 'War of 1812', a phrase equating to 1049 in Jewish gematria.

He died 216-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, remember, 6X6X6 equals 216, and 'Francis Key', 'May First', 'Secrecy', and 'Mark of Beast' all equal 666 in the Sumerian ciphers. In addition, 'Star-Spangled Banner' equals 666 in Jewish gematria and if you add up the four base ciphers of 'Star Spangled Banner', you get 666. Interestingly, Francis Scott Key died 216 years after Francis Bacon did.

The anniversary of the composition of 'The Star Spangled Banner' came 119-days before the death of 'Francis' Scott Key, 'Francis' equals 119, 'Vatican' equals 119, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 119, and 'The Star Spangled Banner' equals 119.

"The Star Spangled Banner" was written 229-days before the Illuminati's birthday, 'Francis' equals 229 in Jewish gematria, 229 is the 50th prime, and the U.S. has 50 states (remember the U.S. and the Illuminati were established in the same year). Also, he died 2-months and 29-days before the day 'Francis' Bacon died in history, this poem later became the anthem of the U.S. (which Bacon and others referred to as the "New World"), and 'Anthem of the New World' equals 229.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" was adopted as our national anthem on 3/3 in 1931, and 'Masonry' 'Secrecy', 'Order', 'Federal', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33 (Scottish rite masonry has 33 degrees). The later national anthem of the U.S. was written a span of 137-days after the Illuminati's birthday (recall the 137 degrees of the masonic compass and square) and 137 is the 33rd prime number.

He died 201-days after modern freemasonry's birthday and 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Jesuit Order' all equal 201.

Coronavirus, Bill Gates, the Georgia Guidestones, and the Bible

The first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. on 1/21/2020, a date with 42 numerology, 'The Plagues' equals 42 (think about the bible), 'Vaccine' equals 42, the first case of coronavirus arrived in the U.S. 903-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, and 903 is the 42nd triangular number. This monument has been called 'America's Stonehenge', a phrase equating to 181, 'Guidestone Bombing' equals 181, which happened on 'July the Sixth', a phrase equating to 181, 'Apocalypse of John' (what the book of revelation is also called) equals 181, 'Georgia Guidestone' equals 181, and 181 is the 42nd prime number. The Guidestones are a megalith structure, 'Megalith' equals 42, 'Explosion' equals 42, George W. Bush was the 42nd person to be president, this monument was destroyed 42 years after it was opened, 'End of Days' equals 42, 'The End Days' equals 42, 'New Testament' equals 42, 'New World' equals 42 (as we are in the time of revelation, which is not the end, but a new beginning), there are 42 generations of Jesus, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible. On top of all that, 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturn' (a.k.a. Satan or the Beast), 'Saturnia Beast', 'Jesuit', and 'Freemason' all equal 42, the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year, and Skull and Bones have been called 'Chapter 322', which is a phrase equating to 42.

The first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. a span of 2-years, 2-months, and 2-days, before the Guidestones last birthday, 'Wuhan Coronavirus' equals 222, 'World Economic Forum' equals 222 (who played a big role in the plan-demic), the bombing of the Guidestones occurred a span of 2-months and 22-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, 'Skull Bones' equals 2022 in the squares cipher, 'The Holy Scripture' equals 222, and the bombing happened in 2022. In addition, this happened in the time of cancer and the last rule on the Guidestones says "Be not a cancer on the earth", 'Cancer Zodiac' equals 222, and 'Covid Vaccines' equals 222 (the people that rule over us look at us as cancers, therefore, they want to wipe us out).

The Guidestones celebrated their last birthday a span of 106 weeks after coronavirus was declared a pandemic, the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in 'Seattle, WA' (where bill gates was born), a location equating to 106, the Guidestones were destroyed 106-days after their birthday, 'Destroy' equals 106, 'The Georgia Guidestone' equals 106, and 'Contrive', 'Staged', and 'Prophecy' all equal 106 (most "prophecy" is scripted by man). The man who wanted the Guidestones built is 'Robert C. Christian', whose name equals 106 and he was for depopulation. Many say he was a part of 'The Rosicrucian Order', a phrase equating to 106 as well.

The first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. 113 weeks before the Guidestone's last birthday and 'Coronavirus Pandemic' equals 113. Coronavirus was declared a pandemic on 3/11, 'The Beast' equals 311, and 311 is the reflection of 113. Furthermore, 'Apocalypse' means 'Unveiling', and both words equal 113.

The first case arrived in the U.S. 129 weeks before the Guidestones were destroyed 'Scripture' equals 129, and 'Covid Vaccines' equals 129.

Also, the first case arrived in the U.S. 114 weeks before the Guidestone's last birthday, 'Scripture' also equals 114, and 'The Antichrist Beast' equals 114.

This 1/21 date (when the first covid case was confirmed in the U.S. in 2020) connects to 'Antichrist', which equals 121, 'Satanists' equals 121, 'Revelation' equals 121, 'Apocalyptic' equals 121, 'Mark' equals 121 (as in mark of the beast), 'Holy Biblical Prophecy' equals 1210, 'Wuhan, China' equals 1210, 'Coronavirus Outbreak' equals 121, 'World Health Organization' equals 121, and coronavirus was declared a pandemic 121 weeks before the Guidestones were destroyed. In addition, the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' has played a big role in the vaccination scheme, that phrase equals 121, and 'The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' equals 1021.

The Guidestones were destroyed while Bill Gates was 66, 'Number of the Beast', 'Number of a Man', 'The Number of a Man', 'Mankind', 'New Testament', 'Biblical', 'Curse', and 'Corona' all equal 66, and revelation is the 66th book of the bible (last book of the 'New Testament').

The Guidestones opened on 3/22, 'The Coronavirus Vaccine' equals 322, 'The Biblical Plagues' equals 322, Mr. Vaccines, Bill Gates (who has been involved in a few 322/Skull and Bones rituals), his birthday will come 3-months and 22-days after the destruction of the Guidestones, his ex-wife's full name, 'Melinda French Gates' equals 322, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 322, Skull and Bones is also called "Order 322", the founder of the Illuminati (who was a Jesuit) died on the 322nd day of the year (which is known as occult day), and in the N.I.V. version of the bible, the first line of Genesis 3:22 states 'And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil"', which equals 322. Coincidence? Of course not, as the first line of Genesis 3:22 in the King James Version states 'And the LORD God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"', which equals 322 as well.

The Guidestones last birthday came 7-months and 6-days before Bill Gates birthday, 'William Gates' equals 76, 'Skull and Bones' which equals 76, 'The Skull and Crossbones' equals 76, this bombing was on 7/6, 'Bomb' equals 76, 'The Mark' equals 76, and the Illuminati was founded in 1776, 'Skull and Bones' has been said to be a branch of the Illuminati. Think about the depopulation agenda and the CDC, which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, they just had their 76th birthday, only five days before the Guidestones were destroyed, and 'The Book of Genesis' equals 76 (think about "The Great Reset" and that with every end comes a new beginning).

The Atlanta Braves won the world series on the birthday of Brian Kemp, which was a span of 247-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, 'Book of Revelation' equals 247, 'Atlanta, Georgia' equals 247, and Bill Gates birthday is a span of 247-days before the CDCs.

The 4th of July Shooter: Robert Crimo (another false flag for more gun control)

He was called 'Bobby', which is a name that matches with 'Chaos' in all the base ciphers.

He was born on the day leaving 102-days in the year, 'Robert E. Crimo III' equals 102, 'Police' equals 102, and 'Art of War' equals 102 (think about how these shootings are engineered to get more gun control).

This 'False Flag' was on a date with 33 numerology, 'Freedom' (this was on the day we celebrate our "freedom"), 'Police', 'False Flag', 'Federal', 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Robert' all equal 33.

This shooting came 78-days after his birthday, 'Jesuit', 'Scottish Rite', 'Robert', and 'Order Out of Chaos' all equal 78.

You could also say this shooting came a span of 79-days after his birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 79, and 'Murder' equals 79.

The shooter was obsessed with the number 47, as he had the number tattooed on his face and put on his car, of course, this shooting was on 4/7, 'Guns' equals 47, 'Firearm' equals 47, 'Firearm' also equals 211, 'Firearm Control' equals 211, 'Control of Weapons' equals 211, and 211 is the 47th prime. Think about all the 47 connections with freemasonry and 'Government', 'Authority', 'Policemen', 'Policeman', and 'Cop' all equal 47 (most cops are masons and they help set up these false flag operations).

This shooting happened on 7/4, which is 'Independence Day', a phrase equating to 74, 'Fraternal Order' equals 74, 'Weapon' equals 74, 'The Second Amendment' equals 74, and 'Killing' equals 74. The irony is that this shooting was set up to promote more gun control, yet it was on the day we celebrate our freedom, and 'Free' equals 74.

He drove 139 miles from the shooting site to Wisconsin, where he was allegedly thinking about doing another shooting, 'Gun Control' equals 139, and 'Freemasonry' equals 139.

This shooting came 147-days before the mayor of Highland Park's birthday, 'Fourth of July' equals 147, 'Conspiracy' equals 147, 'Freemason' equals 147, and 'Police' equals 147 in Jewish gematria. Also, as the 'Highland Park Police Department' was involved, this phrase equals 147 as well.

Superbowl 56, 2022 National Championship, 2021 World Series, and The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Bulldogs won the 2022 national championship 177-days before the Guidestones got bombed, 'New World Order' equals 177, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 177, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 177. Also, the Guidestones opened 177-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday.

In the 2021 season, the Atlanta Braves won the world series, this was during their 56th season in Atlanta, the Guidestones were destroyed a span of 263-days after their coach's birthday, 'The Atlanta Braves' equals 263, 'Atlanta' equals 263 in Jewish gematria, 263 is the 56th prime, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56. In addition, Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia was elected a span of 5-weeks and 6-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday. Now, think about Superbowl 56, how the quarterback of the winning team played at Georgia in college.

Having said this, 'L.A. Rams' equals 222 in Jewish gematria, the bombing occurred a span of 2-months and 22-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, 'Skull Bones' equals 2022 in the squares cipher, and the bombing, Georgia's championship win, and SuperBowl 56 all happened in 2022.

The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed exactly 44 months into Brian Kemp's service, 'Brian' equals 44, 'Brian Kemp' equals 44, 'Cancer' equals 44 (Guidestones destroyed in the time of 'Cancer'), 'Georgia' equals 44, 'L.A. Rams' equals 44, and 'Antichrist' equals 440. Furthermore, Matthew Stafford (quarterback for the rams) used to play for 'Detriot', which is a word equating to 44. For more on the Guidestones, they were 19-feet and 3-inches tall, like 193, which is the 44th prime, and the alarming text on the Guidestones is about maintaining the population at '500 Million', a phrase that equals 44.

You could also say the Guidestones were destroyed 191 weeks into Kemp's service, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 191, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

The Superbowl was played a span of 144-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria, and 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144.

The Bulldogs won the national championship 69-days after the Braves won the world series, 'Atlanta' equals 69, 'World Series' equals 69, 'Saturn' equals 69, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 69, 'New World Order' equals 69, 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 69, the Guidestones were destroyed in the time of cancer and its glyph looks like the number 69. Furthermore, this is the zodiac that's 'Ruled by the Moon', a phrase equating to 69 as well.

The Braves won the world series on the birthday of Brian Kemp, which was a span of 247-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, 'Book of Revelation' equals 247, and 'Atlanta, Georgia' equals 247.

Bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, R.C. Christian was Herbert Kersten? The Bush Family, the "Skull and Bones" video game, and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

The Georgia Guidestones were off of Highway 77, which is 'Guidestone Road', a phrase equating to 77, G.G. (for "Georgia Guidestones") translates to 77, 'State of Georgia' equals 77, 'Book of Revelation' equals 77, 'United States' equals 77, in Jewish gematria, 'Apocalyptic' equals 707, there is a video game called "Skull and Bones" that is having its gameplay revealed on 7/7, and 'Secret Society' equals 77. Also, Jimmy Carter became president in 1977, and you'll see why this fits later.

A couple news posts made sure the emphasize/describe the Guidestones as 'Satanic', a word equating to 67, 'State of Georgia' equals 67, this event happened a span of 67-days after the Illuminati's birthday, which is also 67-days after the Church of Satan's birthday, the Guidestones last birthday was on a date with numerology of 67, and the date this happened can be written 6/7. The Illuminati was for 'The Age of Reason', a phrase equating to 67, which is precisely what R.C. Christian (who I'll talk more about later) intended the Guidestones to symbolize. In addition, you'll see throughout this decode how the Guidestones are synced up with 'The Bush Family', which is a phrase equating to 67.

Their last birthday was on a date with 47 numerology, and 'Beast', 'Saturnian Beast', 'Time', 'Judge', and 'Christian' all equal 47. Also, the Guidestones opened a span of 47-days before R.C. Christian's birthday and the anniversary of a song named "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" was a span of 47-days before Charlie Daniel's death date (singer of this song), which would later be the date the Guidestones were destroyed. In addition, the Guidestones were destroyed 47-days after the day in history that Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was shot by a cannonball, all too fitting as this connects to a bombing.

The Guidestones were destroyed 106-days after its birthday, 'Destroy' equals 106, 'Destruct' equals 106, along with 'Contrive', 'Staged' and 'Prophecy' (as a lot of "prophecy" is scripted by man). The man who wanted the Guidestones built is named 'Robert C. Christian', whose name equals 106 and he wanted them built to represent the 'Age of Reason', a phrase equating to 106. Furthermore, some say R.C. Christian was a member of the Rosicrucians, as C.R. likely stood for Christian 'Rosenkreuz', the founder of 'The Rosicrucian Order' who lived for 106 years, 'The Rosicrucian Order' equals 106, and in Jewish gematria, 'Rosenkreuz' equals 1060.

This took place on George Bush's birthday, which was a span of 107-days after the Guidestone's birthday, 'The Georgia Guidestones' equals 107, and 'George Bush' equals 107.

George W. Bush turned 76 on 7/6/2022, he is in 'Skull and Bones', which equals 76, 'The Skull and Crossbones' equals 76, this was a bombing, 'Bomb' equals 76, 'Destroy Monument' equals 76, and 'The Mark' equals 76 (as in the mark of the beast). Of course, the U.S. and Illuminati were both established in 1776, and some say 'Skull and Bones' is a branch of the Illuminati. Charlie Daniels wrote "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", he died on 7/6 in 2020, and his birthday was 7-months and 6-days after the Guidestones were opened. A guy named 'R.C. Christian' was the one that wanted the Guidestones built, his name equals 76, the Guidestones are in an area with the area code of 706, and 'The Commandments' equals 76. According to the documentary I have linked at the end of this post, R.C. Christian was really 'Herbert' Kersten, whose first name equals 76. Furthermore, this bombing came 7-months and 6-days after the death anniversary of George H.W. Bush (skull and bones member and father of George W. Bush) and it came a span of 7-months and 6-days before the birthday of Jeb Bush (which is also the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state), and he is also part of the bush family. Jimmy Carter or 'James Carter' was the president when the Georgia Guidestones opened, 'President Carter' equals 76, he was the 76th governor of Georgia before he was elected president in 1976 (he was born in Georgia and currently lives there), and he and his wife just celebrated their 76th wedding anniversary (they got married the day after George W. Bush was born) and 'James Carter' equals 76. On top of all that, Prescott Bush was George H.W. Bush's father and grandfather of George W. Bush, whose birthday, if he was still alive, would've been a span of 7-weeks and 6-days after the opening of the Guidestones. Think about the depopulation agenda and the CDC, which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and they just had their 76th birthday, only five days before the Guidestones were destroyed. Skull and Bones was founded after a dispute within Yale's debating societies, one of which was the 'Calliopean Society', a phrase that equates to 76, connecting to the 76-year callippic cycles of the moon (named after the astronomer Callippus), and 'Astronomical' equals 76.

They were destroyed on a date with 19 numerology, 'Georgia' and 'Bombing' are a match in three out of four of the base ciphers, 'Chaos' equals 19, and the monument was 19 feet tall.

This bombing came 37 weeks before what would've been the Guidestone's birthday, in the time of 'Cancer', and 'Georgia', 'Cancer', and 'Bombing' all equal 37.

This happened on a date with 35 numerology, 'Bombing', 'Holy See', 'Catholic', 'Jesuitism', 'Baphomet', and 'Satan' all equal 35. This also happened on a date with 55 numerology and 'Satan' also equals 55 (think about "The Devil Went Down to Georgia").

This happened a span of 136-days before the founder of the Illuminati's birthday, 'The Beast' equals 136, and 'Baphomet' equals 136.

This came a span of 2-months and 22-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, 'Hell' equals 222 in English Sumerian, 'Skull Bones' equals 2022 in the squares cipher, and this happened in 2022. In addition, this happened in the time of cancer and the last rule on the Guidestones says "Be not a cancer on the earth", 'Cancer Zodiac' equals 222, and in the K.J.V. of the bible, Genesis 1:1 (the first line of the scripture) states 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth', which equals 222. Furthermore, Ignatius of Loyola was the first 'Superior General' of the Jesuits, that phrase equals 222, the year in tribute to him is the Ignatian year which started 22-weeks and 2-days before his birthday (this will make more sense later), and the bombing happened 22-weeks and 2-days into the year of the tiger.

This monument has been called 'America's Stonehenge', a phrase equating to 181, 'Guidestone Bombing' equals 181, this happened on 'July the Sixth', a phrase equating to 181, 'Apocalypse of John' (what the book of revelation is also called) equals 181, and 181 is the 42nd prime. The Guidestones were a megalith structure, 'Megalith' equals 42, 'Explosion' equals 42, George W. Bush was the 42nd person to be president, this monument was destroyed 42 years after it was opened, 'New World' equals 42 (as we are in the time of revelation, which is not the end, but a new beginning), there are 42 generations of Jesus, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible. On top of that, 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturn' (a.k.a. Satan or The Beast), 'Saturnia Beast', 'Skulls and Bones', 'Jesuit', and 'Freemason' all equal 42, the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year, and Skull and Bones has been called 'Chapter 322', which is a phrase equating to 42. Recall how the CDC fits into all this, whose birthday was 'Five' days before the Guidestones were bombed, and 'Five' equals 42 (by the way, recall the 76's from earlier, and note that 7X6=42).

The monument opened in 1980, 'The United Nations' equals 198 (they translated the languages on it), 'Beast' equals 198 in Jewish gematria, and 'The Illuminati' equals 198.

The monument was bombed 226 weeks after it opened, 'Beast of Bible' equals 226, and Skull and Bones is also called 'Order 322' a phrase equating to 226 in Jewish gematria. In addition, another bombing that connects to the number 226 is the 1993 bombing of the world trade center, which was on 2/26.

The founder of the Jesuits birthday is a span of 3-months and 18-days after the bombing of the Guidestones and 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 318.

The date the Guidestones opened can be written 22/3, 'Skull and Crossbones' equals 223, 'Bavarian Order' equals 223 (as skull and bones is a part of the Bavarian Illuminati), 'Masonic' equals 223 in Jewish gematria, and R.C. Christian was for 'Population Control', a phrase equating to 223. In addition, some say R.C. Christian was a member of the Rosicrucians, 'The Rosicrucians' equals 223, and 'The Rosicrucian Order' equals 223. Also, the Guidestones were demolished 223-days after the birthday of Jenna Bush, who is the daughter of George W. Bush and 'Good Book' (what the bible is also called) equals 223. One of the most popular lines in the bible is 'Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast', which equals 223, the bible also talks about how 'The Synagogue of Satan' (the false Jews) will rule in the end times, and that phrase equals 223.

The Guidestones opened on 3/22, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 322, Skull and Bones is also called "Order 322", and the founder of the Illuminati (who was a Jesuit) died on the 322nd day of the year. George H.W. Bush died 3-months and 22-days before the birthday of the Guidestones, the full name of Guidestone Road is 'Guidestone Road Northwest', which equals 322, and the Georgia colony was also called 'The Province of Georgia', a phrase that equals 322 as well. The news of an assassination plot on George W. Bush broke 322-days after his birthday. Recall how I was talking about Jimmy Carter, as he became president 3-years, 2-months, and 2-days before the Guidestones opened. It's Genesis 3:22 that talks about 'Knowing Good and Evil'.

It says that this is what makes man be like God and 'Knowing Good and Evil' equals 201. This bombing happened 201-days after the pope's birthday (which is on saturnalia), 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturnia Beast', 'The Revelation Beast', 'The Antichrist Beast', 'The Holy Bible', 'The Book of God', 'The Jesuit Order', 'Ignatius of Loyola', 'Order of Illuminati', 'Skull Crossbones', and 'The Skull n' Bones' all equal 201. Also, the Guidestones opened a span of 201-days before the death anniversary of Prescott Bush and their last birthday came 201 months after R.C. Christian died (who was really Dr. Herbert Kersten, for more info, watch this: GEORGIA GUIDESTONES IDENTITY OF RC CHRISTIAN REVEALED (Dr. Herbert Kersten of Fort Dodge, Iowa) - YouTube).

The bombing happened on the 187th day of the year, 187 weeks after George H.W. Bush's death, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, Skull and Bones is also called 'Brotherhood of Death', a phrase equating to 187, and 'Bones' equals 187 in Jewish gematria.

Isaac Kappy was Controlled-Opposition, "Hearts of Desire" movie, and Epstein

Isaac Kappy, known by many for exposing Hollywood pedophiles, actually played a pedophile in the movie "Hearts of Desire", a title equating to 226, like 'Groomed' and 'Pedophilia' do, but in Jewish gematria, and he died 2-months and 26-days after his birthday.

He advocated 'Q'anon' and Donald Trump (both of which are controlled-opposition) 'Q'anon' equals 201 in Jewish gematria, Trump's birthday leaves a span of 201-days left in the year. The anniversary of this movie's release was a span of 201-days after Isaac died, 'The Pedophile' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201 (Isaac said the Illuminati tried to recruit him), 'Jesuit Assassins' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious pedophile (whose probably still alive), has a birthday on written 20/1, 'The Island of Epstein' equals 201, Ghislaine Maxwell, his accomplice, was found guilty for sex trafficking on 12/29, and 1229 the 201st prime number. Furthermore, it's a little suspicious that both 'Isaac' and 'Isaac Kappy' equate to 102, the reflection of the 201, 'Art of War' equals 102 (a book of military strategies that resembles the Jesuit's strategies, which was translated by a Jesuit), so think about how this fits into Isaac being controlled-opposition.

This movie came out 153-days before the Church of Satan's birthday (which is a Jesuit/Illuminati-controlled organization, the Church of Satan was founded just a day before the Illuminati was), 'Jesuit Order' equals 153, and 'Pedophile' equals 153. One of the people Isaac said was a pedophile was Tom Hanks, whose full name is 'Thomas Jeffrey Hanks', which equals 1530 in Jewish gematria (the name "Jeffrey" seems to be a theme among alleged pedophiles, "Thomas Jeffrey Hanks", "Jeffery Epstein", and "Jeffrey Dahmer").

Having said this, 'Jeffrey' equals 1102 and 'Perverts' equals 1120, both in Jewish gematria, this number is like 112, 'Groomed' and 'Pink Floyd' equal 112. This is significant because at the beginning of "Hearts of Desire" a poster of a 'Pink Floyd' album is shown, and Roy Harper, who sang with 'Pink Floyd', was an alleged pedophile.

The media emphasized that Isaac "forced himself off" a bridge onto Route-66, 'Forced Himself' equals 66, 123, and 228, like 'Route-Sixty-Six' does in the base ciphers, 'Kappy' equals 66, and 'Number of the Beast' equals 66.

There was a tweet from Tom Hanks that many say was an obvious threat aimed at Isaac Kappy, which was posted on 4/4, and 'Kill' and 'Execution' both equal 44.
This tweet came a span of 47-days after Isaac Kappy's b-day, on a date with numerology of 47, 'Murdered' equals 47, 'Beast' equals 47, 'Time' equals 47, Tom Hanks always puts 'Hanx' at the end of his tweets, which is a word equating to 47, and of course, they said Isaac Kappy committed 'Suicide', a word equating to 47 as well.

In addition, 'Route-Sixty-Six' equals 1733 in Jewish gematria, 1733 is the 270th prime number, and 'Child Pedophilia' equals 270 in Jewish gematria, and the Jesuit Order was founded on the 270th day of the year.

Isaac Kappy was born on the 48th day of the year, 'The Pedophile', 'Hollywood', 'MK Ultra' (some say he was under 'MK Ultra' and you may recall Roseanne Barr saying "MK Ultra Mind Control Rules in Hollywood") and 'Illuminati' all equal 48.

He was born a span of 74-days before the Illuminati's birthday and 'Illuminatus' (what a member of the Illuminati is called, as it's singular for Illuminati) equals 74.

He died a span of 86-days after his birthday, so he was literally "86'd", which means to get rid of, and 'Blood Sacrifice' and 'Human Sacrifice' both equal 86. Also, as he connects to the 'Jesuits', who have been notorius 'Killers' throughout history, note that both 'Jesuits' and 'Killers' equal 86 as well.

Someone that knew Isaac Kappy had some profound words to say on her blog, which back up the general point I'm trying to make about him: Fiona Barnett’s Eulogy to Isaac Kappy | Thought Crime Radio

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