Death of Frank Church (Politician and U.S. Intelligence Investigator), George Orwell, "1984", and The Guidestones

Frank Church died on 4/7, the Club of Rome's birthday, which consists of politicians like Church, and 'Club of Rome', 'Republican', 'Democrat' (which Church was), 'Government', and 'Authority' all equal 47. Also, Church was an Idaho senator, and 'Idaho Senate' equals 47. Furthermore, he graduated from 'Stanford' in 1947, 'Stanford' equals 47, and in 1976 he announced he was running for 'President' 4-months and 7-days before his birthday, and 'President' equals 47. The CIA was established in 1947 (he was heavily involved in a big investigation of U.S. Intelligence agencies), Frank died on the Club of Rome's 16th birthday, and 'Sixteenth' equals 47. Furthermore, the NSA was created 47-days after the CIA's birthday and 'NSA' equals 47 (which is an agency like the CIA). Frank Church died exactly 211 weeks after the Guidestones were opened, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, 211 is the 47th prime number, and recall the other 47s with masonry. The Club of Rome is for depopulation, think about the first rule on the Guidestones, and 'Depopulate' equals 47. Could this ritual be more of a mockery? As Frank CHURCH is connected to 211, along with its prime number, 47, and 'Vatican' equals 47, which became a city-state on 2/11.

As Church died on the Club of Rome's birthday, note that this club was founded in 1968, 'Catholicism' equals 68, and "1984" (which we'll be talking about throughout this decode) was published on 6/8, 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. "1984" describes a surveillance state, think about the 'CIA', an acronym equating to 68, and 'Spies' equals 68.

The CIA's birthday is 201-days before the Club of Rome's birthday, connecting to 'Order of Illuminati', 'The Freemasonic Order', and 'The Jesuit Order'. One source states that on 1/27/1975 the senate voted to form the U.S. Senate select committee to study governmental operations, which would later be called the Church Committee, named after its chairman, Frank Church. This is significant because this date was a span of 201-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. Also, 'George Orwell' equals 1229, just as 'Winston' does, which is the name of the main character in "1984", and 1229 is the 201st prime number.

In addition, this date is written like 127, which connects to 'Bavarian Illuminati', 'Big Brother is Watching You' (a repeated statement in "1984", which we'll talk more about), 'Ministry' (a department in "1984" is referred to as a 'Ministry'), and 'Religion', this must be a coincidence since this connects to someone named Frank CHURCH.

This date was 186-days after Church's birthday, 'Frank Church' equals 186, 'Nineteen-Eighty Four' equals 1109, which is the 186th prime, and Church's death date, or in other words, the Club of Rome's birthday was 186 days before the release of the movie "1984" in the U.K.

The same date that we've been talking about was also a span of 187-days after Church's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, the Guidestones destroyed on the 187th day of the year, and Church's death date, or in other words, the Club of Rome's birthday was a span of 187 days before the release of the movie "1984" in the U.K.

Furthermore, this date was 216-days after George Orwell's birthday, in Jewish gematria, 'Big Brother Is Watching You' equals 2160, 216 is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Frank Church' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria. Think about the Illuminati that was created on 'May First', which is a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian.

Church died 78-days before modern freemasonry's birthday and the anniversary of the publication of the book "1984" was 78-days after the Guidestones opened, connecting to 'Scottish Rite', 'Jesuit', and 'Order Out of Chaos' (the motto of the Jesuits and Masons). In addition, George Orwell was in the 'Fabian Society', a phrase equating to 78, and its birthday was 78-days before the Guidestones were opened.

The Guidestones were destroyed 182-days before the Fabian Society's birthday and 'George Orwell' equals 182. You could also say the Guidestones were destroyed 183-days after the Fabian Society's birthday and 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 183.

Of course, the Guidestones were destroyed in 2022, "1984" was published a span of 22-weeks and 2-days after the Fabian Society's birthday, 'Fabian Society' equals 222, and 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222 (for more connections between the Guidestones and 222, click: Exposing the Gematrix: Bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, R.C. Christian was Herbert Kersten? The Bush Family, the "Skull and Bones" video game, and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter (

Frank Church died 257-days after his birthday, which was on a date that could be written 25/7, and 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 257.

You could also say he died a span of 258-days after his birthday, connecting to 'Order of Illuminati', 'Number of the Beast', 'Beast Sacrifice', and 'Sacrifice to Saturn', all in the same cipher.

His last name was Church, like 'The Catholic Church', which is a phrase equating to 84, like 'The Jesuit Order' does, along with 'Jesuit' alone, and he died in 1984, the title of Orwell's famous book, which was Jesuit-controlled all the way, and 'United States of America' equals 84. Also, George Orwell belonged to the Fabian Society, which was established in 1884.

George Orwell died a span of 266-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Nineteen-Eighty Four' equals 266, another phrase repeated in "1984" is 'Down With Big Brother', which equals 266, the Jesuit motto 'Iseus Hominum Salvator' equals 266, and the first Jesuit pope is the 266th pope.

The Guidestones were the monument of the new world order, which were destroyed 166-days after George Orwell's death date, his real name was 'Eric Blair', a name equating to 166, 'Big Brother' equals 166, and 'Secret Society' equals 166.

In leap years, Orwell's birthday was on the 177th day of the year, a concept in "1984" is 'Thoughtcrime', a word equating to 177, along with 'New World Order', 'The Jesuit Order', 'The Mark of the Beast', and 'Propaganda' (which is constantly being force-fed to the people in "1984"). Remember, the Guidestones were opened 177-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday and "1984" begins on 4/4/1984, which is a span of 177-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday. To go back to Frank Church, he dropped out of the presidential election in favor of Jimmy Carter, who did win it, as he was the president when the Guidestones opened, and Frank Church died 177-days before his birthday.

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