Bombing of the Georgia Guidestones, R.C. Christian was Herbert Kersten? The Bush Family, the "Skull and Bones" video game, and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

The Georgia Guidestones were off of Highway 77, which is 'Guidestone Road', a phrase equating to 77, G.G. (for "Georgia Guidestones") translates to 77, 'State of Georgia' equals 77, 'Book of Revelation' equals 77, 'United States' equals 77, in Jewish gematria, 'Apocalyptic' equals 707, there is a video game called "Skull and Bones" that is having its gameplay revealed on 7/7, and 'Secret Society' equals 77. Also, Jimmy Carter became president in 1977, and you'll see why this fits later.

A couple news posts made sure the emphasize/describe the Guidestones as 'Satanic', a word equating to 67, 'State of Georgia' equals 67, this event happened a span of 67-days after the Illuminati's birthday, which is also 67-days after the Church of Satan's birthday, the Guidestones last birthday was on a date with numerology of 67, and the date this happened can be written 6/7. The Illuminati was for 'The Age of Reason', a phrase equating to 67, which is precisely what R.C. Christian (who I'll talk more about later) intended the Guidestones to symbolize. In addition, you'll see throughout this decode how the Guidestones are synced up with 'The Bush Family', which is a phrase equating to 67.

Their last birthday was on a date with 47 numerology, and 'Beast', 'Saturnian Beast', 'Time', 'Judge', and 'Christian' all equal 47. Also, the Guidestones opened a span of 47-days before R.C. Christian's birthday and the anniversary of a song named "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" was a span of 47-days before Charlie Daniel's death date (singer of this song), which would later be the date the Guidestones were destroyed. In addition, the Guidestones were destroyed 47-days after the day in history that Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was shot by a cannonball, all too fitting as this connects to a bombing.

The Guidestones were destroyed 106-days after its birthday, 'Destroy' equals 106, 'Destruct' equals 106, along with 'Contrive', 'Staged' and 'Prophecy' (as a lot of "prophecy" is scripted by man). The man who wanted the Guidestones built is named 'Robert C. Christian', whose name equals 106 and he wanted them built to represent the 'Age of Reason', a phrase equating to 106. Furthermore, some say R.C. Christian was a member of the Rosicrucians, as C.R. likely stood for Christian 'Rosenkreuz', the founder of 'The Rosicrucian Order' who lived for 106 years, 'The Rosicrucian Order' equals 106, and in Jewish gematria, 'Rosenkreuz' equals 1060.

This took place on George Bush's birthday, which was a span of 107-days after the Guidestone's birthday, 'The Georgia Guidestones' equals 107, and 'George Bush' equals 107.

George W. Bush turned 76 on 7/6/2022, he is in 'Skull and Bones', which equals 76, 'The Skull and Crossbones' equals 76, this was a bombing, 'Bomb' equals 76, 'Destroy Monument' equals 76, and 'The Mark' equals 76 (as in the mark of the beast). Of course, the U.S. and Illuminati were both established in 1776, and some say 'Skull and Bones' is a branch of the Illuminati. Charlie Daniels wrote "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", he died on 7/6 in 2020, and his birthday was 7-months and 6-days after the Guidestones were opened. A guy named 'R.C. Christian' was the one that wanted the Guidestones built, his name equals 76, the Guidestones are in an area with the area code of 706, and 'The Commandments' equals 76. According to the documentary I have linked at the end of this post, R.C. Christian was really 'Herbert' Kersten, whose first name equals 76. Furthermore, this bombing came 7-months and 6-days after the death anniversary of George H.W. Bush (skull and bones member and father of George W. Bush) and it came a span of 7-months and 6-days before the birthday of Jeb Bush (which is also the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state), and he is also part of the bush family. Jimmy Carter or 'James Carter' was the president when the Georgia Guidestones opened, 'President Carter' equals 76, he was the 76th governor of Georgia before he was elected president in 1976 (he was born in Georgia and currently lives there), and he and his wife just celebrated their 76th wedding anniversary (they got married the day after George W. Bush was born) and 'James Carter' equals 76. On top of all that, Prescott Bush was George H.W. Bush's father and grandfather of George W. Bush, whose birthday, if he was still alive, would've been a span of 7-weeks and 6-days after the opening of the Guidestones. Think about the depopulation agenda and the CDC, which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and they just had their 76th birthday, only five days before the Guidestones were destroyed. Skull and Bones was founded after a dispute within Yale's debating societies, one of which was the 'Calliopean Society', a phrase that equates to 76, connecting to the 76-year callippic cycles of the moon (named after the astronomer Callippus), and 'Astronomical' equals 76.

They were destroyed on a date with 19 numerology, 'Georgia' and 'Bombing' are a match in three out of four of the base ciphers, 'Chaos' equals 19, and the monument was 19 feet tall.

This bombing came 37 weeks before what would've been the Guidestone's birthday, in the time of 'Cancer', and 'Georgia', 'Cancer', and 'Bombing' all equal 37.

This happened on a date with 35 numerology, 'Bombing', 'Holy See', 'Catholic', 'Jesuitism', 'Baphomet', and 'Satan' all equal 35. This also happened on a date with 55 numerology and 'Satan' also equals 55 (think about "The Devil Went Down to Georgia").

This happened a span of 136-days before the founder of the Illuminati's birthday, 'The Beast' equals 136, and 'Baphomet' equals 136.

This came a span of 2-months and 22-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, 'Hell' equals 222 in English Sumerian, 'Skull Bones' equals 2022 in the squares cipher, and this happened in 2022. In addition, this happened in the time of cancer and the last rule on the Guidestones says "Be not a cancer on the earth", 'Cancer Zodiac' equals 222, and in the K.J.V. of the bible, Genesis 1:1 (the first line of the scripture) states 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth', which equals 222. Furthermore, Ignatius of Loyola was the first 'Superior General' of the Jesuits, that phrase equals 222, the year in tribute to him is the Ignatian year which started 22-weeks and 2-days before his birthday (this will make more sense later), and the bombing happened 22-weeks and 2-days into the year of the tiger.

This monument has been called 'America's Stonehenge', a phrase equating to 181, 'Guidestone Bombing' equals 181, this happened on 'July the Sixth', a phrase equating to 181, 'Apocalypse of John' (what the book of revelation is also called) equals 181, and 181 is the 42nd prime. The Guidestones were a megalith structure, 'Megalith' equals 42, 'Explosion' equals 42, George W. Bush was the 42nd person to be president, this monument was destroyed 42 years after it was opened, 'New World' equals 42 (as we are in the time of revelation, which is not the end, but a new beginning), there are 42 generations of Jesus, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible. On top of that, 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturn' (a.k.a. Satan or The Beast), 'Saturnia Beast', 'Skulls and Bones', 'Jesuit', and 'Freemason' all equal 42, the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year, and Skull and Bones has been called 'Chapter 322', which is a phrase equating to 42. Recall how the CDC fits into all this, whose birthday was 'Five' days before the Guidestones were bombed, and 'Five' equals 42 (by the way, recall the 76's from earlier, and note that 7X6=42).

The monument opened in 1980, 'The United Nations' equals 198 (they translated the languages on it), 'Beast' equals 198 in Jewish gematria, and 'The Illuminati' equals 198.

The monument was bombed 226 weeks after it opened, 'Beast of Bible' equals 226, and Skull and Bones is also called 'Order 322' a phrase equating to 226 in Jewish gematria. In addition, another bombing that connects to the number 226 is the 1993 bombing of the world trade center, which was on 2/26.

The founder of the Jesuits birthday is a span of 3-months and 18-days after the bombing of the Guidestones and 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 318.

The date the Guidestones opened can be written 22/3, 'Skull and Crossbones' equals 223, 'Bavarian Order' equals 223 (as skull and bones is a part of the Bavarian Illuminati), 'Masonic' equals 223 in Jewish gematria, and R.C. Christian was for 'Population Control', a phrase equating to 223. In addition, some say R.C. Christian was a member of the Rosicrucians, 'The Rosicrucians' equals 223, and 'The Rosicrucian Order' equals 223. Also, the Guidestones were demolished 223-days after the birthday of Jenna Bush, who is the daughter of George W. Bush and 'Good Book' (what the bible is also called) equals 223. One of the most popular lines in the bible is 'Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast', which equals 223, the bible also talks about how 'The Synagogue of Satan' (the false Jews) will rule in the end times, and that phrase equals 223.

The Guidestones opened on 3/22, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 322, Skull and Bones is also called "Order 322", and the founder of the Illuminati (who was a Jesuit) died on the 322nd day of the year. George H.W. Bush died 3-months and 22-days before the birthday of the Guidestones, the full name of Guidestone Road is 'Guidestone Road Northwest', which equals 322, and the Georgia colony was also called 'The Province of Georgia', a phrase that equals 322 as well. The news of an assassination plot on George W. Bush broke 322-days after his birthday. Recall how I was talking about Jimmy Carter, as he became president 3-years, 2-months, and 2-days before the Guidestones opened. It's Genesis 3:22 that talks about 'Knowing Good and Evil'.

It says that this is what makes man be like God and 'Knowing Good and Evil' equals 201. This bombing happened 201-days after the pope's birthday (which is on saturnalia), 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturnia Beast', 'The Revelation Beast', 'The Antichrist Beast', 'The Holy Bible', 'The Book of God', 'The Jesuit Order', 'Ignatius of Loyola', 'Order of Illuminati', 'Skull Crossbones', and 'The Skull n' Bones' all equal 201. Also, the Guidestones opened a span of 201-days before the death anniversary of Prescott Bush and their last birthday came 201 months after R.C. Christian died (who was really Dr. Herbert Kersten, for more info, watch this: GEORGIA GUIDESTONES IDENTITY OF RC CHRISTIAN REVEALED (Dr. Herbert Kersten of Fort Dodge, Iowa) - YouTube).

The bombing happened on the 187th day of the year, 187 weeks after George H.W. Bush's death, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, Skull and Bones is also called 'Brotherhood of Death', a phrase equating to 187, and 'Bones' equals 187 in Jewish gematria.

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