Victor M. Ramos an EX-Master Mason exposes Masonry

Click this video to see what I'm talking about: Ex-Master Mason EXPOSES The Freemasons - YouTube

This guy's first name, 'Victor', and last name, 'Ramos', both equal 33, connecting to 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', 'Order', 'Federal', and the 33 degrees in Scottish rite freemasonry. At the end of the video he gives out his email and phone number, his phone number: 330-707-5159, and his email: "".

'Victor M. Ramos' is almost a perfect match with 'Secret Society'. Notice the 77s under and above in his contact info.
'Victor Ramos' is almost a perfect match in the base ciphers with 'Jesuit Order'.

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