Superbowl 56, 2022 National Championship, 2021 World Series, and The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Bulldogs won the 2022 national championship 177-days before the Guidestones got bombed, 'New World Order' equals 177, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 177, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 177. Also, the Guidestones opened 177-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday.

In the 2021 season, the Atlanta Braves won the world series, this was during their 56th season in Atlanta, the Guidestones were destroyed a span of 263-days after their coach's birthday, 'The Atlanta Braves' equals 263, 'Atlanta' equals 263 in Jewish gematria, 263 is the 56th prime, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56. In addition, Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia was elected a span of 5-weeks and 6-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday. Now, think about Superbowl 56, how the quarterback of the winning team played at Georgia in college.

Having said this, 'L.A. Rams' equals 222 in Jewish gematria, the bombing occurred a span of 2-months and 22-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Order Out of Chaos' equals 222, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 222, 'Beast' equals 222 in satanic gematria, 'Skull Bones' equals 2022 in the squares cipher, and the bombing, Georgia's championship win, and SuperBowl 56 all happened in 2022.

The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed exactly 44 months into Brian Kemp's service, 'Brian' equals 44, 'Brian Kemp' equals 44, 'Cancer' equals 44 (Guidestones destroyed in the time of 'Cancer'), 'Georgia' equals 44, 'L.A. Rams' equals 44, and 'Antichrist' equals 440. Furthermore, Matthew Stafford (quarterback for the rams) used to play for 'Detriot', which is a word equating to 44. For more on the Guidestones, they were 19-feet and 3-inches tall, like 193, which is the 44th prime, and the alarming text on the Guidestones is about maintaining the population at '500 Million', a phrase that equals 44.

You could also say the Guidestones were destroyed 191 weeks into Kemp's service, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 191, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

The Superbowl was played a span of 144-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria, and 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144.

The Bulldogs won the national championship 69-days after the Braves won the world series, 'Atlanta' equals 69, 'World Series' equals 69, 'Saturn' equals 69, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 69, 'New World Order' equals 69, 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 69, the Guidestones were destroyed in the time of cancer and its glyph looks like the number 69. Furthermore, this is the zodiac that's 'Ruled by the Moon', a phrase equating to 69 as well.

The Braves won the world series on the birthday of Brian Kemp, which was a span of 247-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, 'Book of Revelation' equals 247, and 'Atlanta, Georgia' equals 247.

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