The Master Numbers connected to notorious false flags in History, Astrology, Hermeticism, and Semen Retention

The master numbers are 11, 22, and 33, and 11 is added to get the next master numbers after 11.

The JFK Assassination was on the 22nd day of the 11th month, or on 11/22, in English Sumerian gematria, 'JFK Assassination' equals 1122, and 11+22=33. The Georgia Guidestones opened on the 22nd of March. Coronavirus became a pandemic on the 11th of March, 'Beast' equals 11, nine eleven was on the 11th day of September, which Coptic Christians regard as the real birthday of Christ, 'Jesus' equals 11, and the twin towers stood like a big 11.

Speaking of Jesus, he died at age 33, which is the master teacher number, 'Alphas' equals 33, 'Teacher' equals 33, 'God's Son' equals 33, and 'Son' equals 33 (like "Sun", if you know you know). There are 33 vertebrae of the spine, and by retaining sperm (for males at least), you work it up the spine, which can nourish the brain, lead to being more enlightened, and being closer to self-mastery, and 'The Self', 'Enlight', 'Sex', 'Male Semen', 'Seed', 'Celibacy', and 'Manifest' all equal 33. If I'm not mistaken, this is the real reason why the masons wear an apron around their waist, to symbolize that they are celibate or at least that they're supposed to be. Of course, Scottish rite 'Masonry' has 33 degrees, 'Masonry' equals 33, the masonic compass and square add up to 137 degrees, and 137 is the 33rd prime. The two highest chakras of the seven chakra system connect to 33, the 'Pineal' gland, a word equating to 33, and the crown, 'Corona' is Latin for crown, and it equates to 33 as well. The "Corona" is also the outermost layer of 'The Sun', a phrase equating to 330 in Jewish gematria (think about enlightenment).

Hence the Coronavirus and 'Corona' also equals 66, which is the 11th triangular number, recall, it was declared a pandemic on the 11th of march. The square root of 121 is 11, 'Beast' equals 11, the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. on 1/21, and it was declared a pandemic 121 weeks before the Guidestones were destroyed, connecting to  'Antichrist', 'Satanists', 'Revelation', 'Apocalyptic', 'Mark' in Jewish gematria (as in mark of the beast), 'Coronavirus Outbreak', and 'World Health Organization'.

Remember, the sum of all the master numbers is 66, connecting to 'Number of the Beast', 'Number of a Man', 'Beasts', 'Mankind', 'New Testament', 'Biblical' in Jewish gematria, 'Curse', and 'Corona', as well as revelation being the 66th book of the bible (which is a part of the 'New Testament'). Also, the master teacher number spelled out is 'Thirty-Three', which equates to 66.

Going back to 22, 'Mind', 'Master', 'Guru', 'Lord', and 'Buddha' all equal 22. The Guidestones were destroyed on 7/6, 'Master' equals 76, 'Master Number' equals 76, in Jewish gematria, 'Mastery' equals 706, and 7/6 is the day Rajneesh's ranch held their Master's Day on (look up my decode on Osho, who was born on the 11th of December). This ranch was called 'Rajneeshpuram', a word equating to 76, it was also called a "Utopia", which was the title of a book 'Thomas' More wrote, 'Thomas' equals 76 and 22, and he died on 7/6. Speaking of Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus was named Thomas, a name that is Hebrew for "Twin", this is a reason why some think he was the twin of Jesus, recalling the 'Twin' towers, and 'Twins' equals 22. The twin stars of Gemini are the brightest ones, one of which is called 'Castor', the gematria suggests that Thomas was a personification of 'Castor', as that name equals 76 and 22 just like 'Thomas' does, and 'The Twin Stars' equals 76. Furthermore, JFK was born in the time of 'Gemini', a word Latin for "Twins", which is why it's known as "the twins" zodiac, 'Gemini' equals 33, 'Kennedy' equals 33, and he was shot on a date with 33 numerology in Dealey Plaza by 'Lee Oswald', a name equating to 33. Dealey Plaza was named after a 33rd-degree mason, 'Federal' equals 33, the F.B.I. was founded on a date with 33 numerology, a span of 33-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, 'False Flag' equals 33 (as all the other examples I brought up were), and 'Gemini' is located at the 22° north declination.

Going back to kundalini, it is symbolized by the serpent coiling up the spine, which reminds of the serpent tempting Eve to bite the apple from the tree in the biblical garden, some have interpreted the tree as adam (as many spiritual teachings say a man is like a tree), therefore the fruit would be his penis, meaning they had sex, and then god curses the planet because of their disobedience. Is the lesson of that story to retain your sexual energy to transmute it into something meaningful and focus on self-mastery? I think it would be fair to say yes, as 'Garden' equals 137 in Jewish gematria, 137 is the 33rd prime, so think about a tree being like a man with its sap, which is packed with nutrients and nourishes the tree just as semen is packed with nutrients and nourishes the body, 'The Tree' equals 303, and 'Sapwood' equals 33 (refer to the other 33 connections regarding this topic from earlier). The Buddha gained enlightenment under a bodhi tree (a part of monkhood is to be celibate), Sir Isaac Newton was hit on the head by an apple, and this allegedly triggered an "aha moment", which lead to his creation of the law of gravity, but what they don't tell you in the history books is that Newton was celibate his whole life, hence the reason they told you this all too familiar allegory. Furthermore, Nikola Telsa was also a master of semen retention, 'Tesla' equals 33 (he died in a 33-ritual), he invented the 'Tesla Coil', a phrase also equating to 33, and think about how kundalini is symbolized by snake coiling up the spine. By the way, kundalini means "the coiled one", 'Coiled' also equals 33, and it is feminine or 'Yin' energy and 'Yin' equals 33. Kundalini also means "coiled snake", 'The Coiled Snake' equals 76, along with 'Semen Retention', 'Sexuality of Man', 'Fruit of the Tree', 'The Sexual Fluid', and 'Energy Within'. Also, semen has been called "life force" and 'Life' equals 76 and 22, and with it, the 'Law of Attraction' process is easier, and that phrase equals 76 as well. (NOTE: As one who practices semen retention, I can tell you that everything I've said about it is true, it's not for everybody, but I feel better when I'm practicing it.)

Going back to Tesla, who is known for his 3-6-9 theory, and his famous quote on the subject is 'If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe', which equals 369 in the most pure cipher, 'Hermeticism' equals 369 in Jewish gematria (look up the seven principles of hermeticism and this will make perfect sense), and 'The Apple of Eden' equals 369 in Jewish gematria.

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