Eric Jon Phelps and the documentary exposing the Jesuit Order

The Documentary: History of The Jesuit Order/Society of Jesus (MUST WATCH, LIKE, & SHARE) #catholic #romancatholic - YouTube

In this documentary, a man named 'Eric Jon Phelps' exposes the Jesuits, and his name equals 201 along with 'The Jesuit Order' and 'Order of Illuminati' (founded by a Jesuit). This number is HUGE with the Jesuits, if you don't know, see here: Exposing the Gematrix: The Significance of the number 201 with the Jesuits (

His birthday is 70-days before the anniversary of the 'Vatican' becoming a city-state, 'Vatican' equals 70, and the first Jesuit pope is Pope 'Francis', a name equating to 70, which is a match with 'Vatican' in three of the four base ciphers as well.

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