The Guidestones were destroyed 7-weeks and 4-days after the State of Israel's 74th birthday, 'Muhammad' equals 74, 'Jewish' equals 74, 'Jesus' equals 74, 'Masonic' equals 74, the Guidestones were destroyed 74-days before the CIA's birthday, and the exact date the CIA was established was 9/18/1947, which is a date with numerology of 74. Also, Israel was recognized as a nation 74-days before the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state, the first president of Israel was born in 1874, and 'The Hebrew Bible' equals 74.
The reflection of 74 is 47, 'The Holy Land' equals 47, which was recognized as a nation in 1947, the same year the CIA was created, 'Foundation' equals 47, 'Star of David' equals 47, 'Christian' equals 47, 'Beast' equals 47, and think about all the 47's with masonry. The CIA was established 2-months and 11 days before Israel was recognized as a nation, the Vatican became a city-state on 2/11, and 211 is the 47th prime number.
The Guidestones were destroyed a span of 147-days before the 75th anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, 'The Central Intelligence Agency', 'Conspiracy', and 'The Biblical Israel' all equal 147, and 'Order', 'Order Out of Chaos', 'New World Order', 'Catholic Church', 'Holy State of Israel', and 'Muslim' all equal 75. Also, in Jewish gematria, 'Muslim' equals 379, which is the 75th prime number.
The CIA's birthday comes a span of 42 weeks after the anniversary of Israel being recognized as a nation, the Guidestones last birthday was their 42nd, the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S. on 1/21/2020, a date with 42 numerology, 'The Plagues' equals 42 (think about the bible), the first case of coronavirus arrived in the U.S. 903-days before the Guidestones were destroyed, and 903 is the 42nd triangular number. Furthermore, 'End of Days' equals 42, 'The End Days' equals 42, 'New Testament' equals 42, 'New World' equals 42 (as we are in the time of revelation, which is not the end of the world, but a new beginning), there are 42 generations of Jesus, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months in the bible. On top of all that, 'The Beast Mark', 'Saturn' (a.k.a. Satan or the Beast), 'Saturnia Beast', 'Jesuit', and 'Freemason' all equal 42, and the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year.
Muhammad's historical birthdate was 174-days before Israel was recognized as a nation, 'Number of the Beast' equals 174, 'New World Order' equals 174, and 'Arabs' equals 174 in Jewish gematria.
You could also say his historical birthdate was 191-days after Israel was recognized as a nation, 'The Nation of Israel' equals 191, 'Holy Islamic State' equals 191, 'Beast of the Holy Bible' equals 191, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.
Israel's first president died in 1952, 52-days after the CIA's birthday, 'President' equals 52, 'The Holy Land' equals 52, 'Holy Israel' equals 52, 'Kabbalah' equals 52, 'Tree of Life' equals 52, and 'Foundation' equals 52 (as this connects to the establishment of the nation of Israel). The 'Torah' is the first five books of the Hebrew bible and in Jewish gematria, 'Torah' equals 239, Israel officially became a nation 239-days after the CIA was established, and 239 is the 52nd prime number.
Israel's first president died a span of 187-days before Israel's birthday, he died 1807-days before it was recognized as a nation, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, and the Guidestones were destroyed on the 187th day of the year.
He died at the age of 77, 'Zionist' equals 77 (which he was), recall the Guidestones connection, as Georgia Guidestones can be abbreviated G.G., which translates to 77, the Guidestones were off Highway 77, which is on or around 'Guidestone Road', a phrase equating to 77, 'Book of Revelation' equals 77, and 'United States' equals 77.