Conspiracy Researchers: Texe Marrs and Jim Marrs, Astrology, and The Jesuits

Texe Marrs died 57-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'Rome', 'City of Rome', 'Conspiracy', 'Mars', and 'Texe Marrs'. Mars is the 'Fourth Planet' from the sun, the emphasized equals 57, Mars is the 'Roman War God', a phrase equating to 57, and Ares is the name of the 'Greek War God', a phrase equating to 57 as well. Jim Marrs died in the time of Leo, which is ruled by the sun, and 'The Leo Zodiac', 'Ruled by the Sun', and 'Ruled by Sun' all equal 57. Think about war/mars (which is the planet of action) representing masculinity just as the sun does, as action is a more masculine trait, and the Jesuits are the military order for the catholic church.

Jim Marrs died 5-months and 1-day after the start date of the ancient roman holiday in tribute to 'Mars' and 'Mars', 'Rome', and 'Conspiracy' (think of the Jesuit's covert war strategy) all equal 51. Also, the first month of the ancient roman year was 'Martius', which was named after 'Mars', and 'Martius' equals 510 in Jewish gematria, remember, the Illuminati (a Jesuit creation) was established on 5/1 in 1776 as well.

Texe Marrs died 120 weeks after Jim Marrs did (by the way, despite their matching last names, they're allegedly not related), 'Texe Marrs' equals 120, 'Illuminati' equals 120, both Texe and Jim researched the Illuminati, and throughout history, the Jesuits, who created the Illuminati, have been called 'Assassins', a word equating to 120.

A branch of the Illuminati has been said to be 'Skull and Bones', a phrase equating to 202 and 76, like 'Texe William Marrs' does, and his birthday was a span of 76-days after the Illuminati's birthday, which was established in 1776, the same year the U.S. became "independent"

He died on the day leaving 38-days in the year, 'Planet Mars' equals 38, and 'Jim Marrs' equals 38. Also, Mars was been called the god of 'Death', a word equating to 38, along with 'R.I.P.', 'Killing', and 'Murder', and he died 38 weeks before the Society of Jesus's birthday. Jim Marrs died in Leo which has the element of 'Fire', a word equating to 38, of course, the sun is a ball of fire, and think about war, which the Jesuits are all about, but in a covert way. The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, said "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire" and he was shot by a cannonball in the battle of 'Pamplona', a word equating to 38. Furthermore, the 'Aries' zodiac is ruled by mars and its element is 'Fire' also, 'Aries' equals 38 ("Ares" is the god of war in greek mythology), the last day of Aries is the day Ignatius of Loyola became the general of the Jesuits, he died on a date with 38 numerology, on 7/31, and 7+31=38.

Mars is the 'Roman God of War' (also the god of destruction) a phrase equating to 201, in Jewish gematria, both 'Roman' and 'Mars' equate to 201, 'Roman Mythology' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201. 'Jim Marrs died in the time of Leo, which is ruled by the sun, the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) have a sun for their logo because Jesus is the personification of the sun, and 'The Leo Zodiac' equals 201.

Texe Marrs died a span of 153-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, connecting to 'The Illuminati' and 'Jesuit Order'. Jim Marrs's real first name is "James" and 'James Marrs' equals 153, his book "The Illuminati: The Secret Society that Hijacked the World" released a span of 153-days before the Jesuit superior general's birthday, and as he died in the time of Leo, 'Leo Zodiac' equals 153 as well. Speaking of the superior general, the first superior general of the Jesuits was its founder 'Ignatius of Loyola', whose name equals 1053 in Jewish gematria, he died on the day leaving 153-days in the year, and 'Aries Fire' equals 153. Finally, "Martius" was the first month of the ancient roman year and the general information about it online states that it was possibly the first month of ancient Rome until 153 BC and if you go by the gregorian calendar, Ignatius of Loyola was hit by a cannonball a span of 153 days before Armilustrium, which is an ancient roman festival for mars.

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