The 4th of July Shooter: Robert Crimo (another false flag for more gun control)

He was called 'Bobby', which is a name that matches with 'Chaos' in all the base ciphers.

He was born on the day leaving 102-days in the year, 'Robert E. Crimo III' equals 102, 'Police' equals 102, and 'Art of War' equals 102 (think about how these shootings are engineered to get more gun control).

This 'False Flag' was on a date with 33 numerology, 'Freedom' (this was on the day we celebrate our "freedom"), 'Police', 'False Flag', 'Federal', 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Robert' all equal 33.

This shooting came 78-days after his birthday, 'Jesuit', 'Scottish Rite', 'Robert', and 'Order Out of Chaos' all equal 78.

You could also say this shooting came a span of 79-days after his birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 79, and 'Murder' equals 79.

The shooter was obsessed with the number 47, as he had the number tattooed on his face and put on his car, of course, this shooting was on 4/7, 'Guns' equals 47, 'Firearm' equals 47, 'Firearm' also equals 211, 'Firearm Control' equals 211, 'Control of Weapons' equals 211, and 211 is the 47th prime. Think about all the 47 connections with freemasonry and 'Government', 'Authority', 'Policemen', 'Policeman', and 'Cop' all equal 47 (most cops are masons and they help set up these false flag operations).

This shooting happened on 7/4, which is 'Independence Day', a phrase equating to 74, 'Fraternal Order' equals 74, 'Weapon' equals 74, 'The Second Amendment' equals 74, and 'Killing' equals 74. The irony is that this shooting was set up to promote more gun control, yet it was on the day we celebrate our freedom, and 'Free' equals 74.

He drove 139 miles from the shooting site to Wisconsin, where he was allegedly thinking about doing another shooting, 'Gun Control' equals 139, and 'Freemasonry' equals 139.

This shooting came 147-days before the mayor of Highland Park's birthday, 'Fourth of July' equals 147, 'Conspiracy' equals 147, 'Freemason' equals 147, and 'Police' equals 147 in Jewish gematria. Also, as the 'Highland Park Police Department' was involved, this phrase equals 147 as well.

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