Jay-Z's "The Black Album" and Prince Hall Freemasonry

Prince Hall is black freemasonry, which Jay-Z is a member of (or at least was), Prince Hall was the founder of this society, and according to many sources, Prince Hall died on 12/4, instead of 12/7, and Jay-Z was born on 12/4.

His "The Black Album" came out a span of 47-days after Prince Hall masonry's birthday, 'African' equals 47, modern freemasonry was established on a date with 47 numerology, their compass is set to 47 degrees, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, 211 is the 47th prime number, and the album released on the day leaving 47-days in the year.

Prince Hall died a span of 201-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, connecting to 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Jesuit Order'.

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