Death of EX-CIA Director: William Colby (he obviously didn't accidentally drown)

He died 135-days before the CIA's birthday and 'Central Intelligence Agency' equals 135.

He died a span of 136-days before the CIA's birthday and 'William Colby' equals 136.

In 1996, he died on 5/6, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56 (think about the CIA keeping an eye on people), 'CIA Agents' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and interestingly, the phrase 'C.I.A. Assassination' equals 56. Also, Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati, it was founded 56 years after the Bavarian Illuminati was, the same year the U.S. became "independent", and 'The Order of Skull and Bones' equals 263, which is the 56th prime number.

His body was found on 5/7, 'Colby' equals 57, 'Conspiracy' equals 57, and 'C.I.A. Assassinations' equals 57 (just thought the latter connection was interesting as well).

He died 123-days after his birthday, 'Assassins' equals 123, and 'Conspiracy' also equals 123.

He died on a date with 126 numerology and in Jewish gematria, 'The CIA' equals 126.

He died 33 weeks after the CIA's birthday, 'Federal' equals 33, 'Order' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, and 'CIA Agent' equals 33.

On 4/27/1996, he went missing from his vacation home, this was on the 118th day of the year, connecting to 'Homicide' and 'Death' in Jewish gematria.

This same date was 144-days before the CIA's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, 'The Mark of Time' equals 144, and in Jewish gematria, both 'Time' and 'Killer' equal 144 (ever heard the phrase "Time is a Killer").

This date was a span of 115-days after his birthday, 'Killing' equals 115 in reverse ordinal and in Jewish gematria, and 'Assassin' equals 115.

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