Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, Manly P. Hall, and The U.S. of America

Francis Bacon was born on a date with 99 numerology, he died on the 99th day of the year, he was a driving force behind the colonization and philosophy of America and was heavily involved in Masonry/Rosicrucianism, 'Mason' equals 99 in the reverse Francis Bacon cipher, and 'The United States of America' equals 99. The United States of America was named so on 9/9 in 1776, to replace the name "United Colonies". In addition, there is a society named after him called 'The Francis Bacon Society', a phrase equating to 99, the Illuminati was created 99-days after what would've been his birthday, he was head of the 'Fra Rosi Crosse Society' ("Order of the Rosicrucians"), another phrase equating to 99, and 'Rosicrucianism' equals 99. Bacon wrote "The New Atlantis", a title referring to what's now known as the U.S., which he also called the 'Land of the Rosicrucians', a phrase equating to 99, and 'America' equals 99 in the franc baconis cipher. Before the U.S. became "independent" (which it never really did), the period under British rule was called 'British America', another phrase equating to 99.

Furthermore, 'Francis Bacon Society' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Bacon was a part of 'British Royalty', which is a phrase equating to 201 as well. In addition, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed a span of 201-days before what would've been Bacon's birthday, 'Colonialism' equals 201 in the reverse Francis Bacon cipher, think about it, Bacon was a big force behind the colonization and philosophy of the "new world" and the Guidestones acted as commandments for the new world (order). Manly P. Hall (a highly respected mason) said in his book 'The Secret Destiny of America' that Bacon's society was behind the colonization of America, but we know who is really behind all this, the Jesuits. As this book title equates to 1229 in Jewish gematria, 1229 is the 201st prime number, and Manly P. Hall died 201-days before his birthday.

Furthermore, this book title also equals 144 and 270, 'The United States of America' equals 144, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, the 'Jesuit Order' was established on the 270th day of the year, 'Scottish Rite Masonry' equals 270, and this book released 270-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.

This book released 191-days after Modern Freemasonry's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.

Anyways, Bacon was born 4/9, 'America' equals 49, 'Washington' equals 49, 'York Rite' (a masonic body), and 'Scottish' equals 49, as in 'Scottish' rite masonry, which Bacon helped develop.

The United States of America was named so to replace its former name "United Colonies" 153-days before Bacon's death anniversary, Modern Freemasonry was formed 153-days after what would've been Bacon's birthday (Bacon is a key factor behind Modern Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism), 'The Illuminati' equals 153, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 153.

The U.S. was named so 33 weeks before Bacon's birthday, according to one source, Bacon was the one that developed Scottish rite masonry into 33 degrees, and 'England', 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. Many think Bacon and William Shakespeare were the same person, more on this later, but for now, note that Bacon would've just turned 3-years and 3-months old when Shakespeare was born.

According to many, Bacon was the secret child of Queen Elizabeth I, he was born a span of 229-days before her birthday, 'Francis' equals 229 in Jewish gematria, and 'Sir Francis Bacon' equals 229 in the Francis Bacon cipher. Also, another title of Bacon's was '1st Viscount St. Alban', which equals 229 as well.

As far as William Shakespeare being Francis Bacon, Shakespeare died 119 months or 9-years and 11-months (like 911, the reflection of 119) before the death of 'Francis' Bacon, whose first name equals 119, just like 'Vatican' does, and he was born 1190-days before Shakespeare was baptized, which connects to the fact that Bacon was also known as 'Lord Verulam', a title equating to 1190 in Jewish gematria. Also, the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, and 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911 in Jewish gematria.

Shakespeare allegedly died on his birthday, which was on the 123rd day of the year, 'Conspiracy' equals 123, and 'Mason' equals 123 in the franc baconis cipher.

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