Jay-Z's song "Lucifer" and Jesuit/Illuminati-Controlled Freemasonry

Jay-Z, a freemason, released his song "Lucifer" on the day leaving 47-days in the year, and a short name for Lucifer is 'Lucy', which equals 47. He was also featured on Rick Ross's song, "Free Mason", which was 4:07 long, the masonic compass is set to 47 degrees, and 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, which is the 47th prime.

This song released on Jay-Z's 'The BLACK Album', a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian, connecting to the infamous number of the beast/number of a man and in Jewish gematria, 'Black' equals 36, and 666 is the 36th triangular number.

"Lucifer" came out a span of 144-days after the birthday of modern freemasonry and 'Jesuit Order' equals 144.

Also, "Lucifer" came out 223-days before modern freemasonry's birthday, 'Masonic' equals 223 in Jewish gematria, and as the high-ranking masons are luciferians, 'Order of Lucifer' equals 223.

Jay-Z was 33 when this song released, there are 33 degrees in Scottish rite masonry, 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33, and 'Kayne West' was featured on this song, whose name equals 33.

Think about Jay-Z always doing the pyramid sign, this song came out a span of 198-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Beast' equals 198 in Jewish gematria, and 'The Illuminati' equals 198.

In addition, this song came out 169-days before the Illuminati's birthday, the square root of 169 is 13, this song came out exactly 13 weeks after the Society of Jesus's birthday, and there are 13 Illuminati families (think about the original 13 colonies of the U.S.).

Jay-Z's "Roc-A-Fella Records" was named after the 'Rockefeller' family, Kayne West was under this label when "Lucifer" came out, Kayne West's birthday is a span of 187-days after Jay-Z's birthday, 'Rockefeller' equals 187, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 187.

666 (Part 3): This Saturnian Matrix, The Evil God of this World, The Maitreya, and More

To play into the reincarnation soul trap theory, 'Time Loop' equals 666, 'The Maze' equals 666, 'Imprisons' equals 666, think about how the media distracts us, and 'Medias' equals 666.

Think about LuCIFER (who wanted to bring knowledge according to gnostics, luciferians, masons, etc.), 'Ciphers' equals 666, greek gematria is called 'Isopsephy', which equals 666, 'Holy Lucif' equals 666, and 'Holy Luci' equals 666 ("Lucif" and "Luci" short names for Lucifer that have been used).

Some believe earth is ruled over by advanced otherworldly beings, who reside in the sky, but we can't see them because our "sky" is a hologram, 'Sky Beings' equals 666, and 'Fake Sky' equals 666.

This world is obviously of darkness, 'Darkest' equals 666, 'The Nightmare' equals 666 in the reverse primes cipher, and 'Lucifer Hell' equals 666.

The God of this world is evil, 'Preach' equals 666, 'God's Word' equals 666, 'Spell of God' equals 666 (think about Gospel, like God's Spell), and 'Simulation of God' equals 666. The God of the bible is the REAL 'Counterfeit God', a phrase equating to 216, and for a one-time reminder, 216 is the product of 6X6X6.

The Maitreya is the final buddha that will be the supposed future savior of humanity, the Christ, and many Christians say this will be the false return of christ (and they're right, yet wrong because they think a "true messiah" is coming, the only person that can save you is YOURSELF, everyone is responsible for liberating themselves to further liberate the collective, what a shame the vast majority of people don't know that, but I digress). Having said all this, 'Savior of Humanity' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers, the coming age of the Maitreya is said to be the 'Age of Christ', a phrase equating to 666, 'The Future Final Buddha' equals 999, 'Lord Maitreya Buddha' equals 999, and 999 is the flip of 666.

As we know, Rome runs the show, 'Holy Rome' equals 666, 'U.S. of America' equals 666, and as we are purposefully miseducated, 'Educations' equals 666.

The masons strive to make perfect men and 'Perfection' equals 666, think about how the masons are the builders, who lay the brick for the new world order, and 'Laying Brick' equals 666.

You could say the Jesuits are the 'Saturnian Illuminati', a phrase equating to 999 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Ancient Saturnus', 'Holy Saturnia', and 'Saturnus Beast' do, and 999 is the flip of 666. This is a Saturnian Matrix, as the god of this world is Saturn a.k.a. Satan, Saturn is known in the occult as the Black Sun, and 'Black Sun Matrix' equals 999, again the flip of 666. Furthermore, 'Saturnus Black Sun' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers, and 'The God Saturnia' equals 216.

Think about the soul trap system, 'The Karma Cycle' equals 666 in Jewish gematria, a layer of your spiritual body or your aura is your 'Etheric Body', a phrase equating to 666, and the famous Egyptian book titled the 'Book of the Dead' equals 666.

The "Elites" have been called vampires (for disturbing reasons I don't want to go into), 'Vampire Race' equals 666, 'The Demon Race' equals 666, and 'The Elite Race' equals 666.

Think about the black cube in mecca, 'The Cube of God' equals 666, and it's also called 'The Black Stone', a phrase that equals 216.

An offshoot of the Knights Templar was the 'Cathar Order', which equals 666, like 'Cathar' does, and there was a 'Cathar Crusade', a phrase equating to 666 as well.

A language used by Jewish people is 'Yiddish', which equals 666, 'Rabbis' equals 666, 'Lying Jew' equals 666, and 'The Lies' equals 666.

Think about the 'Rock Star' lifestyle and the dark, even demonic music they are stereotyped with making, and 'Rock Star' equals 666. In addition, celebrities are always doing the 666 'Fingers', which is a word equating to 666, and typically, they do it over their 'Left Eye', because the 'Left Eye' of Horus represented the sun (think about who runs the show, the Jesuits, who have a sun for their logo), and 'Left Eye' equals 666.

The movie "Little Buddha", Kurt Cobain, Osho, Buddhism, and The Maitreya

In a nutshell, the movie "Little Buddha" is about a boy that lives in SEATTLE, who is believed to be the reincarnation of a great buddhist teacher named "Lama Dorje". The boy who played the main character, Jesse (little boy with blonde hair) in this movie was born on the same day that Kurt Cobain would later die on (keep this all in mind throughout this post).

This is all too fitting when you take into account that Kurt Cobain had an imaginary childhood friend named "Boddah", a name he derived from Buddha, as he was allegedly into Buddhist teachings at a young age, on top of his "suicide note" reads "To Boddah", of course, he named his band "Nirvana", which is the ultimate goal of Buddhism, and his body was found on the day that the Buddha was said to have been born on.

This day of Budda's birth is not to be confused with the day buddha died, which is known in Buddhism as the day he was spiritually born, when he went into "parinirvana" or nirvana after death. Having said this, the day Buddha went into parinirvana is known as 'Vesak Day' or 'Buddha Day', and both phrases equal 47. Buddhism is all about balance or as they call it, the 'Middle Path', a phrase equating to 47, like 'Middle' does, this is because the 4 and 7 represent the heart and mind 'Chakras', another word equating to 47. Therefore, if one is in tune with their heart as much as they are with their mind, then they are in perfect balance and can be represented by the number 47. This is why "Little Buddha" came out a span of 4-months and 7-days after Osho's death anniversary, whose birth name, 'Chandra Jain', equals 47, 'Nirvana' equals 47, the original buddha's first name was 'Siddhartha', which equals 47, and it came out 47-days after Kurt's body was found. Also, the main character lives in Seattle, where Kurt died, and Seattle has a north coordinate of 47.60 degrees.

The Maitreya is a concept in Buddhism that's regarded as the fifth and final buddha. Some have said that Osho or Rajneesh was the Maitreya, and 'Buddhism' and 'Rajneesh' are a perfect match in all the base ciphers.

The movie "Little Buddha" came out a span of 201-days before what would've been Osho's birthday if he was alive, the Maitreya is said to be the 'Fifth Messiah', a phrase equating to 201, 'Savior Mankind' equals 201, and another title of the Maitreya is 'Ruler of Humanity', which equals 1229, the 201st prime. The Jesuits are probably behind this, as they were with Kurt's death, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201.

Osho died exactly 220 months before Kurt's body was found, Kurt's birthday is on 2/20, Osho died 2-months and 20-days before Buddha's birthday, and "Little Buddha" came out on the day leaving 220 days in the year. This movie is about tibetan buddhist monks searching for a child who is the rebirth of a great buddhist teacher, 'Lama Dorje', a name equating to 79, the 22nd prime number (recall what I said at the beginning of this post). In addition, "Metteyya" is a form "Maitreya", 'The Metteyya Buddha' equals 1373, just like 'Middle Way' does, 1373 is the 220th prime, 'The Holy Maitreya' equals 220, and 'Eastern Mysticism' equals 220. Furthermore, a key concept in Buddhism is the 'Eightfold Path', a phrase equating to 220, and 'Monks' equals 220 in Jewish gematria. On top of that, Osho was called a 'Master' or 'Guru', both phrases that equate to 22, just as 'Buddha' does, and 22 is a 'Master' number. Also, 'Nirvana' equals 79, the 22nd prime number, and the 22nd letter of the alphabet lies right in the middle of "Nirvana", interesting given the connection to "the middle way".

The Maitreya is 'The Final Buddha', a phrase equating to 408, like the date of Buddha's birth, the date Kurt's body was found, 4/8, and 'Murdered' equals 408. Furthermore, 'Buddhist' and 'Middle Way' both equal 48. The day Buddha died (not spiritually of course, but physically) is also known as 'Buddha Jayanti', a phrase equating to 48. Finally, Kurt's body was found a span of 48 days before "Little Buddha" released.

Death of Layne Staley

Layne Staley was the lead singer for "Alice in Chains", he died 139-days before his birthday, and 'Layne Staley' equals 139. It's said that he died because he overdosed, partially on 'Cocaine', a word equating to 139. Also, he died in 'King County' a location equating to 139 and as this number shows up often in ritualistic murders, fittingly, I found that 'The Murder Code' equals 139.
This number is the 34th prime number, 'Murder' equals 34, and Layne died at age 34.
He died a span of 191-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191.
It's said that Layne weighed 86 pounds when he died, 'Human Sacrifice' equals 86, 'Blood Sacrifice' equals 86, and "86'd" means to get rid of.
He died on the same day and in the same city that Kurt Cobain did, but eight years later.

Total Solar Eclipse of 2024, Saturn, The Black Sun, and The Jesuits

(According to Saturn Reigns Over June's Night Sky: How and When to See It | Space) The sun will be shining on the north face of Saturn's rings from now until 5/6/2025, a date with numerology of 56, and of course, written like 56. This connects to 'Saturnus', 'Saturnus Rings', 'The Hexagram' (which represents Saturn), 'Society of Jesus' (who are Saturn Worshipers), and 'Light'. Now, to bring in the total solar eclipse of 2024, this will take place on a date with 56 numerology as well, and it's approximately 56 weeks and a day before the sunlight stops shining on the north face of Saturn's rings. This connection between the Sun and Saturn is significant because to the ancients, Saturn was the Sun, and this is part of the reason why the Vatican worships Saturn, but mainly because of its dark qualities, as it's known in the occult as the black sun. Having said this, the phrase 'Saturnian Black Sun' also equals 56 and this is why the Vatican became a city-state 56 days after Saturnalia. (NOTE: Before I go any further, I just wanted to say that I don't have the greatest understanding of the black sun-Saturn concept, so I'm just doing my best to point out these connections.)

This date, 5/6/2025, is 144 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'Jesuit Order', 'Saturn Order' (these two phrases are almost a perfect match in the base ciphers), 'Mark of the Beast', 'Time', and 'Light' (the latter two in Jewish gematria).

This date, 5/6/2025, is also on the 126th day of the year and 'Saturnian' equals 126.

What I have presented and will further present shows that we are in a simulation, specifically a Saturnian simulation, and 'The Simulation of Saturn' equals 1229, which is the 201st prime, and the total solar eclipse of 2024 is approximately a span of 12-months and 29-days before the sunlight stops shining on the north face of Saturn's ring. A phrase that I think applies to the Jesuits is 'The Cult of Saturn's Ring', which equals 1229 as well. Recall the sunlight-Saturn connection and 'Sun Shine on Saturn' equals 201, along with 'Planet Saturnus', 'Beast of Saturnus', 'The Lord of Time', 'Saturn Worship', 'Saturnian Order', and 'The Jesuit Order'. To go back and elaborate on 'The Saturnian Sun', a phrase equating to 201, along with 'The Sun of Saturn', anyways, Saturn has been called the black sun, and think about how the sun is going to look during the 2024 eclipse. It's going to look like a black sun or a 'Black Hole Sun', a phrase equating to 201 (hence the famous Soundgarden song).

Furthermore, 'Saturnian Black Sun' equals 200, 'Black Planet' equals 200, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 200, and just as 'Jesuit Order' does, 'Black Sun of Saturnus' equals 1223, which is the 200th prime.

'The Cult of Saturn's Ring' also equals 270 in two of the base ciphers and the Jesuit Order established on the 270th day of the year.

Remember, the total solar eclipse of 2024 will take place approximately 56-weeks and 1-day before sunlight stops shining on the north face of Saturn's rings, and 'Saturnian' equals 561 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Saturno' does (Spanish for Saturn).

"The Lord of the Rings" Movies, Saturn, King Solomon, Freemasonry, and The Jesuits (Part 2)

"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" movie came out 201-days before modern freemasonry's birthday, and "The Two Towers" is a reference to the two pillars of King Solomon's temple, which is big topic in masonry. Solomon's seal is the seal of Saturn, which is represented by the hexagram, 'Hexagram of Solomon' equals 201 (I'll talk more about this later), and 'Pillars of Saturn' equals 201. (Refer back to Part 1 if you have to) Moving on, 'Saturn Worship' equals 201, 'Planet Saturnus' equals 201, 'Saturnian Order' equals 201, 'Beast of Saturnus' equals 201, 'The Lord of Time' equals 201, 'The Freemasoninc Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Having said all this, in the movie, the antagonist is named "Sauron" and another phrase equating to 201 is 'The Eye of Sauron', which can be found on top of a tower (remind you of anything?).

This movie released 5-months and 11-days after the birthday of modern freemasonry, 'Saturn' equals 511 in Jewish gematria and 'The Beast of Time' equals 511 in Jewish gematria.

The director of these movies is 'Peter Jackson', whose name equals 1044 in Jewish gematria, 'Saturn Order' equals 144, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, and 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria. Like I said, "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" is a reference to 'The Pillars of the Temple of Solomon', which is a phrase equating to 144 in two of the base ciphers and 'Twin Pillars' equals 144.

In addition, 'King Solomon's Seal' equals 200, and his seal is a hexagram, which symbolizes Saturn (6-pointed star, 6th planet, etc). To go back to the pillars of the temple of Solomon, they represent duality, as one is white and one is black, 'Black and White Pillars' equals 200, they are also described as bronze pillars, and 'The Bronze Pillars' equals 200. Elijah Wood's birthday is also a span of 200 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 200, and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" came out a span of 200-days after the Pope's birthday. In addition, the writer, director, and producer of these movies was 'Sir Peter Jackson', whose name equals 1223 in Jewish gematria, just like 'Jesuit Order' does, and 1223 is the 200th prime number.

Furthermore, 200 days (think about the 200 fallen angels) translates to 6-months and 16-days, 616 is the real number of the beast, and 'The Masonic Pillars' equals 616 in Jewish gematria. The masons (and other secret societies) believe having knowledge, wisdom, and understanding liberates you and 'Liberty' equals 616 in Jewish gematria (go read my post on the statue of liberty/lucifer).

The phrase 'The Pillars of Solomon's Temple' equals 1089 in Jewish gematria and 1089 has a square root of 33, the pillars of Solomon's temple are masonic symbolism, and 'Masonry' equals 33 (of course, 33 degrees in Scottish rite masonry), along with 'Secrecy'. 'Cronos' is the greek mythology version of Saturn or Saturnus of roman mythology, 'Cronos' (a.k.a. Satan) equals 33, and the Church of Satan (which is a Jesuit-controlled organization) was established exactly 33 weeks before Saturnalia. In 1982, Saturn and three of its moons were seen by a Voyager spacecraft a span of 33 weeks after Saturnalia, 'Saturnian' equals 561 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Saturno' (Spanish for Saturn) does, and 561 is the 33rd triangular number.

'The Two Towers' equals 56, 'The Hexagram' equals 56, 'Saturnus' equals 56, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" released 56 days before Elijah Wood's birthday, who plays the 'Hobbit' and 'Hobbit' equals 56. 

The actor that plays the hobbit in these movies is Elijah Wood, who has a birthday 147 days before modern freemasonry's birthday, and 'Freemason' equals 147.

Henry A. Wallace (Vice-President under F.D.R.), F.D.R., The Great Seal on the Dollar, and The Jesuits

I have just found out that the freemason, Henry Wallace, the vice president under F.D.R., was the one that urged F.D.R. to put the great seal on the back of the dollar. The great seal has the all-seeing eye on it and Henry Wallace died 201 days after the Illuminati's birthday, on the day the founder of the Illuminati died (who was a Jesuit). Of course, 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Jesuit Order' all equal 201.

All these phrases equal 56, 'Henry A. Wallace', 'Great Seal', 'The Pyramid', 'All-Seeing Eye', 'Eye of Horus', and 'Society of Jesus'. In addition, the all-seeing eye was adopted as a symbol on the great seal on 6/20/1782, which was 56-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday (there were 56 signers on the declaration of independence). On top of all that, F.D.R., who was the president when the all-seeing eye was put on the dollar, became initiated into masonry 56-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, and F.D.R. died when Henry Wallace was 56.

Henry W. was the 33rd Vice President of the U.S. and 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. Also, he died 3-months and 3-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, just like Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) did, and F.D.R. became president in 1933.

Henry W. died 147-days after modern freemasonry's birthday and 'Freemason' equals 147.

He was called 'Henry A. Wallace', a name equating to 223, like 'Masonic' does in Jewish gematria.

He died 270-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, the Jesuit Order was established on the 270th day of the year, and we know the Jesuits/Illuminati are 'The Eye on the Pyramid', which is a phrase equating to 270.

The day he died is known as "Occult Day", because it's on the 322nd day of the year, which is a big number in the occult, but this day is a span of 7-weeks and 4-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday. Having said this, 'Masonic', 'Occult', and 'Killing' all equal 74. Also, as he's behind the addition of the great seal on the dollar, the phrase 'The One Dollar Bill' equals 74, and 'One Eye Pyramid' equals 74.

The 'Bullshit' Number, 'Moonlight' Reincarnation Soul Trap Theory, and The Simulation/'Fake Reality'

The 'Bullshit' number is 113, as the word equals 113, along with 'Dishonest', 'Not True', 'Not Factual', 'Not Honest' 'Disinfo', 'Fiction', 'Perjury' and 'Infidelity'. Having said this, 'Dream World' equals 113, 'Fake Reality' equals 113, and the first maze runner movie is 113-minutes long and this movie plays into simulation theory. Furthermore, 'Artificial Intelligence' equals 113, 'A.I. Systems' equals 113, 'Computers' equals 113, and 'Coding' equals 113 in Jewish gematria.

It has been said that there's a firmament over the earth, 'The Firmament of the Earth' equals 113, and 'Imprison' equals 113.

Our bodies are a part of this simulation, therefore, the only way out is to go within, to become close with your soul, so that you can ascend out of this false world, and 'Human Beings' and 'Earthlings' both equal 113. That's why there is a program designed to keep us distracted so that we don't focus on the right things in this life and have to come back again, 'Distracts' equals 113, and 'Rat Mazes' equals 113 (think about it).

In the Talmud, it's Baba Kamma 113a that states ("Gentile" means a non-jew):
A bunch of B.S. concepts given to us in the Bible, 'Bibles' equals 113, and 'Holy Book', equals 113. The same people that tell us to look outside ourselves for 'Salvation', a word equating to 113.

The last presidential election, was on 11/3, 'Election Day' equals 113, and 'Politics' equals 113.

As we know the 'Mainstream' is full of 'Bullshit', 'Mainstream' equals 113, of course, the news shoved the 'Coronavirus Pandemic' down our throats, that emphasized phrase equals 113, and it was declared a pandemic on a date that can be written 11/3.

'Separation of Church and State' equals 113 and 'Schools' equals 311 in Jewish gematria, which is the reflection of 113.

Think about the 'Black and White' in all things, when everything is really all one, as there are only different expressions of the same thing, and 'Black and White' equals 113, this same phrase also equals 1103 in Jewish gematria. Also, 'Optical' 'Illusions' are often 'Black and White', and both 'Optical' and 'Illusions' equate to 113.

It has been said that the light we are told to go to after we die is the 'Moonlight' and for us to go into this light is to reincarnate back to earth, 'Moonlight' equals 113, and 'Luminary' equals 113.

Speaking of the Moon, some think that the moon landing was faked with a 'Greenscreen', a word equating to 113, and NASA was founded on a date with 113 numerology.

Also, 'Google Earth' equals 113 and I'm sure they've covered a lot of things up that they didn't want people to see.

I got many of these connections from (also a couple more examples of 113 being used ritualistically here): free to find truth: 32 35 50 58 73 94 113 115 | NASA's Challenger and Columbia disasters, January 27, 1986 & February 1, 2003

The Elvis Movie, Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks, and Jesuit-Controlled Freemasonry

The release date for the Elvis movie is on the 263rd-birthday of modern freemasonry, 263 is the 56th prime, Elvis's breakout year was 1956, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and he died 5-weeks and 6-days before the Pope's birthday. Tom Hanks is playing Elvis's manager in this movie and he died a span of 5-months and 6-days before his birthday. The movie Tom Hanks is known for is "Forrest Gump", where Elvis is played by an actor named 'Peter Dobson', whose name equals 56, and Tom Hanks was born in 1956. In addition, the director of 'Forrest Gump" had his birthday a span of 5-weeks and 6-days before the movie came out.
Elvis's manager died a span of 157-days before his birthday and 'Elvis Presley' equals 157.
The director of the Elvis movie is 'Baz Luhrmann', whose name equals 59, and he is 59 years old (at the time of the movie's release), 'Elvis Presley' equals 59, 'Forrest Gump' equals 59, 'Freemasonry' equals 59, and Modern Freemasonry was established 59 years before the U.S. gained independence. Modern Freemasonry established in 1717, 59 is the 17th prime number, "Forrest Gump" came out a span of exactly 277 years after Modern Freemasonry was established, and 277 is the 59th prime.
The Elvis movie is going to release a span of 7-weeks and 4-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday and Elvis died 7-weeks and 4-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, which is the date this movie is coming out on. Having said this, 'Masonic' equals 74, 'Killing' equals 74, and Elvis was 'Jewish', a word equating to 74. Also, Elvis was known as 'The King' (of rock n' roll), a phrase equating to 74. On top of that, the Jesuits formed by Jews and Catholics coming together to fight the protestant reformation and 'Jewish and Catholic' equals 74.
Think about all the Jews in Hollywood
"Forrest Gump" released just a day before modern freemasonry's birthday, 'Forrest Gump' and 'Freemasonry' are almost a perfect match, and remember, the Society of Jesus's birthday can be written 15/8.
On leap-years, Tom Hank's birthday is on the 191st day of the year, 'Society of Jesus' equals 191, and the full name of the director of 'Forrest Gump" is 'Robert Lee Zemeckis', which equals 191.
Peter Dobson was born on the 201st day of the year, Elvis's breakout song released 201-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Robert Lee Zemeckis's birthday is on Apollo's birthday according to some pagan calendars, and 'Apollo' equals 201 in Jewish gematria (Apollo is a sun god, think about the Jesuits and the sun).
Elvis's breakout song was "Heartbreak Hotel", he died at 42 because of a heart attack, 'Heartbreak' equals 181, the 42nd prime, he died 42-days after the 'Jesuit' Order's birthday, 'Jesuit' equals 42, and 'Freemason' equals 42 (although it's generally not known if he was a mason, he did study masonry, and I think it's safer to assume that he was a mason.) In addition, his girlfriend named 'Ginger' found him unconscious, 'Ginger' equals 42, and 'Homicide' equals 42.

666 (Part 2): The Pyramids, Simulation Theory, Saturn, and the Jesuit-World Order

Earth's speed is 66,600 mph, its tilt is 66.6 degrees, and its circumference in nautical miles is 21,600, similar to 216, the product of 6X6X6 (keep this in mind throughout this decode). Earth's core radius is 2,160 miles and the Moon's diameter is 2,160 miles. Many think we're in a simulation, specifically an artificial intelligence system and 'A.I. System' equals 666.
A major city in ancient Egypt was called Heliopolis (think about the greek sun god "helios"), which has been called the 'Sun City', a phrase equating to 666. Of course, Egypt is where the 'Pyramids' are, and 'Pyramids' equals 666. The 'Pyramids' are said to be aligned with the stars and the earth, 'Astrology' equals 666, 'Calculation' equals 666, 'Pyramid Calculations' equals 216, and 'The Giza Pyramid' equals 216.
The 'Flood of Noah' was said to be God's way of cleansing the earth because he regretted creating humankind and 'Flood of Noah' equals 666. The land of Israel is the "Holy Land" and 'God of Israel' equals 666, just as 'The Land of God' does.
Some say that heaven and its light is a trap to send your soul back to earth (you've probably heard the saying "go to the light"), 'Light Heaven' equals 666, and 'Holy Gods' equals 666. In addition, 'Light Simulation' equals 216, and 'The Heaven Simulator' equals 216.
Hiram 'Abiff' is an important figure in Freemasonry and 'Abiff' equals 666, the Washington Monument was designed by a freemason, and it's a total of 666-feet tall, also, it's 555-feet tall from the surface to its top, and 555-feet is 6,660 inches. The Washington Monument has been said to represent the penis of Osiris and it opened 2-months and 16-days after Osiris's birthday (which is on Christmas). The high-ranking freemasons and Jesuits worship Lucifer, who has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 666. The Jesuits have been said to be involved in 'Witchcraft', which equals 666 (always pay attention to the language).
The Jesuits are Saturn worshipers and Saturn and three of its moons were seen by a Voyager spacecraft on the 216th day of the year (in 1982). Pope John Paul II's birthday was a span of 21-weeks and 6-days after Saturnalia. There's a movie called "Cronos" (Cronos is the greek mythology version of Saturn in roman mythology), which stars Federico Luppi, whose birthday was 216-days before the Jesuit order's birthday and 'The Cult of Saturnus' equals 216, just as 'The Rule of Saturnus' does.
The first "Lord of the Rings" book debuted 216-days before the Pope's birthday, and "Lord of the Rings" is a reference to Saturn, the planet that has rings, and of course, Saturn is Satan. The Pope and the Vatican serve Saturn/Satan, and 'Jesuit-World Order' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers. In addition, as we know the Illuminati is a Jesuit creation, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" movie came out 216-days after the Illuminati's birthday and the Illuminati's birthday is 216-days after the Jesuit order's birthday in non-leap-years. The Illuminati was founded on 'May First', a phrase equating to 666, and think about the eye on the top of the pyramid and the angles of an equilateral triangle, as there are 60 degrees in each of its three angles, removing the zeros, you get 666.
Remove the 0's and you got 666:
Barack Obama was born on the 216th day of the year and if you add up his full name in the base ciphers of gematria you get 666. He was the first black president and melanin is a brown or black pigment, melanin is 50% carbon, and carbon is made up of 6-protons, 6-neutrons, and 6-electrons. In addition, 666 is the 36th triangular number, this is why Bob Marley died at the age of 36, and 36X6=216, which is the product of 6X6X6.
=   666
Hitler (whose alleged victims were blacks as well) had the code name 'Grey Wolf', which equals 666, 'The Third Reich' equals 216, and for a reminder, 216 is the product of 6X6X6.
The first 144 digits of pi (after the decimal point) add up to 666, the great pyramid had 144,000 casing blocks, 144,000 divided by 666 equals 216.216216216, and 144 cubits is 216 feet.

The designer of the Washington Monument: Robert Mills, George Washington, and Jesuit-Controlled Masonry

Robert Mills was a freemason that designed the Washington Monument, the masonic city, named after a freemason George Washington. George Washington became a Fellow-Craft freemason on 3/3 in 1753, 'Masonry' equals 33, there are 33 degrees in scottish rite 'Masonry', Robert Mills died in Washington D.C. on 3/3, 'Robert' equals 33, and the Washington Monument opened 33-years after he died. In addition, the monument opened a span of 33-weeks after George Washington's birthday, who was a 33rd-degree mason, and the Jesuit Order's birthday is 3-months and 3-days after the birthday of modern freemasonry and 'Jesuitic' equals 33. On top of all that, Grover Cleveland was the president at the time of this monument's opening and he died on the birthday of modern freemasonry and 'Cleveland' equals 33 (I couldn't find anything saying he was a mason).
As the Washington monument is a 'National Monument', this phrase equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and 'Washington D.C., U.S.' equals 201. With the enactment of the 'District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871', Washington D.C. became a city-state, just like the Vatican who owns them, and that's why 'District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871' equals 201 as well. Something I'll talk more about later is national monuments having water near them and 'Water Monuments' equals 201 (this will make sense later).
The monument opened a span of 231-days after George Washington's birthday and 'National Monument' equals 231.
The Washington Monument was opened 58-days after Robert Mills's birthday, 'Freemasonry' equals 58, and 'Secret Society' equals 58.
The Washington Monument opened a span of 56-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and 'Washington D.C.' equals 56.
Robert Mills died a span of 158-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Freemasonry' equals 158, and the Society of Jesus's birthday can be written 15/8.
Robert Mills died 165-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Scottish Rite' equals 165, and 'Cleveland' equals 165 (as in Grover 'Cleveland', who was the president at the time of the Washington monument opening, and who died on the birthday of modern freemasonry).
Robert Mills died 113-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, and 'Scottish' (as in scottish rite masonry) equals 113.
The Washington Monument was opened 144-days before the Pope's birthday (George Washington was born in "Popes Creek, Virginia"), and 'Jesuit Order' equals 144.
This monument is a total of 666-feet tall, 'Vatican Hill' equals 666, 'Mark of Beast' equals 666, and 'Calculation' equals 666 (as they are very calculated with all this). In addition, George Washington became a master mason on the 216th-day of the year, 216 is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Secrecy' equals 666. On top of that, this monument has been said to represent Osiris's penis and this monument opened 2-months and 16-days before Osiris's December 25th birthday, like 216, which is the product of 6X6X6.
Of course, 666 is the 'Number of the Beast', this is a phrase equating to 258, (as the Jesuits are the Illuminati) 'Order of Illuminati' equals 258, and this monument opened 258-days before modern freemasonry's birthday.
Grand monuments like this (and the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Memorial) are built to reflect over water to symbolize the masonic ideology 'As Above, So Below', which equals 222, and George Washington's birthday was on 2/22. This monument has been said to represent Osiris's penis, 'Obelisk of Osiris' equals 222, and 'Egyptian Mythology' equals 222. Think about how this number's reflection is itself and how 2 represents duality, therefore, this symbolizes 'The Unity in Duality', a phrase equating to 222. See how all of this is by design?

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