666 (Part 2): The Pyramids, Simulation Theory, Saturn, and the Jesuit-World Order

Earth's speed is 66,600 mph, its tilt is 66.6 degrees, and its circumference in nautical miles is 21,600, similar to 216, the product of 6X6X6 (keep this in mind throughout this decode). Earth's core radius is 2,160 miles and the Moon's diameter is 2,160 miles. Many think we're in a simulation, specifically an artificial intelligence system and 'A.I. System' equals 666.
A major city in ancient Egypt was called Heliopolis (think about the greek sun god "helios"), which has been called the 'Sun City', a phrase equating to 666. Of course, Egypt is where the 'Pyramids' are, and 'Pyramids' equals 666. The 'Pyramids' are said to be aligned with the stars and the earth, 'Astrology' equals 666, 'Calculation' equals 666, 'Pyramid Calculations' equals 216, and 'The Giza Pyramid' equals 216.
The 'Flood of Noah' was said to be God's way of cleansing the earth because he regretted creating humankind and 'Flood of Noah' equals 666. The land of Israel is the "Holy Land" and 'God of Israel' equals 666, just as 'The Land of God' does.
Some say that heaven and its light is a trap to send your soul back to earth (you've probably heard the saying "go to the light"), 'Light Heaven' equals 666, and 'Holy Gods' equals 666. In addition, 'Light Simulation' equals 216, and 'The Heaven Simulator' equals 216.
Hiram 'Abiff' is an important figure in Freemasonry and 'Abiff' equals 666, the Washington Monument was designed by a freemason, and it's a total of 666-feet tall, also, it's 555-feet tall from the surface to its top, and 555-feet is 6,660 inches. The Washington Monument has been said to represent the penis of Osiris and it opened 2-months and 16-days after Osiris's birthday (which is on Christmas). The high-ranking freemasons and Jesuits worship Lucifer, who has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 666. The Jesuits have been said to be involved in 'Witchcraft', which equals 666 (always pay attention to the language).
The Jesuits are Saturn worshipers and Saturn and three of its moons were seen by a Voyager spacecraft on the 216th day of the year (in 1982). Pope John Paul II's birthday was a span of 21-weeks and 6-days after Saturnalia. There's a movie called "Cronos" (Cronos is the greek mythology version of Saturn in roman mythology), which stars Federico Luppi, whose birthday was 216-days before the Jesuit order's birthday and 'The Cult of Saturnus' equals 216, just as 'The Rule of Saturnus' does.
The first "Lord of the Rings" book debuted 216-days before the Pope's birthday, and "Lord of the Rings" is a reference to Saturn, the planet that has rings, and of course, Saturn is Satan. The Pope and the Vatican serve Saturn/Satan, and 'Jesuit-World Order' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers. In addition, as we know the Illuminati is a Jesuit creation, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" movie came out 216-days after the Illuminati's birthday and the Illuminati's birthday is 216-days after the Jesuit order's birthday in non-leap-years. The Illuminati was founded on 'May First', a phrase equating to 666, and think about the eye on the top of the pyramid and the angles of an equilateral triangle, as there are 60 degrees in each of its three angles, removing the zeros, you get 666.
Remove the 0's and you got 666:
Barack Obama was born on the 216th day of the year and if you add up his full name in the base ciphers of gematria you get 666. He was the first black president and melanin is a brown or black pigment, melanin is 50% carbon, and carbon is made up of 6-protons, 6-neutrons, and 6-electrons. In addition, 666 is the 36th triangular number, this is why Bob Marley died at the age of 36, and 36X6=216, which is the product of 6X6X6.
=   666
Hitler (whose alleged victims were blacks as well) had the code name 'Grey Wolf', which equals 666, 'The Third Reich' equals 216, and for a reminder, 216 is the product of 6X6X6.
The first 144 digits of pi (after the decimal point) add up to 666, the great pyramid had 144,000 casing blocks, 144,000 divided by 666 equals 216.216216216, and 144 cubits is 216 feet.

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