The Elvis Movie, Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks, and Jesuit-Controlled Freemasonry

The release date for the Elvis movie is on the 263rd-birthday of modern freemasonry, 263 is the 56th prime, Elvis's breakout year was 1956, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, and he died 5-weeks and 6-days before the Pope's birthday. Tom Hanks is playing Elvis's manager in this movie and he died a span of 5-months and 6-days before his birthday. The movie Tom Hanks is known for is "Forrest Gump", where Elvis is played by an actor named 'Peter Dobson', whose name equals 56, and Tom Hanks was born in 1956. In addition, the director of 'Forrest Gump" had his birthday a span of 5-weeks and 6-days before the movie came out.
Elvis's manager died a span of 157-days before his birthday and 'Elvis Presley' equals 157.
The director of the Elvis movie is 'Baz Luhrmann', whose name equals 59, and he is 59 years old (at the time of the movie's release), 'Elvis Presley' equals 59, 'Forrest Gump' equals 59, 'Freemasonry' equals 59, and Modern Freemasonry was established 59 years before the U.S. gained independence. Modern Freemasonry established in 1717, 59 is the 17th prime number, "Forrest Gump" came out a span of exactly 277 years after Modern Freemasonry was established, and 277 is the 59th prime.
The Elvis movie is going to release a span of 7-weeks and 4-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday and Elvis died 7-weeks and 4-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, which is the date this movie is coming out on. Having said this, 'Masonic' equals 74, 'Killing' equals 74, and Elvis was 'Jewish', a word equating to 74. Also, Elvis was known as 'The King' (of rock n' roll), a phrase equating to 74. On top of that, the Jesuits formed by Jews and Catholics coming together to fight the protestant reformation and 'Jewish and Catholic' equals 74.
Think about all the Jews in Hollywood
"Forrest Gump" released just a day before modern freemasonry's birthday, 'Forrest Gump' and 'Freemasonry' are almost a perfect match, and remember, the Society of Jesus's birthday can be written 15/8.
On leap-years, Tom Hank's birthday is on the 191st day of the year, 'Society of Jesus' equals 191, and the full name of the director of 'Forrest Gump" is 'Robert Lee Zemeckis', which equals 191.
Peter Dobson was born on the 201st day of the year, Elvis's breakout song released 201-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Robert Lee Zemeckis's birthday is on Apollo's birthday according to some pagan calendars, and 'Apollo' equals 201 in Jewish gematria (Apollo is a sun god, think about the Jesuits and the sun).
Elvis's breakout song was "Heartbreak Hotel", he died at 42 because of a heart attack, 'Heartbreak' equals 181, the 42nd prime, he died 42-days after the 'Jesuit' Order's birthday, 'Jesuit' equals 42, and 'Freemason' equals 42 (although it's generally not known if he was a mason, he did study masonry, and I think it's safer to assume that he was a mason.) In addition, his girlfriend named 'Ginger' found him unconscious, 'Ginger' equals 42, and 'Homicide' equals 42.

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