Henry A. Wallace (Vice-President under F.D.R.), F.D.R., The Great Seal on the Dollar, and The Jesuits

I have just found out that the freemason, Henry Wallace, the vice president under F.D.R., was the one that urged F.D.R. to put the great seal on the back of the dollar. The great seal has the all-seeing eye on it and Henry Wallace died 201 days after the Illuminati's birthday, on the day the founder of the Illuminati died (who was a Jesuit). Of course, 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Order of Illuminati', and 'The Jesuit Order' all equal 201.

All these phrases equal 56, 'Henry A. Wallace', 'Great Seal', 'The Pyramid', 'All-Seeing Eye', 'Eye of Horus', and 'Society of Jesus'. In addition, the all-seeing eye was adopted as a symbol on the great seal on 6/20/1782, which was 56-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday (there were 56 signers on the declaration of independence). On top of all that, F.D.R., who was the president when the all-seeing eye was put on the dollar, became initiated into masonry 56-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, and F.D.R. died when Henry Wallace was 56.

Henry W. was the 33rd Vice President of the U.S. and 'Masonry', 'Secrecy', 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. Also, he died 3-months and 3-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, just like Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Illuminati) did, and F.D.R. became president in 1933.

Henry W. died 147-days after modern freemasonry's birthday and 'Freemason' equals 147.

He was called 'Henry A. Wallace', a name equating to 223, like 'Masonic' does in Jewish gematria.

He died 270-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, the Jesuit Order was established on the 270th day of the year, and we know the Jesuits/Illuminati are 'The Eye on the Pyramid', which is a phrase equating to 270.

The day he died is known as "Occult Day", because it's on the 322nd day of the year, which is a big number in the occult, but this day is a span of 7-weeks and 4-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday. Having said this, 'Masonic', 'Occult', and 'Killing' all equal 74. Also, as he's behind the addition of the great seal on the dollar, the phrase 'The One Dollar Bill' equals 74, and 'One Eye Pyramid' equals 74.

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