The 'Bullshit' Number, 'Moonlight' Reincarnation Soul Trap Theory, and The Simulation/'Fake Reality'

The 'Bullshit' number is 113, as the word equals 113, along with 'Dishonest', 'Not True', 'Not Factual', 'Not Honest' 'Disinfo', 'Fiction', 'Perjury' and 'Infidelity'. Having said this, 'Dream World' equals 113, 'Fake Reality' equals 113, and the first maze runner movie is 113-minutes long and this movie plays into simulation theory. Furthermore, 'Artificial Intelligence' equals 113, 'A.I. Systems' equals 113, 'Computers' equals 113, and 'Coding' equals 113 in Jewish gematria.

It has been said that there's a firmament over the earth, 'The Firmament of the Earth' equals 113, and 'Imprison' equals 113.

Our bodies are a part of this simulation, therefore, the only way out is to go within, to become close with your soul, so that you can ascend out of this false world, and 'Human Beings' and 'Earthlings' both equal 113. That's why there is a program designed to keep us distracted so that we don't focus on the right things in this life and have to come back again, 'Distracts' equals 113, and 'Rat Mazes' equals 113 (think about it).

In the Talmud, it's Baba Kamma 113a that states ("Gentile" means a non-jew):
A bunch of B.S. concepts given to us in the Bible, 'Bibles' equals 113, and 'Holy Book', equals 113. The same people that tell us to look outside ourselves for 'Salvation', a word equating to 113.

The last presidential election, was on 11/3, 'Election Day' equals 113, and 'Politics' equals 113.

As we know the 'Mainstream' is full of 'Bullshit', 'Mainstream' equals 113, of course, the news shoved the 'Coronavirus Pandemic' down our throats, that emphasized phrase equals 113, and it was declared a pandemic on a date that can be written 11/3.

'Separation of Church and State' equals 113 and 'Schools' equals 311 in Jewish gematria, which is the reflection of 113.

Think about the 'Black and White' in all things, when everything is really all one, as there are only different expressions of the same thing, and 'Black and White' equals 113, this same phrase also equals 1103 in Jewish gematria. Also, 'Optical' 'Illusions' are often 'Black and White', and both 'Optical' and 'Illusions' equate to 113.

It has been said that the light we are told to go to after we die is the 'Moonlight' and for us to go into this light is to reincarnate back to earth, 'Moonlight' equals 113, and 'Luminary' equals 113.

Speaking of the Moon, some think that the moon landing was faked with a 'Greenscreen', a word equating to 113, and NASA was founded on a date with 113 numerology.

Also, 'Google Earth' equals 113 and I'm sure they've covered a lot of things up that they didn't want people to see.

I got many of these connections from (also a couple more examples of 113 being used ritualistically here): free to find truth: 32 35 50 58 73 94 113 115 | NASA's Challenger and Columbia disasters, January 27, 1986 & February 1, 2003

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