This date, 5/6/2025, is 144 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'Jesuit Order', 'Saturn Order' (these two phrases are almost a perfect match in the base ciphers), 'Mark of the Beast', 'Time', and 'Light' (the latter two in Jewish gematria).
This date, 5/6/2025, is also on the 126th day of the year and 'Saturnian' equals 126.
What I have presented and will further present shows that we are in a simulation, specifically a Saturnian simulation, and 'The Simulation of Saturn' equals 1229, which is the 201st prime, and the total solar eclipse of 2024 is approximately a span of 12-months and 29-days before the sunlight stops shining on the north face of Saturn's ring. A phrase that I think applies to the Jesuits is 'The Cult of Saturn's Ring', which equals 1229 as well. Recall the sunlight-Saturn connection and 'Sun Shine on Saturn' equals 201, along with 'Planet Saturnus', 'Beast of Saturnus', 'The Lord of Time', 'Saturn Worship', 'Saturnian Order', and 'The Jesuit Order'. To go back and elaborate on 'The Saturnian Sun', a phrase equating to 201, along with 'The Sun of Saturn', anyways, Saturn has been called the black sun, and think about how the sun is going to look during the 2024 eclipse. It's going to look like a black sun or a 'Black Hole Sun', a phrase equating to 201 (hence the famous Soundgarden song).
Furthermore, 'Saturnian Black Sun' equals 200, 'Black Planet' equals 200, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 200, and just as 'Jesuit Order' does, 'Black Sun of Saturnus' equals 1223, which is the 200th prime.
'The Cult of Saturn's Ring' also equals 270 in two of the base ciphers and the Jesuit Order established on the 270th day of the year.
Remember, the total solar eclipse of 2024 will take place approximately 56-weeks and 1-day before sunlight stops shining on the north face of Saturn's rings, and 'Saturnian' equals 561 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Saturno' does (Spanish for Saturn).