Joe Biden's "Cancer Moonshot Speech" on the 60th anniversary of JFK's "Moonshot Speech"

Joe Biden's "CANCER Moonshot Speech" comes 69 days before his birthday, which was also Robert F. Kennedy's birthday, who was J.F.K.'s brother, but regarding 69, the moon landing was in 69' in the time of CANCER and 'Cancer Zodiac' equals 69. The hieroglyph for 'Cancer' looks like a 69 and of course, Cancer is 'Ruled by the Moon', a phrase equating to 69.

The Georgia Guidestones and Mars

The Guidestones fell a span of 106 days before Armilustrium, the festival in tribute to Mars, the god of destruction and war, 'Destroy' equals 106, 'Destruct' equals 106, and 'The Georgia Guidestone' equals 106.

You could also say that they fell exactly 15 weeks before Armilustrium, 'Mars' equals 15, and 'Mars' equals 15.

Pope Benedict XVI's "Saturno Hat"

Pope Benedict started wearing a "Saturno Hat" on a date that can be written 6/9, 'Saturn' equals 69, 'The Lord of Time' equals 69, 'Mark of Beast' equals 69, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 69.

This was a span of 144-days after his birthday and 14-weeks and 4-days before Saturnalia, in Jewish gematria, 'Time' equals 144 (12 hours of a.m. times 12 hours of p.m.), 'The Mark of Time' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, interestingly, the phrase 'The Saturn Sun' equals 144, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 144.

You could also say this was 263-days after Saturnalia, 'Saturnus' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56 (who are Saturn Worshippers), and the Vatican became a city-state 56-days after Saturnalia.

Pope Benedict's birthday is exactly 35 weeks before 'Saturnalia', a festival name equating to 35, along with 'Benedict', 'Holy See', 'Eye', 'Catholic', and 'Jesuitism'.

"The Skulls" movie

One star of this movie was Paul Walker, who died 5 years to the day George H.W. Bush did, who was a skull and bones member. They both died on 11/30, a date with 41 numerology, George H.W. Bush was the 41st President of the U.S., and 'Skull and Bones' equals 41. Also, 'Paul' and 'Bush' are a match in all four base ciphers.

This movie came out 201 days after Paul Walker's birthday, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, Skull and Bones has been said to be a branch of the Illuminati, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, of course, a Jesuit founded the Illuminati.

Tom Brady's 'Skull and Bones' Ritual on 9/11/2022

See 9/11 was a FALSE FLAG, the term coming from when PIRATES would raise flags that didn't really represent them to trick their enemies or in general, any ships they wanted to attack, and the common symbol associated with pirates is the skull and crossbones, hence their name. Skull and Bones and the president at the time of 9/11, George W. Bush, who is a member of Skull and Bones, tricked the masses big time with their infamous false flag.

Having said this, Tom Brady, who is with the Buccaneers (which are PIRATES), got his 202nd career win on Sundays on 9/11 and 'Skull and Bones' equals 202.

Interesting Decode on Myself

I was born at a time (with "a.m." included) that equals 22, my birth month equals 22, my birth was exactly 22 weeks after my Dad's 2/2 birthday, I had my "awakening" in 2020, which boils down to 22 (this is the year I consider my true birth year because up until then I was pretty much an unconscious animal), my phone number ends with "2002", I have lived in the 22nd state of the U.S. pretty much my whole life, (WOW, I KID YOU NOT, I JUST LOOKED DOWN AT THE TIME AND IT WAS 2:20), my first name equals 79, which is the 22nd prime number, and of course, I'm writing this in 2022. This number, 22, is a master number, 'Master', 'Guru', 'Buddha', 'Mind', and 'Lord' all equal 22 in the same cipher of gematria, and the tree of life in kabbalah has 22 lines connecting its 10 nodes. UPDATE ON 12/22: I was actually named after one of my Dad's best friends who died in a 'Car' 'Crash', both those emphasized words equal 22, and it happened in a town with a name equating to 22 in the 22nd state. This same person was born on the day leaving 22 days in the year. Anyway, my mom and dad bought a house in the 22nd state (the one where I grew up) exactly 22 weeks after my mom's birthday and 'House' equals 22.

Having said this, I was born on 7/6, both of my parents' first names equal 76 in the most simple cipher just as 'Master' does, 'Master Number' equals 76, and in Jewish gematria, 'Mastery' equals 706, the Georgia Guidestones came down on my birthday, and I was born in Georgia, which has a 706 area code.

Going back to my parents, my Dad's birthday is on the 33rd day of the year, my mom's birthday is on 3/30, like 33, and her dad was a freemason, if you don't know, 33 is HUGE with 'Masonry', a word equating to 33. Anyways, 33 is also a Master Number, specifically, the master teacher number, 'Teacher' equals 33, and according to many, "the master teacher" was Jesus, who died at age 33. Fittingly, I was born on a 'Sunday', a word equating to 33 (Jesus is the personification of the sun), and 'God's Son' equals 33.

Building 7 of the WTC construction after 9/11 and Mars, the Roman God of Destruction

In 2002, it started being reconstructed on 5/7 after the most infamous 'Conspiracy' in history and 'Conspiracy' equals 57. 'Mars' is the god of destruction (and war), 'Mars' equals 57, and the festival of Mars in ancient Rome was called 'Armilustrium', a word equating to 57. Also, the phrase 'Destruction of Towers' equals 269, which is the 57th prime number.

Armilustrium is celebrated on 10/19, similar, to 119, and its reflection, 911, 'Planet Mars' equals 119, 'God of Warfare' equals 119, 'Vatican' equals 119, 'Francis' equals 119 (the current and first Jesuit pope), the old Jesuit Ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, in Jewish gematria, 'The God of Destruction' equals 911, 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911, and 'Tisha BA'v' equals 911, the latter of which is a JEWISH holiday that remembers the destruction of the two temples. Furthermore, in Jewish gematria, 'God of Warfare' also equals 1190.

Building 7 started being reconstructed a span of 201-days after Armilustrium, recall the twin towers, so 2, which became 0 on 9/11, then 1 with the construction of the "one world trade center", for another 201 ritual, in Jewish gematria, 'Roman' equals 201, just as 'Mars' does, the planet that is the 'Roman God of War', a phrase equating to 201, along with 'Roman Mythology', 'Order of Illuminati' (created by a Jesuit who died 201-days after the organization's birthday), and 'The Jesuit Order' (which is a military order).

Buidling 7 started being constructed a span of 239-days after its fall and 'Destruction of Mars' equals 239.

It started being constructed 34 weeks after it fell, 'Destroy' equals 34, and 'Murder' equals 34, as a lot of people were murdered in the event.

9/11 occurred 38-days before Armilustrium, 'Planet Mars' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38 (mars is also the god of death), 'Murder' equals 38, 'R.I.P.' equals 38, and 'Killing' equals 38. 9/11 was a big Skull and Bones ritual, with the president at the time being a member of the fraternity, 'George Bush' equals 163, the 38th prime number, and Skull and Bones also go by "the brotherhood of death".

Pirates game on 9/11, 322 days after their manager's birthday, and Skull and Bones

See 9/11 was a FALSE FLAG, the term coming from when PIRATES would raise flags that didn't really represent them to trick their enemies or in general, any ships they wanted to attack, and the common symbol associated with pirates is the skull and crossbones, hence their name. Skull and Bones and the president at the time of 9/11, George W. Bush, who is a member of Skull and Bones, tricked the masses big time with their infamous false flag.

The Pirates are probably going to win on 9/11 322-days after their manager's birthday, 322 is the big Skull and Bones number, as they go by "Order 322" and "Chapter 322". The 322nd day of the year is known as "Occult Day", the day the founder of the Illuminati died (who was a Jesuit), and Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati. The 322 fixation comes from the tree of life having 3 pillars and 22 lines connecting its ten nodes.

You could also say their manager had his birthday 43-days before this game, connecting to 'Yale', the college that skull and bones recruit their members from, and the Pirates could get their 43rd home loss this game. It's after the game now and the pirates did end up losing 4-3, further fulfilling this 43 ritual, and recall, George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the U.S. Also, his dad was the 43rd Vice President of the U.S., who was also a skull and bones member, and another bush family member, Jeb Bush, was the 43rd governor of 'Florida', a state name equating to 43.

Finally, and interestingly enough, as the Pirates represent Pittsburgh, the phrase 'Pittsburgh Pirate' equals 911 in Jewish gematria, so they will probably win this game because of this ritual (I was wrong).

Death of Queen Elizabeth II, her Children, and "Stairway to Heaven"

The Queen died 201-days after Prince Andrew's birthday, who is her son, 'British Royalty' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. The song "Stairway to Heaven" was a tribute to the queen, as it came out 201-days after her birthday, in the lyrics, you can find the phrase "may queen", she died a span of 201-days after being diagnosed with covid (recall the pandemic simulation "Event 201").

Her other son is Prince Edward and his mother's death comes exactly 26 weeks after his birthday, 'Royal' equals 26, 'Queen' equals 26, she was born in 1926, in 1952, she became 'Queen' on 2/6, and was coronated on a date that can be written 2/6. In addition, her other son, Prince Charles, will have his birthday 2-months and 6-days after the Queen's death. Of course, the 'Church' controls England, the Queen died a span of 101-days before the Pope's birthday, and 'Church' equals 101, which is the 26th prime number. Furthermore, recall the Church of 'Philadelphia' in revelation (as we are in the "end times"), 'Philadelphia' equals 101, again the 26th prime, and 'God' equals 26, as the powers that shouldn't be play 'God'.

You could also say the Queen died 67-days before Prince Charles's birthday and 'Human Sacrifice', 'Blood Sacrifice', 'Crucifixion', 'Sacrificed', and 'Killer' all equal 67. This is all too fitting, now that the queen has died, Charles has become 'King', a word equating to 67, his wife has now become 'Queen Camilla', a phrase equating to 67, and 'Throne of England' equals 67.

The anniversary of the release of the song "Stairway to Heaven" is a span of 62-days after the queen's death, 'Queen' equals 62, and she was coronated on 6/2. She died on the virgin mary's birthday, 'Virgin Mary' equals 62, and 'Death of the Queen' equals 62.

The anniversary of the release of "Stairway to Heaven" is 61-days after the queen's death, the operation for when the queen is dead is called 'Operation London Bridge', a phrase equating to 61, along with 'Church', 'Philadelphia', and 'Roman'.

She died an exact span of 74 weeks after her husband did, 'Masonic' equals 74, 'Killing' equals 74 (if these people actually die), 'London' equals 74, and 'Illuminatus' equals 74 (singular word for Illuminati). She died on the Virgin Mary's birthday, 'The Virgin Mary' equals 74, 'Jesus' equals 74, and 'Jesus Christ' equals 74.

The queen's covid diagnosis is allegedly what led to her death 911-days after covid was declared a pandemic, interestingly, the phrase 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911 in Jewish gematria, but anyways, she died on the virgin mary's birthday, the mother of Jesus of course, and some believe 9/11 is the true birthday of Jesus. There's a connection between Jesus and Covid or the CORONAvirus because Jesus is a personification of the sun (just like Mithra, a sun god of ancient Rome that has the same 12/25 birthday as Jesus), and the "Corona" is the outermost layer of the sun, that's why the Jesuits or Society of JESUS, who are behind the pandemic, have a sun for their logo.

The "God of War" series, Mars (roman god of war), Ares/Aries (greek god of war/zodiac), and 9/11

A new "God of War" video game is coming out in 2022 exactly 30 weeks after David Jaffe's birthday, who is known for designing the video game series, the first game of the series released on a date with 30 numerology, and 'Mars' equals 30. In addition, "God of War II" came out exactly 30 weeks after the Society of Jesus's birthday.

This is the day leaving 51-days in the year, while David Jaffe will be 51, 'Mars' equals 51, 'Rome' equals 51, and 'Conspiracy' equals 51 (think the covert war strategies waged against us every day). Furthermore, think about the Jesuit-created Illuminati's birthday being on 5/1, its founder was 'Adam Weishaupt', a name equating to 51, the first month of the roman calendar was 'Martius' named after 'Mars', and 'Martius' equals 510 in Jewish gematria.

"God of War I" came out 57-days before the Pope's birthday, also connecting to 'Mars', 'Rome', 'Conspiracy', and 'Roman War God'.

The first "God of War" video game released on 3/22, resembling a big number in the occult, that's why the 322nd day of the year is known as "occult day", and why Skull and Bones go by "Order 322". Also, this first game of the series released in the time of Aries, Skull and Bones is also called the "brotherhood of death", think about war and death, and Mars is also the god of death/destruction.

The release of "God of War: Ragnarok" is synced up with the Jesuits, as this game is set to release 38-days before Pope Francis's birthday, who is the first publically known Jesuit pope, anyways, 'Fire' equals 38 (think about war and fire), and the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, said, "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire". Of course, the greek god of war is Ares, and the zodiac 'Aries', which has a different spelling equating to 38, has the element of 'Fire', 'Planet Mars' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38, and 'Destructed' equals 38.

The release of this game is on 11/9, like 119, connecting to 'Vatican', 'Francis', and 'Planet Mars'. Of course, this date is the reflection of 9/11 (the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it), and Mars is also 'The God of Destruction', a phrase equating to 911 in Jewish gematria, along with 'The Conspiracy Code' and 'Tisha BA'v'. (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THESE RELATED POSTS TO CONNECT THE PUZZLE PIECES MORE: Exposing the Gematrix: Conspiracy Researchers: Texe Marrs and Jim Marrs, Astrology, and The Jesuits ( and Exposing the Gematrix: The Great London Fire of 1666 (

Finally, the first "God of War" game released 557-days after 9/11, 557 is the 102nd prime number, how fitting that the attacks on 9/11 lasted 102-minutes, 'World Trade Centers' equals 102, a number very much connected to war or covert war, the latter of which the Jesuits (who are a military order) know best. A book translated by a Jesuit that pretty much explains their convert war strategies is 'Art of War' by SUN Tzu, 'Art of War' equals 102, 'World War' equals 102, 'Holy War' equals 102 (the nickname for the crusades), the Civil War started on the 102nd day of the year, according to the mainstream, 'Slavery' was the primary reason for this war, and 'Slavery' equals 102. Abraham Lincoln, the president during the civil war even stated "The war, the American Civil War of 1861-1865, would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits", and by the way, 'Civil War' equals 119, connecting to what I was talking about before this paragraph.

Clemson's Opening Game Ritual, Year of the Tiger, and 666

Clemson's head coach (who has only been a head coach with them) is set to get his 151st win tonight while staying on 36 losses on a date with numerology of 36, 151 is the 36th prime number, 666 is the 36th triangular number, and 'Clemson' equals 36. In addition, this game comes 216-days after the start of the year of the tiger, 'Year of the Tiger' equals 216, 'Clemson University' equals 216, which is the product of 6X6X6, and 'The Tigers' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria. Furthermore, the quarterback for Clemson has a birthday 2-months and 16-days after the start of the year of the tiger, and the team 'Clemson' is going against is Georgia Tech, whose coach is set to pick up his 36th career loss, and interestingly, his name, 'Geoff Collins' equals 306 in Jewish gematria.

This game is on a date that can be written 5/9, 76-days before the Clemson coach's birthday, the quarterback for Clemson has a birthday on the 76th day of the 2022 year of the tiger, and 'Tiger' equals 59 and 76.

'The Antonine Plague' and 'Anthony Fauci'

The Jesuit, 'Anthony Fauci', who as you all know, has been a big name in recent years because of the pandemic, and there was a plague resembling his name that impacted the ancient roman empire, 'The Antonine Plague', a phrase equating to 187, just as 'Holy Roman Empire' does, 'Anthony Fauci' equals 187, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 187. This plague was a significant contributing factor to the fall of Ancient Rome, just as the coronavirus pandemic marks the fall of the New Roman Empire, the United States, and the capital of which is 'Washington D.C.', a phrase equating to 187 as well.

Gravity Falls pays tribute to Masonry

In the 3rd mystery journal of the gravity falls series it is revealed that Dipper's real name is "Mason", Ford (his uncle) says it's a good name because it's named after a secret society, this journal released on a date with 33 numerology, the first episode of the show released on a date with 33 numerology, 'Masonry' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, and Scottish rite 'Masonry' has 33 degrees. Also, Ford's last name is "Pines" (along with Dipper, Mabel, and Stan's), 'Ford Pines' equals 137, 'Scottish Rite Freemasonry' equals 137, the degrees of the masonic compass and square add up to 137, and 137 is the 33rd prime number. Furthermore, Dipper's sister is 'Mabel' whose name equals 33, and 'The Masons' equals 33 as well. (NOTE: A couple of sources I found have stated that the creator of "Gravity Falls", Alex Hirsch, has/had an uncle who is/was a Mason or Shriner, which would explain a lot).

Stanford Pines (Grunkle Stan) wears a Shriner hat in the show, 'Stanford' equals 47, 'Shriners' equals 47 ("Shriners" are a masonic society), the masonic compass is set to 47 degrees, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, and 211 is the 47th prime number. The major antagonist of the show is "Bill Cipher", who looks like the all-seeing eye, he is a 'Dream Demon', a phrase equating to 47, and 'Ford Pines' is also the author of the mystery journals, whose name equals 47. Speaking of, recall I was talking about 'Journal 3' of the mystery journals at the beginning of this post, and 'Journal 3' also equals 47.

The mystery journals have a hand on them, connecting to the "hidden hand" of masonry, 'Hidden Hand' equals 58, 'Dipper Pines' equals 58, 'Freemasonry' equals 58, and 'Secret Society' equals 58. In addition, the author of the journals is also called 'Grunkle Ford', a name equating to 58.

Speaking of, his birthday is on the 166th day of the year, 'Grunkle Ford' also equals 166, just as 'Dipper Pines' does, and 'Secret Society' equals 166.

Dipper Pine's or Mason Pine's birthday is 68-days after freemasonry's birthday, 'Dipper Pines' equals 68, and 'The Hidden Hand' equals 68.

The creator of this show is Alex Hirsch, whose birthday is 74-days before Dipper's fictional birthday, 'Masonic' equals 74, 'Occult' equals 74 (which the show is centered around), there have been coded messages with 'Gematria' in the credits of their episodes, and 'Gematria' equals 74. Also, the fictional "Gravity Falls" is in 'Oregon', a state name equating to 74.

Remember, the masons are controlled by the Jesuits, the last episode of the show was 144-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 144.

The show's last episode was 187-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 187.

The Vulcan Statue in 'The Magic City' (Birmingham, AL)

This 'Iron' statue is 56 feet tall, Birmingham is known as the 'Iron' city, 'Iron' equals 56, if you round up iron's atomic mass on the periodic table it's 56, and 'Alabama' equals 56 in Jewish gematria. Vulcan is the roman god of fire, metalworking, forge, and smithery, this statue was placed on the national register of historic places a span of 5-weeks and 6-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56. Also, Vulcan used to have a torch in his hand, 'Light' equals 56, and these illuminated societies are all about 'Light' (as in enlightenment).

'Light' and 'Iron' are a match in all the base ciphers, specifically, both equal 29 and 25, and 'Fire' equals 29 and 25.
The Vulcan Statue used to have a torch in his hand, 'Light of Vulcan' equals 201, 'Roman Mythology' equals 201, in Jewish gematria, 'Roman' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201 (a lot of these sculptors are masons), and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201. Having said this, the sculptor of this statue's birthday was 201-days before Vulcanalia, the festival in honor of Vulcan, Birmingham was called 'The Magic City' because everything needed to make steel was within 30 miles (iron is one of the ingredients in making steel), and 'The Magic City' equals 201.

Vulcanalia is 35-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Holy See' equals 35 (official name of Vatican City-State), 'Eye' equals 35 (the all-seeing eye put on the dollar in 1935), 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Jesuitism' equals 35, the sculptor of this Vulcan statue died in 1935, and 'Vulcan' equals 35.

The designer of this statue died a span of 191-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191. For a related post see: Exposing the Gematrix: The Baphomet Statue in 'The Magic City' (Birmingham, AL) (

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