Pirates game on 9/11, 322 days after their manager's birthday, and Skull and Bones

See 9/11 was a FALSE FLAG, the term coming from when PIRATES would raise flags that didn't really represent them to trick their enemies or in general, any ships they wanted to attack, and the common symbol associated with pirates is the skull and crossbones, hence their name. Skull and Bones and the president at the time of 9/11, George W. Bush, who is a member of Skull and Bones, tricked the masses big time with their infamous false flag.

The Pirates are probably going to win on 9/11 322-days after their manager's birthday, 322 is the big Skull and Bones number, as they go by "Order 322" and "Chapter 322". The 322nd day of the year is known as "Occult Day", the day the founder of the Illuminati died (who was a Jesuit), and Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati. The 322 fixation comes from the tree of life having 3 pillars and 22 lines connecting its ten nodes.

You could also say their manager had his birthday 43-days before this game, connecting to 'Yale', the college that skull and bones recruit their members from, and the Pirates could get their 43rd home loss this game. It's after the game now and the pirates did end up losing 4-3, further fulfilling this 43 ritual, and recall, George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the U.S. Also, his dad was the 43rd Vice President of the U.S., who was also a skull and bones member, and another bush family member, Jeb Bush, was the 43rd governor of 'Florida', a state name equating to 43.

Finally, and interestingly enough, as the Pirates represent Pittsburgh, the phrase 'Pittsburgh Pirate' equals 911 in Jewish gematria, so they will probably win this game because of this ritual (I was wrong).

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