Armilustrium is celebrated on 10/19, similar, to 119, and its reflection, 911, 'Planet Mars' equals 119, 'God of Warfare' equals 119, 'Vatican' equals 119, 'Francis' equals 119 (the current and first Jesuit pope), the old Jesuit Ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, in Jewish gematria, 'The God of Destruction' equals 911, 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911, and 'Tisha BA'v' equals 911, the latter of which is a JEWISH holiday that remembers the destruction of the two temples. Furthermore, in Jewish gematria, 'God of Warfare' also equals 1190.
Building 7 started being reconstructed a span of 201-days after Armilustrium, recall the twin towers, so 2, which became 0 on 9/11, then 1 with the construction of the "one world trade center", for another 201 ritual, in Jewish gematria, 'Roman' equals 201, just as 'Mars' does, the planet that is the 'Roman God of War', a phrase equating to 201, along with 'Roman Mythology', 'Order of Illuminati' (created by a Jesuit who died 201-days after the organization's birthday), and 'The Jesuit Order' (which is a military order).
Buidling 7 started being constructed a span of 239-days after its fall and 'Destruction of Mars' equals 239.
It started being constructed 34 weeks after it fell, 'Destroy' equals 34, and 'Murder' equals 34, as a lot of people were murdered in the event.
9/11 occurred 38-days before Armilustrium, 'Planet Mars' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38 (mars is also the god of death), 'Murder' equals 38, 'R.I.P.' equals 38, and 'Killing' equals 38. 9/11 was a big Skull and Bones ritual, with the president at the time being a member of the fraternity, 'George Bush' equals 163, the 38th prime number, and Skull and Bones also go by "the brotherhood of death".