This was a span of 144-days after his birthday and 14-weeks and 4-days before Saturnalia, in Jewish gematria, 'Time' equals 144 (12 hours of a.m. times 12 hours of p.m.), 'The Mark of Time' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, interestingly, the phrase 'The Saturn Sun' equals 144, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 144.
You could also say this was 263-days after Saturnalia, 'Saturnus' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56 (who are Saturn Worshippers), and the Vatican became a city-state 56-days after Saturnalia.
Pope Benedict's birthday is exactly 35 weeks before 'Saturnalia', a festival name equating to 35, along with 'Benedict', 'Holy See', 'Eye', 'Catholic', and 'Jesuitism'.