This is the day leaving 51-days in the year, while David Jaffe will be 51, 'Mars' equals 51, 'Rome' equals 51, and 'Conspiracy' equals 51 (think the covert war strategies waged against us every day). Furthermore, think about the Jesuit-created Illuminati's birthday being on 5/1, its founder was 'Adam Weishaupt', a name equating to 51, the first month of the roman calendar was 'Martius' named after 'Mars', and 'Martius' equals 510 in Jewish gematria.
"God of War I" came out 57-days before the Pope's birthday, also connecting to 'Mars', 'Rome', 'Conspiracy', and 'Roman War God'.
The first "God of War" video game released on 3/22, resembling a big number in the occult, that's why the 322nd day of the year is known as "occult day", and why Skull and Bones go by "Order 322". Also, this first game of the series released in the time of Aries, Skull and Bones is also called the "brotherhood of death", think about war and death, and Mars is also the god of death/destruction.
The release of "God of War: Ragnarok" is synced up with the Jesuits, as this game is set to release 38-days before Pope Francis's birthday, who is the first publically known Jesuit pope, anyways, 'Fire' equals 38 (think about war and fire), and the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, said, "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire". Of course, the greek god of war is Ares, and the zodiac 'Aries', which has a different spelling equating to 38, has the element of 'Fire', 'Planet Mars' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38, and 'Destructed' equals 38.
The release of this game is on 11/9, like 119, connecting to 'Vatican', 'Francis', and 'Planet Mars'. Of course, this date is the reflection of 9/11 (the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it), and Mars is also 'The God of Destruction', a phrase equating to 911 in Jewish gematria, along with 'The Conspiracy Code' and 'Tisha BA'v'. (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THESE RELATED POSTS TO CONNECT THE PUZZLE PIECES MORE: Exposing the Gematrix: Conspiracy Researchers: Texe Marrs and Jim Marrs, Astrology, and The Jesuits ( and Exposing the Gematrix: The Great London Fire of 1666 (
Finally, the first "God of War" game released 557-days after 9/11, 557 is the 102nd prime number, how fitting that the attacks on 9/11 lasted 102-minutes, 'World Trade Centers' equals 102, a number very much connected to war or covert war, the latter of which the Jesuits (who are a military order) know best. A book translated by a Jesuit that pretty much explains their convert war strategies is 'Art of War' by SUN Tzu, 'Art of War' equals 102, 'World War' equals 102, 'Holy War' equals 102 (the nickname for the crusades), the Civil War started on the 102nd day of the year, according to the mainstream, 'Slavery' was the primary reason for this war, and 'Slavery' equals 102. Abraham Lincoln, the president during the civil war even stated "The war, the American Civil War of 1861-1865, would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits", and by the way, 'Civil War' equals 119, connecting to what I was talking about before this paragraph.