The show "Lucifer" released 201 days before the day in history that Lucifer supposedly incarnated

The show "Lucifer" released 201 days before the day in history that Lucifer supposedly incarnated, as it has been stated by many sources that Mayan astronomer-priests pin-pointed the incarnation of Lucifer to 13/8 or 8/13 in 3114 BC, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, and 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, as I'm pretty sure one of these organizations, if not all these organizations, made a conscious effort to get the show "Lucifer" released when they did for the sake of this ritual that I have now exposed. Anyways, to explain the significance of the number 201 more, there were 200 Fallen Angels according to the book of Enoch, but I believe there was one fallen angel that was purposefully left out, and that is none other than Lucifer, the leader, to make 201 total, 'Heavenly Fall' equals 201, and 'Mountain of Hermon' equals 201. As legend has it, this is the mountain where the fallen angels landed, the all-seeing eye rising above the rest of the pyramid that you can see on the back of a $1 bill has been called the "eye of lucifer", having said this, 'Lucifer Rising' is a phrase equating to 201, 'Serpent of Wisdom' equals 201 (a phrase referring to Lucifer), and the phrase 'Knowledge is Power' equals 201, as Lucifer has been called "the bringer of knowledge".

That date that Lucifer supposedly incarnated has numerology of 35, the show "Lucifer" released on a date with numerology of 35, 'The Daystar' equals 149, 'Morningstar' equals 149, which is the 35th prime number, see, Lucifer has been called "the daystar" or "the morningstar" which are references to the 'Planet Venus', so Lucifer is associated with the 'Planet Venus', a phrase equating to 149, which again, is the 35th prime number. On top of all that, "Lucifer" is a name commonly used instead of "the devil" or 'Satan', the latter emphasized word equals 35, and 'The Fall' equals 35, as Lucifer led the fallen angels.

Furthermore, as Lucifer is associated with the 'Planet Venus', a phrase equating to 41, the 13th prime number, I find it interesting that he supposedly incarnated on the 13th of August, Veneralia is the ancient roman festival in honor of Venus celebrated on 4/1, like 41, which again, is the 13th prime number, 4/1 is also the 91st day of the year, and 91 is the 13th triangular number.

How it was scripted for Caitlin Clark and Iowa to make it to the 2024 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Game

On a date with numerology of 35, Caitlin Clark led Iowa to play in the 2024 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship, which was 35 days after she passed 'Pistol' Pete for the D-1 scoring record, a game in which she scored 35 points, 'Pistol'=35, and 'Catholic'=35 (as Caitlin Clark is a devout catholic who went to a private catholic school).

Clark and her team played in this championship vs. South Carolina on 4/7 a span of 47 days before the state of South Carolina's birthday, 'Caitlin Clark'=211, the 47th prime, 'Vatican'=47, and the 'Vatican' city-state was established on 2/11. In addition, the University of Iowa was founded in 1847, and 'Pistol Pete'=47 (this connection will hold more validity soon).

The University of Iowa was founded on the 56th day of the year, this game came 56 days after the Vatican city-state's birthday, and 'Society of Jesus'=56.

Interestingly, this championship was on the 77th day of Caitlin Clark's age, 'Gamecocks'=77, 'Scoring Record'=77 (Clark passed Maravich to claim the D-1 scoring record), and 'Peter Maravich'=77, as this championship was also a span of 77 days before what would've been his 77th birthday. Also, the last time Iowa and South Carolina played each other, Iowa won with 77 points.

On top of all that, 77 days translates to exactly 11 weeks, this championship was on a date with numerology of 11, 'Caitlin'=121, 'Pete Maravich'=121, and 121 is 11 squared. DON'T FORGET CAITLIN CLARK HAS BEEN CALLED "PONYTAIL PETE", AS HER PLAYSTYLE RESEMBLES PISTOL PETE'S

Iowa's coach came into this championship with 253 losses with the team, 253 is the 22nd triangular number, which is interesting because this was Caitlin Clark's last game with the team, I call Caitlin Clark Ms. 22/Ms. 'Basketball' as she was born on the 22nd day of the year in 2002, she is currently 22 years old, of course, she wears #22, and 'Basketball'=22. Also, as this game is connected to "Pistol Pete", I think it's worth noting that he was another legendary 'Basketball' player born on the 22nd day of his birth month.

Unveiling of Pistol Pete's statue 33 days after what would've been his b-day

Pistol Pete's statue was unveiled 33 days after what would've been his birthday, 'Tigers' equals 33 (he played for the "L.S.U. Tigers"), and 'Pistol Pete' equals 137, the 33rd prime number. Let's not forget that "Ponytail Pete" a.k.a. Caitlin Clark, passed him to claim the D-1 scoring record on 3/3, which was a 'Sunday', a word that equals 33, Caitlin Clark's initials are C.C. (33), and 'Scorer' equals 33. Finally, Caitlin Clark passed Pistol Pete's record a span of 33 days after the day in history that he claimed the record.

News about retiring Caitlin Clark's #22 jersey came 79 days after her 22nd birthday

News of Caitlin Clark's #22 jersey being 'retired' came on a day with 22 date numerology 79 days after her birthday, 'Retired' equals 79, and 79 is the 22nd prime number. The organization behind the scripted career of Caitlin Clark is the 'Society of Jesus', a phrase that equals 79, 'Jesuits' equals 22, let's not forget that she came from 'Dowling Catholic' High School (where she also wore #22), and that emphasized phrase also equals 79, which again, is the 22nd prime number. In addition, she was born on the 22nd day of 2002, she is 22 years old, she started playing for Iowa in 2020, and 'Basketball' equals 22. It's interesting that Iowa's coach came into Caitlin Clark's last game with 253 losses with the team, and 253 is the 22nd triangular number.

According to this source: Caitlin Clark Reacts to Retirement Honor: ‘Forever Thankful’ (, the phrase Caitlin Clark allegedly said in response to her retirement honor was 'Forever Thankful', another phrase that equates to 79, which AGAIN, is the 22nd prime number.

Death of Robert Johnson (The King of the Blues)

"The King of Blues", Robert Johnson died exactly a span of 38 weeks before what would've been his birthday in 1938, 'Death' equals 38, 'R.I.P.' equals 38, 'Murder' equals 38, and 'Killing' equals 38. It's been said that he sold his soul to the devil so that he could play the guitar better, and 'Lucifer' equals 38. It's also been said that a guy named Ike Zimmerman taught him how to play the guitar at midnight in a graveyard, well, he was born on a date with numerology of 38, and he died on 3/8 or 8/3, 'Devil' equals 83, as it's said that Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil.

Robert Johnson also died at the age of 27, 'Ritual' equals 27, and that's why there's the "27 Club" (a group of musicians who died at the age of 27).

Caitlin Clark scores 41 on 4/1 vs. Pistol Pete's Alma Mater L.S.U.

Caitlin Clark scored 41 points on 4/1 vs. LSU, whose coach stayed on 91 wins with the team and who came into the game with 13 losses with the team, 'Pistol' equals 91 (as in "Pistol Pete", this will make sense shortly), 91 is the 13th triangular number, this game was on a date with numerology of 13, 'Iowa Hawkeyes' equals 179, the 41st prime number, and 41 is the 13th prime number. This game was a span of 91 days after LSU's establishment date, Caitlin Clark led this game in 'Scoring', a word that equals 41, and of course, she scored 41 on 4/1 against Pistol Pete's alma mater, as she recently passed him for the D-1 'Scoring' record 41 days after her birthday.

Caitlin Clark (C.C.=33) led her team to get their 33rd season win on a Monday or 'Moon Day', a phrase that equals 33, and 'Lunar' equals 33. In addition, Caitlin Clark became the D-1 scoring record holder on 3/3, which was a 'Sunday', a word that equals 33, again, Caitlin Clark's initials are C.C. (33), 'Scorer' equals 33, and 'Pistol Pete' equals 137, the 33rd prime number. On top of that, Caitlin Clark passed Pistol Pete's record a span of 33 days after the day in history that he claimed the record. Not to mention, Pistol Pete's statue was unveiled 33 days after what would've been his birthday, 'Tigers' equals 33 (he played for the "L.S.U. Tigers"), and again, 'Pistol Pete' equals 137, the 33rd prime number.

I go more into the connection between "Pistol Pete" and "Ponytail Pete" a.k.a. Caitlin Clark here: Exposing the Gematrix: Caitlin Clark passes Pete Maravich or "Pistol Pete" for the D-1 scoring record

Neville Goddard's "Feeling is the Secret"

Neville Goddard's "Feeling is the Secret" is about the key to manifesting whatever you desire. This is the version of the book that I bought, which is 33 pages long: Feeling is the Secret: Goddard, Neville: 9781453698693: Books

This book being 33 pages long really couldn't be more fitting because 'Manifest' equals 33, 'Magic' equals 33 (as you could say that manifestation is magic), and 'Desire' equals 33. Continuing, this book states that you attract what you are/what you feel within and not what you want. Having said this, 'Reflect' equals 33, 'Inner' equals 33, 'Inside' equals 33, 'Project' equals 33 (as your life is a reflection/projection of your internal state), 'Believe' equals 33, 'Belief' equals 33 (as it's vital to believe in yourself to accomplish whatever you want), 'Aware' equals 33, and 'Awareness' equals 33 (as you have to consciously change/transmute your thoughts and feelings into ones that will bring you your desired life).

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