The 2012 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", Archaix and the Phoenix Cycle, Phoenix, AZ, and More


The closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games had a big eye, the all-seeing eye/pyramid capstone, a masonic compass, pyramids, and a phoenix in its closing ceremony, of course, those are all symbols of the occult and the new world order. Having said that, this event came a span of 263 days before the Illuminati's birthday, 263 is the 56th prime number, 'Light' equals 56, 'Occultism' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'The Pyramid' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56 (a Jesuit created the Illuminati), and 'Pope' equals 56, you'll see how this connects soon. One of the creators of this event, Stephen Daldry, had a birthday 263 days after it began, and again, 263 is the 56th prime number. In addition, the 'All-Seeing Eye' is also called "the eye of the phoenix", Phoenix, Arizona became an incorporated city on the 56th day of the year, 'City of Phoenix' equals 56, the name of the NBA team of Phoenix, AZ is 'Phoenix Suns', which equals 56, and the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was published a span of 56 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. For something that will make sense later, the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" released 56 days after 5/16, one of the dates the Phoenix will return according to Archaix. The original 'Great Seal' of the U.S. had a Phoenix on it with the latin letters "E Pluribus Unum", which translates to 'Out of Many, One', a phrase equating to 56, and 'Great Seal' equals 56.

The ceremony occurred a span of 47 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, the 'Vatican' city-state was founded on 2/11, like 211, the 47th prime number, 'A Phoenix' equals 47 (the bird appeared on the coinage of the late roman empire), 'Government' equals 47, as the rising phoenix is used as a symbol of the rising new world order, which includes a one world government, and 'Vatican' equals 47. Modern freemasonry, which is Jesuit-controlled, was established on a date with numerology of 47 (masonic symbolism was in the ceremony, like the phoenix), the masonic compass sits at 47 degrees, and in Jewish gematria, 'Mason' equals 211, the 47th prime number.

The ceremony occurred a span of 119 days after the Pope's birthday, Phoenix became an incorporated city 119 days before modern freemasonry's birthday, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 119, 'The Pyramid' equals 119, and 'Vatican' equals 119. 

The ceremony ended on 13/8, 'Olympic Games' equals 138, 'Master Mason' equals 138 (as there was masonic symbolism involved, like the phoenix, which is the emblem of 33rd-degree masons), 'Out of the Ash' equals 138 (a phoenix is reborn from its own ash), and 'Ouroboros' equals 138, which is the symbol of a snake or dragon that represents death and rebirth just like a Phoenix does. The original U.S. great seal that had the phoenix on it was first officially used 138 days before the Illuminati's birthdaythe movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is 138 min. long, and all this information serves as evidence to a theory of Jason Breshears of the "Archaix" youtube channel, who says a phoenix object visits every 138 years to undo the damage that A.I.X. ("artificial intelligence x") has done to civilization. Jason suggests the Phoenix is going to be the one that kills 2/3 of humanity, which the bible tells us about, like in Zechariah 13:8, which states "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein." (K.J.V.) According to catholicism, the second role of 'Michael' the archangel is the "angel of death", which Jason associates with the Phoenix, 'Michael' equals 138 (the angel that's associated with the sun, like Jesus and the Phoenix are, and Jehovah witnesses do believe Jesus was Michael in human form), and 'Angelic' equals 138. On top of all that, 'John Fremont' equals 138, he is the one that signed the bill to make Phoenix an incorporated city, and he died 138 days after the anniversary of Phoenix becoming an incorporated city. To add on, it's stated by many sources that Mayan astronomer-priests pin-pointed the incarnation of Lucifer to 13/8 in 3114 B.C. and the all-seeing eye or the eye of the phoenix is also called the eye of Lucifer. CHECK OUT THESE POSTS FOR RELATED INFO: Exposing the Gematrix: "Fallen" movies/book series ( and Exposing the Gematrix: "Falling in Love", "Falling Stars", and the FALLEN Angels (

The Phoenix is to return on 5/15/2040 or 5/16/2040, according to Jason Breshears of Archaix, the first date is exactly 33 weeks after the Jesuit Order's birthday, the 137th day of the year in 2040 will be 5/16, and 137 is the 33rd prime number. John Fremont died on 13/7, 'Scottish Rite Freemasonry' equals 137, 'Government' equals 137, as the rising phoenix is used as a symbol of the rising new world order, which includes a one world government. Anyways, again 137 is the 33rd prime number, Fremont died 33 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and the original U.S. great seal that had the phoenix on it was first officially used a span of 33 days after the Society of Jesus's birthday. The closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games ended 33 days after the anniversary of the release of the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (Harry Potter is a Jesus archetype, this will make sense shortly), Harry Potter was born on a date with numerology of 137, which again is the 33rd prime number, 'Magic' equals 33 (the "harry potter" movies/books are centered around 'Magic'), 'England' equals 33 (where these 'Olympic' games were), 'Masonry' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, 'Order' equals 33,  'Jesuitic' equals 33, and 'Olympic' equals 33. There are 33 degrees in 'Masonry', the emblem of the 33rd degree is a double-headed phoenix and the ceremony ended on a date with numerology of 33. Furthermore, the ceremony began exactly 33 weeks after Christmas, Jesus died at 33, Phoenix, Arizona (a notoriously hot area) has a latitude of 33 degrees, Phoenix became an incorporated city 303 days before Christmas, and this is all significant because there is a big connection between Jesus and the Phoenix. See here to understand: Exposing the Gematrix: Joaquin Phoenix, The Mary Magdalene Movie, Jesus, The Phoenix, The Sun, and The Jesuits (

Going back to the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", it released 35 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, the book version was published a span of 35 days before the Pope's birthday, the first design of the great seal of the U.S. had a phoenix on it, that design was adopted by congress 35 days after 5/16 (one of the dates the Phoenix is expected to return), in the same year that happened, but before it happened, a freemason, 'William Barton', proposed a phoenix in flames to be on the original greal seal of the United States, 'William Barton' equals 149, the 35th prime number, and he died 149 days after his birthday. Furthermore, 'Typhon' equals 35 (a name that Jason of Archaix says is another name for the Phoenix), 'Eye' equals 35, 'Watched' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35 (what the jurisdiction of the pope is called), 'Oculus' equals 35 (latin word for eye), 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Jesuitism' equals 35, and 'Sol' equals 35 (spanish for sun, which has been said to be the eye of god). The Illuminati was created by a Jesuit 149 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 149 is the 35th prime number, the all-seeing eye was put on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill in 1935, and Genesis 3:5 states “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (N.I.V.)

The book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" released on the summer solstice, which was a span of 38 days after 5/15, one of the dates 'The Phoenix' is expected to return according to Jason Breshears of Archaix, and 'The Phoenix' equals 38. Harry Potter's birthday is on 7/31, just as J.K. Rowling's is, who is the author of the "Harry Potter" books, and interestingly, this is the same date that Ignatius of Loyola died in history, he was the main founder of the Jesuits. He said "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire", 7/31 is a date with numerology of 38, 'Saint Ignatius' equals 163, the 38th prime number. "Ignatius" is a latin name meaning "Fiery" or 'Fiery One', the latter phrase equals 38, 'Fire' equals 38, and 7/31 is in the time of Leo, which is associated with the sun and has the element of 'Fire'. The Jesuits or Society of Jesus is a sun cult, as Jesus is synonymous with the sun and the phoenix, and Harry Potter is a Jesus archetype or Christ figure, which makes him a Phoenix archetype or figure as well. Of course, this also means he is associated with the sun, 'Sun of God' equals 38, and 'The Sun of God' equals 163, the 38th prime number. Going back to the return of the Phoenix, according to Jason Breshears, the Phoenix is going to be the one to cleanse the earth by killing 2/3 of humanity, again, 'The Phoenix' equals 38, 'Death' equals 38 (Jason of Archaix associates the phoenix with the "angel of death"), 'Apollyon' equals 38 (a god associated with the phoenix), 'R.I.P.' equals 38, 'Killing' equals 38, 'Murder' equals 38, 'Destroy' equals 38, and 'Destructed' equals 38. FOR A RELATED INFO: Exposing the Gematrix: "Supernatural" S13 E15: "A Most Holy Man", St. Ignatius of Loyola (who was probably an unholy man), and Astrology (

The book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" released on the summer solstice 98 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Phoenix' equals 98, like Jesus, Harry Potter is the 'Chosen One',  a phrase equating to 98, 'Chosen' equals 98, 'Ignite' equals 98 (as a phoenix is a firebird), 'Angel of Destruction' equals 98, 'Angel of Death' equals 98, which again, Jason of Archaix associates the Phoenix with the "angel of death", and 'Typhon' equals 98, a name that Jason says is another name for the Phoenix.

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