The 13th Constellation: Ophiuchus, The Serpent, Pope Francis, The Georgia Guidestones, 666, and The Jesuit Order

There is a constellation that is generally unknown and not accepted by western astrology (although the sun passes through it) and that is the Ophiuchus constellation, which is called the 'Forgotten' constellation, and 'Ophiuchus' and 'Forgotten' are a match in all the base ciphers.
You could say Pope Francis is an Ophiuchus or a Sagittarius but let me show you why he's really an Ophiuchus. This constellation is depicted as a man holding a serpent and Ophiuchus is Latin for "Serpent Bringer" or "Serpent Bearer". The phrase 'Snake Bringer' equals 201, Pope Francis's real name is 'Jorge Mario Bergoglio', which equals 201, he lives in the Vatican guesthouse called the 'Domus Sanctae Marthae', a phrase equating to 201, and in that guesthouse, he lives in Suite 201. His birthday is on Saturnalia, the day of the ancient roman festival in tribute to Saturn, which to many ancient cultures was known as the first sun, and 'Saturn Worship' equals 201. Of course, Saturn is Satan, so this is who the Pope and the Jesuits/Catholic Church really serve. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, the Jesuits are the eye on the pyramid, which also symbolizes Lucifer or the Serpent, and 'Lucifer Rising' equals 201 (the eye on the pyramid rises above the rest). Lucifer is called the 'Serpent of Wisdom', which is a phrase equating to 201, as Lucifer and Jesus are the same (different sides of the same coin), 'Jesus the Serpent' also equals 201 (Jesus even calls himself a serpent in the Old Testament), and specifically is called the 'Serpent of Brass', which equals 201. This serpent was on Moses's rod in the Old Testament and 'The Moses Serpent' equals 201. Lucifer/The Serpent tried to bring the knowledge of good and evil to man and 'Knowing Good and Evil' equals 201, 'Serpent of Gnosis' equals 201 (gnosis means knowledge), and 'The Conscious Snake' equals 201. The serpent symbolizes the power in knowledge and understanding/wisdom, 'Knowledge is Power' equals 201, and 'Understanding' equals 201. The serpent has been a part of many cultures throughout history, specifically a feathered serpent or plumed serpent, 'The Plumed Serpent' equals 201, and 'Snake Symbolism' equals 201. As we know America is all Jesuit-controlled, "America" comes from the Incan word "Amaruca", which translates to "Land of the Plumed Serpents", and 'Land of the Serpents' equals 201. This makes the U.S. a nation of Lucifer, whom the powers that be worship of course, and 'The Nation of Lucifer' equals 201.
Below you can see how the dollar sign comes from the snake/serpent
The eye of the pyramid is the 13th layer of the pyramid, Ophiuchus is the 13th constellation, there are 13 families of the Illuminati, for the original 13 colonies of the U.S there are 13 stars on the back of the dollar, Jesus plus his twelve disciples makes 13, who represent the sun (Jesus) and the constellations in western astrology (his disciples). Having said this, Pope Francis became pope on the 13th of March in 2013. Now to connect the Georgia Guidestones, Georgia was the 13th Colony, whose founder was named 'James Oglethorpe', which equals 169, and this number has the square root of 13. The Georgia Guidestones opened exactly 13 weeks after his birthday (although he wasn't alive at the time), the Guidestones opened a span of 41 days before the Illuminati's anniversary of establishment, 41 is the 13th prime, and 'USA' equals 41, again, the 13th prime. In addition, the capital of Georgia, which is Atlanta was named by J. Edgar Thomson, whose birthday (if he was still alive) was 41 days before the Georgia Guidestones opened, and again, 41 is the 13th prime. On top of all that, as we were talking earlier about the connection between Lucifer and the 'USA', it's been stated by many sources that Mayan astronomer-priests pin-pointed the incarnation of Lucifer to 13/8 or 8/13 in 3114 BC, interestingly, 8/13 is a span of 41 days after the birthday of the 'USA', and AGAIN, 41 is the 13th prime.
The astronomer Ptolemy listed 48 constellations, 'Astrology' equals 48, 'Illuminati' equals 48, and think about how stars are illuminated. The 'Dollar Sign' comes from the serpent, 'Dollar Sign' equals 48, and 'Ophiuchus' equals 48. In addition, 'Guidestones' equals 48, and the Georgia Guidestones are aligned with the sun (think about the Jesuits).
The United Nations were said the have funded the Georgia Guidestones, and they were opened 216-days before their establishment date, 216 is the product of 6X6X6. Along with the sun, the Guidestones are also in alignment with the Polaris star, 'Astrology' equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian, recall the symbolism on the dollar (in connection to astrology and the serpent), and 'Dollar Sign' equals 666 in English Sumerian. The official name for dollars are 'Federal Reserve Notes', which equals 216, again, this number is the product of 6X6X6, and a term relating to money is 'Monetary', which equals 666 in English Sumerian. As we know, the 'Jesuit-World Order' is 'The Eye on the Pyramid', both phrases along with 'The Eygptian Pyramid' equate to 216 ('Jesuit-World Order' equals 216 in two ciphers), and again, 216 is the product of 6X6X6.
Below you see how 'The Eygptian Pyramid' and 'The Eye on the Pyramid'  both equal 270, and The Jesuit Order was established on the 270th-day of the year.
The Georgia Guidestones opened 177-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'New World Order', 'The Jesuit Order', and 'The Mark of the Beast' all equal 177.

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