The show "Supernatural"

The actor who plays Sam Winchester in this show had his birthday 56 days before the release of the first episode of the show, 'Winchester' equals 56, 'Psychic Power' equals 56 (which Sam got when he was 22), Lucifer is the morningstar or 'The Planet Venus', a phrase equating to 56 (keep these connections in mind for what's ahead), Lucifer also known as a 'Light'-bearer, 'Light' equals 56, and 'The Chosen Soul' equals 56. In addition, it's worth noting that the actor that plays Dean Winchester had his birthday 263 days before the last episode of the show aired, and 263 is the 56th prime number. Interestingly, an episode of the show called "Lucifer Rising" (more on this later) aired 5 weeks and 6 days before modern freemasonry's birthday, they believe lucifer is the true god, just like the Jesuits do (modern freemasonry is Jesuit-controlled), 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, 'The Pentagram' equals 56 (which represents Lucifer), and 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56 (it's also called the "Eye of Lucifer").

Sam Winchester's birthday is 5/2 (a number I'll get to soon), but this birthday is exactly 33 weeks after the first episode of Supernatural aired, 'Sam' equals 33, it's later revealed in the show that 'Sam' is the one true vessel for Lucifer (the chosen one), if you look up when Lucifer was born, you can find an article by that refers to the show "Lucifer" saying he was born 13.7 billion years ago, and 137 is the 33rd prime number. In the show, Dean becomes the vessel of the archangel 'Micheal', which is a name equating to 33. In addition, Lucifer is the kundalini serpent, kundalini energy is at the base of the spine, the spine has 33 vertebrae, and fun fact the spine on a keyboard is "asdfghjkl;" which adds up to 33 in the reduction cipher of gematria (the purest cipher). MORE 33'S THAT CAN APPLY: 'Bible'=33, 'The Gods'=33, 'Jehovah' equals 33, 'False God'=33 (what the vast majority call "God" is really Satan), 'Good Book'=33, 'Amen'=33, 'Masonry'=33, 'Gnostic'=33, (don't forget, high-ranking masons believe lucifer is the true god), 'Demi-God'=33, scottish rite masonry has 33 degrees, and 'Scottish Rite Freemasonry'=137, the 33rd prime number. Mount Hermon is where the angels fell, it has a north coordinate of 33.30 degrees, 'Angelic' equals 33, and 33.3% of the angels fell from heaven. Judges 3:3 mentions Mount Hermon as the NIV reads "the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermon to Lebo Hamath." The Fallen Angels (who we'll get into) are also called "the watchers" and 'Watcher' equals 33. On top of all that, the first episode of the show aired exactly a span of 33 weeks before the Illuminati's birthday, a Jesuit-controlled organization that also thinks lucifer is the true god. Furthermore, another Jesuit-controlled organization is the 'Church of Satan' whose birthday was a span of 137 days before the first episode of "Supernatural" aired, 'Church of Satan' equals 137, and 137 is the 33rd prime number.

The dad of the main characters died on the 200th day of the year, which is the 201st in leap years, and the actor that plays Sam has a birthday on this date. There are 200 Fallen Angels according to the book of Enoch, 'Adam and Eve' equals 200 (lucifer in the garden of eden), but I believe there is one fallen angel left out and that is Lucifer, the leader, to make 201 total, and 'Mountain of Hermon' equals 201. Legend has it that this is the mountain where the fallen angels landed, like I said, the actor that plays Sam has his birthday on the 201st day of the year in leap years, his full name 'Jared Tristan Padalecki' equals 201, the last episode of the show aired 201 days after Sam Winchester's birthday, and in the show, it's found out that he is the one true vessel for Lucifer. In season four, there is an episode called 'Lucifer Rising', this phrase equals 201, in this episode, Sam unknowingly released Lucifer by killing Lilith against the Jesuits' "IHS" logo, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'Illuminati Ritual' equals 201, and 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201. Also, 'The Holy Bible' equals 201, the phrase 'Knowledge is Power' equals 201, and Lucifer is the bringer of knowledge. To touch back on 200 though, 'Jared Tristan Padalecki' also equals 1223 in Jewish gematria, just like 'Jesuit Order' does, and 1223 is the 200th prime number.

Sam got his supernatural powers at age 22 (a master number), 'Power' equals 22, 'Satanic' equals 22 (powers from a demon), first episode of show aired on a date with numerology of 22, a third of the seasons have exactly 22 episodes, 'Angels' equals 22, they are a big theme in the show and Sam is the vessel for the head of the fallen 'Angels', there were 22 chief angels of the fallen ones, as far as 22 connecting to mastery though, 'Mind', 'Master', 'Lord', 'Buddha', and 'Guru' all equal 22 in the same cipher (in reduction/most pure cipher). Furthermore, the kabbalistic tree of life has 22 lines connecting its nodes, it is a representation of the conscious/spiritual path of evolution/ascension of man, and 'Humans' equals 22.

As far as Sam Winchester's birthday being on 5/2, 'Winchester' equals 52, 'Sorcerer' equals 52 (as he has powers), 'Devil' equals 52, 'Earth' equals 52 (these words are actually a perfect match in the base ciphers because the "Devil" is the god of this world, remember, Satan/Saturn is the ruler of time which is why we have 52 weeks in a year), 'Prophecy' equals 52 (as Sam was intended to be the one true vessel for Lucifer since he was at least 6 months old), Lucifer led a 'Rebellion'/'Revolution' in heaven, and both these words equal 52. There was a "saint lucifer" in history and he died on 5/20, 'The Nephilim' equals 52, the Nephilim were the offspring of the sons of god and the daughters of men, the daughters of men were the temptation that led to the angels' fall, and a Hebrew word that means "to fall" is 'Naphal', which equals 52. Furthermore, 'Kabbalah' equals 52, 'Gematria' equals 52, (you could say the kabbalah/gematria is of the "tree of knowledge"), and according to the bible, the tree "god" didn't care if man ate from was the 'Tree of Life', a phrase equating to 52. This tree is also a diagram used in kabbalah. In addition, 'The Light of Gnosis' equals 239, and this is the 52nd prime number.

The show gets into apocalyptic times, 'Book of Revelation' equals 77, 'Revelation to John' equals 77 (an alternate title I've seen for the book of revelation), 'Supernatural' equals 77, 'Sam Winchester' equals 77, and 'Dean Winchester' equals 77.

There were 66 seals that were broken to release lucifer from his cage, 'Cage of Lucifer' equals 66 (and 666 in english sumerian gematria), revelation is the 66th book of the bible, which is a part of the 'New Testament', a phrase equating to 66, 'Biblical' equals 66 in jewish gematria, 'Number of the Beast' equals 66, 'Number of a Man' equals 66, 'Revelations Book' equals 66, 'Beasts' equals 66, 'Mankind' equals 66, 'Curse' equals 66, and 'John the Apostle' equals 66 (book of revelation is also called the "apocalypse of john"). This is why the Church of Satan was founded in 1966, 'The Sigil of Satan' equals 66, and 'Saturn Worship' equals 66 (satan is saturn).

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