The Jesuit/Illuminati-controlled United Nations, NATO, NSA, CIA, and Club of Rome

The United Nations was set up a span of 177-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 177, 'New World Order' equals 177, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 177. Also, NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance, which was created a span of 177-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.

The United Nations was founded on the day leaving 68-days in the year, they are commonly called 'The UN', a phrase equating to 68, 'Catholicism' equals 68, 'Catholic Order' equals 68, 'One World Order' equals 68 (catholic means "universal"), 'Antichrist' equals 68, "1984", a book about a totalitarian society came out on 6/8, 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'C.I.A.' equals 68. The Club of Rome is heavily intertwined with the United Nations, and it was founded in 1968 by 'Aurelio Peccei', whose name equals 68 as well.

The Club of Rome was founded 56-days after the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state, the Vatican city-state is called the "Holy See", and 'All-Seeing Eye' and 'Society of Jesus' both equate to 56.

A similar agency to the CIA is the 'NSA', an acronym equating to 47, the 'NSA' created 47-days after the CIA's birthday, 'The Cabal' equals 47, 'Beast' equals 47, 'Government' equals 47, 'Vatican' equals 47 (which became a city-state on 2/11, like 211, the 47th prime number), 'Authority' equals 47, (according to one source, the NSA was formally created on the United Nations birthday, but officially created on 11/4 in 1952), the CIA was created in 1947, and the Club of Rome was founded on 4/7. 

The Club of Rome's birthday is 201-days after the CIA's birthday, 'United States of America-Central Intelligence Agency' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201.

The NSA was founded 9 months and 11 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, the Coptic Christian calendar begins on 9/11, probably because it's the real birthday of Jesus, the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, and 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in Jewish gematria (also 'Vatican' equals 119, the reflection of 911).

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