The Illuminati are The Jesuits who are the Eye of the Pyramid and The 2022 Dr. Strange Movie

The Illuminati was created by a Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt who died 201-days after the anniversary of the Illuminati being established, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Also, Zachary K. Hubbard has a book that he is working on called 'Illuminati Confirmed: The Jesuit Order', which equals 201. The Jesuits/Illuminati are the eye at the top of the pyramid, 'Eye on Pyramid Top' equals 201, and 'Pyramid of Giza' equals 201. On top of all that, the 'Great Pyramid of Giza' currently has 201 layers of brick left (initially I think it had 210) and 'Great Pyramid of Giza' equals 201. In Jewish gematria, 'The Cornerstone of Giza' equals 1229, and 1229 is the 201st prime number. There is a movie that came out which involves the Illuminati in its plot, this movie is "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness", the actor that plays Dr. Strange was born on the 201st-day of the year (which was a leap year) in the Illuminati's 201st-year of existence.
The 2022 Dr. Strange movie came out 144-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, and the full name of the actor who plays Dr. Strange is 'Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch', which equals 144. In addition, 'Time' equals 144 in Jewish gematria, and 'Multiverse' equals 144, of course, this connects to the movie (as it's centered around the superhero that can time travel and teleport), but specifically, this connects to Saturn (also known as Satan), the ruler of time. And the Jesuits/Illuminati worship Saturn, who is Satan, who is the beast from the bible, and that's why 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144 as well. In a nutshell, the Jesuits/Illuminati are a vessel for Satan.
To further connect the Jesuits/Illuminati to Saturn, the current pope, Pope Francis, his birthday is on Saturnalia, which is an ancient Roman festival in honor of Saturn. Also in ancient Rome was a 'Temple of Saturn', a phrase equating to 76, and the Illuminati (along with the U.S.) was established in 1776. Now to connect this to Dr. Strange (the superhero that can time travel/teleport, connecting to Saturn being the ruler of time), he is played by an actor that was born in 1976, and 'Dr. Stephen Strange' equals 76.
The 2022 Dr. Strange movie came out 221-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'The Bavarian Illuminati' (the full name of the Illuminati) equals 221, and the first and last name of Adam Weishaupt (as Adam is his middle name) is 'Johann Weishaupt', which also equals 221.
Adam Weishaupt was a 'Jesuit Priest', a phrase equating to 153, 'The Illuminati' equals 153, and 'Jesuit Order' equals 153.
The Jesuit Order has also been called the 'Order of the Jesuits', which equals 217, the Illuminati was founded 217-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, and Adam Weishaupt's birthday came 217-days after America gained its independence.
The Illuminati was founded 7-months and 4-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, also, Weishaupt's birthday came 7-months and 4-days after America became independent, 'Illuminatus' (singular word for Illuminati) equals 74, and 'Independence Day' equals 74 (which is on 7/4). The 2022 Dr. Strange movie came out 74-days before (the actor who plays dr. strange) Benedict Cumberbatch's birthday.
There were 56 signers on the Declaration of Independence, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'Eye of Horus' (the right eye of Horus was said to be the sun) equals 56, 'The Pyramid' equals 56, and 'Light' equals 56 (the eye of the pyramid is a symbol of enlightenment). There are 'Three' main pyramids in Eygpt, 'Three' equals 56, and think about the 'Three' 'Abrahamic' religions, and 'Abrahamic' equals 56 (also think about the holy trinity). In addition, the U.S. gained independence a span of 506-days after Pope Pius VI's papacy began (the pope when the U.S. became its own nation). This is why "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" came out on 5/6, and 'Dr. Strange' equals 56.
Adam Weishaupt was born 191-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday and 'Society of Jesus' equals 191. The Illuminati/Jesuits are the eye at the 'Top of the Pyramid', which is a phrase equating to 191. Also, the U.S. initially had 'Thirteen Colonies', a phrase equating to 191.
Speaking of the 13 colonies, there are 13 families of the Illuminati, which is why there is 13 layers of brick on the pyramid on the back of the dollar, along with the 13 stars. Think about Jesus plus his disciples for a total of 13 people, which connects to the twelve constellations plus the sun to make 13. Also regarding the constellations, there is one that is generally left out, which is the Ophiuchus constellation that the sun does pass through, making it the 13th constellation.
The anniversary of the Illuminati's establishment was 84-days after Adam Weishaupt's birthday, 'Jesuit', 'The Jesuit Order', 'The Catholic Church', 'Eye on the Pyramid', and 'Eye on Pyramid Top' all equal 84. In addition, the Illuminati was founded in the same year that the U.S. gained its independence and 'United States of America' equals 84. 
The Illuminati was created on 'May First', which equates to 666 in English Sumerian gematria and 'Pyramids' equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian gematria. Think about how they are the eye at the top of a pyramid, and how an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees at each angle, so if you take off the 0's from the 60-degree angles, you get 666. Also, as the eye of the pyramid rises above the rest, the phrase 'Rising Eye' equals 666 in English Sumerian. Of course, this is the infamous number of the beast, and 'Mark of Beast' equals 666 in English Sumerian as well. This connects to biblical prophecy, which is being contrived by man, in other words, it's not actually 'Prophecy' as 'Prophecy' equals 666 in Jewish gematria. The phrase 'The Eye on the Pyramid' equals 216, the birthday of the Illuminati comes 216-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, and 6X6X6 equals 216. Recall how I was talking about 13 in connection to 'Astrology', which equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian.

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