F.D.R. & The All-Seeing Eye on the Dollar, The U.S. Great Seal, 666, and The Jesuits/Illuminati

The all-seeing eye was used as a symbol on the great seal of the U.S. starting on 6/20/1782, it was put on the back of the dollar in 1935, connecting to 'Eye', 'Catholic', 'Oculus' (latin for "eye"), and 'Sol' (which means "sun", the sun has been said to be the eye of god). The Illuminati was created 149 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday and 149 is the 35th prime number.
The back of the U.S. Great Seal:
'Franklin Roosevelt' was the president who put the all-seeing eye on the dollar and 'Franklin Roosevelt' equals 216, 'Federal Reserve Notes' equals 216, 'The Egyptian Pyramid' equals 216, 'The Eye on the Pyramid' 216, 'Jesuit-World Order' equals 216 in two of the base ciphers, and the Illuminati's birthday is 216-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, and 216 is the product of 6X6X6. Franklin Roosevelt was a freemason, and the masons believe master masons built the pyramids instead of slaves like we're told in school, 'Builders of Pyramids' equals 216, which is the product of 6X6X6. F.D.R. was initiated into masonry in 'New York' in the month of 'October', and along with 'Secrecy', all these emphasized words equal 666 (the first in English Sumerian and the latter two in reverse English Sumerian). A word referring to money is 'Monetary', which equals 666 in English Sumerian, 'Dollar Sign' equals 666 in English Sumerian, 'Pyramids' equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian, as the all-seeing eye rises above the rest of the pyramid, 'Rising Eye' equals 666 in English Sumerian, the Illuminati was created on 'May First', a date equating to 666 in English Sumerian, of course, 666 is the infamous number of the beast and 'Mark of Beast' equals 666 in English Sumerian.
The 'All-Seeing Eye', which is the top of 'The Pyramid', started being used as a symbol on the U.S. 'Great Seal' 56-days before the birthday of the 'Society of Jesus', and all those emphasized phrases equal 56, also, there were 56 signers on the declaration of independence. As the 'All-Seeing Eye' is on the dollar, recall the saying money is the root of all evil, and 'Root of Evil' equals 56. In addition, as F.D.R. had the 'All-Seeing Eye' put on the dollar, it's not an accident that he became initiated into Freemasonry 56-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday.
The all-seeing eye started being used as a symbol on the U.S. great seal 177-days after the Pope's birthday (which was on Christmas), and 'New World Order', 'The Jesuit Order', and 'The Mark of the Beast' all equal 177.
You can also say that the all-seeing started being used as a symbol on the U.S. great seal 188-days before the Pope's birthday and (the formal name of the Illuminati) 'Bavarian Illuminati' equals 188, on the dollar/great seal is the phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum", which is Latin for 'New Order of the Ages', a phrase equating to 188, that's why if you add up all the denominations of U.S. currency issued since 1969, you get $188 (as 100+50+20+10+5+2+1=188).

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