"The Truman Show" and Harry S. Truman

"The Truman Show" was released a span of 33-weeks before Jim Carrey's birthday, and Harry S. Truman was the 33rd U.S. President. Harry S. Truman became a 33rd-degree mason in the month of 'October', the only month equating to 33, and 'Secrecy', 'Masonry', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. It's said that when someone gets to be a 33rd-degree that they are given the true secrets of 'Masonry'. Having said this, it's not an accident that the month Truman became a 33rd-degree, that being 'October', is a match with 'Secrecy' in all the base ciphers. "The Truman Show" came out 118-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, Jim Carrey's real first and last name is 'James Carrey', which equates to 118, and 'Truman Show' also equates to 118. "The Truman Show" came out on the 152nd-day of the year and 'Truman Show' equals 152. The movie came out 24-days after President Truman's birthday, 'Truman' equals 24, and the last name of the main character in the movie is 'Burbank', which also equals 24. The movie came out 157-days after Harry S. Truman's death anniversary and 'Harry Truman' equals 157. Harry Truman died 133-days after his birthday, 'President' equals 133, along with 'Government'. In addition, the C.I.A. was established while he was in office, which was 133-days after his birthday. This happened because Harry Truman signed 'The National Security Act' of 1947 into law, and the emphasized phrase equals 133. He was born on 5/8, 'Harry Truman' equals 58, and as he was a freemason, 'Freemasonry' equals 58. It's believed that the origins of freemasonry goes back to 'Solomon's Temple', which was in 'Jerusalem', and both of the emphasized equal 58. Also, there are illustrations of masonic symbols called 'Tracing Boards', which is another phrase relating to freemasonry that equates to 58.

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