Rick Ross's song "Free Mason" and an In-depth breakdown of Jesuit-Controlled Freemasonry

Rick Ross's song "Free Mason" is 4:07 long, 'Mason' in Jewish gematria equals 211, which is the 47th prime, and the masonic compass is set to 47 degrees. The masons were originally builders like you'll hear Rick Ross talk about in his song, having said this, 'Foundation' equals 47, which is important because a good 'Foundation' is needed to build a secure structure that's going to last for a long time. 'John' 'Legend' was featured on this song, and both 'John' and 'Legend' equal 47. The 'Star of David', (which is similar to the shape of the masonic compass and square) can be seen on many masonic temples, and 'Star of David' equals 47. The G in the middle of the masonic compass and square has been said to stand for "gnosis" (meaning knowledge), which is where the word 'Gnosticism' comes from, and 'Gnosticism' equals 47. Just like Luciferianism, which I'll talk more about later, Gnosticism also believes that Lucifer is really the true God, as he's the one that presented the opportunity to obtain knowledge to Eve in the bible. In addition, 'Solar Deity' (like Jesus, or in the masonic sense, Lucifer) equals 47, this is significant because masons in the core of Freemasonry are said to worship the sun, also, 'Solar Deity' and 'Gnosticism' are a match in all the base ciphers. 'Gnosticism' used to be a part of early Christianity, and 'Christian' equals 47. 

The opening line in the song "Free Mason" references the sun with the line "This is for the soldiers that see the sun at midnight". In addition, 'Freemasonry', 'Solar Energy', and 'Sun Worshiper' all equal 139 ('Freemasonry' and 'Solar Energy' are a perfect match in all four base ciphers), along with 'Luciferianism', which the core of 'Freemasonry' is, and Lucifer is known to be the "Light-Bearer", a.k.a. the SUN, just like Jesus. 

'Lucifer' and 'Jesus' are really the same being but represent the different dualities (think about the masonic motto "As Above, So Below"), that's why both their names equal 74, just like 'Masonic' does. Freemasonry is truly Luciferianism or Gnosticism, as the masons in the inner-most circle of the society believe that the god from the bible is an 'Evil God', as he demonizes knowledge, and 'Evil God' equals 74. Speaking of knowledge, the knowledge of kabbalah is 'Jewish' mysticism, 'Jewish' equals 74, in kabbalah is the subject 'Gematria', which also equals 74. This is why 'Luciferian' equals 373 specifically in 'JEWISH' Gematria, as 373 is the 74th prime, and as Lucifer is the bringer of knowledge. You can really see how 'English' was constructed by this code of letters, words, and numbers, as 'English' also equals 74. In addition, 'The Core' equals 74 in the same way, think about 'The Core' of the sun, I'll talk more about this soon. Speaking of the sun, 'Solis' is Spanish for "sun" and 'Solis' equals 74. Also, 'Heat' and light come from a 'Nuclear' fusion process that occurs in the sun's core, and both 'Heat' and 'Nuclear' equate to 74. 

Anyways, back to connecting sun worship to the masons, 'Sun Worshipers' equals 147, along with 'Freemason', and as they hold hidden 'Knowledge', 'Knowledge' equals 147. In fact, the G in the middle of their masonic compass and square has been said to stand for "Gnosis", which means 'Knowledge'. I think that Freemasonry as a whole is really a representation of the sun, as there are degrees in masonry, like we measure how hot the sun is in degrees. 

Specifically, there are 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite, 'Masonry' equals 33, Jesus (who is a personification of the sun) died at age 33, who is 'God's Son', a phrase equating to 33, along with 'Son' and 'Sunday' (the day Jesus is worshiped on the most). On top of all that, in Jewish gematria 'Sun' equals 330, 'Solmon' equals 330, and "Sol" is Spanish for "Sun". Furthermore, the core of masonry holds its true knowledge, as one has to peel back more layers of masonry to get more of the truth, like hypothetically, the more layers you go into the sun the hotter it gets, and the core of the sun would be the hottest. This theory of mine seems to be supported as 'The Sun's Core' equals 147 as well. The masons are very calculated, as you'll hear Rick Ross suggest in his song, that's why 'Numerical' also equals 147. Having said all this, Rick Ross's birthday is 147 days before the anniversary of the establishment of Modern Freemasonry. 

Jay-Z, who is a famous freemason, was also featured on the song "Free Mason", the song released 137 days before his birthday, the masonic compass and square add up to 137 degrees, and 'Scottish Rite Freemasonry' equals 137. Also, Lucifer is called the "Son of the Morning", and 'Lucifer, the Sun of the Morning' equals 137, which is the 33rd prime number.

Back to 'Rick Ross', his rap name equals 59, just like 'Freemasonry' and 'Solar Energy', and Modern 'Freemasonry' was created 59 years before America became a country. To connect Freemasonry to their owners, the Jesuits, starting with Rick Ross's song "Free Mason", this song came out on the 201st day of the year, along with his fourth studio album. This song and album came out on a Tuesday, which is the day of the planet 'Mars', which equals 201 in Jewish gematria. This number is big with 'The Jesuit Order', as this is a phrase equating to 201. In a nutshell, the Jesuits are a 'Roman' sun cult, 'Apollo' is a sun god in 'Roman Mythology', 'Apollo' equals 201 in Jewish gematria, 'Roman Mythology' equals 201, and 'Roman' equals 201 in Jewish gematria. Having said all this, the 28th degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry is called 'Knight of the Sun', which equates to 201. This degree says to learn all about the sun and the planets that revolve around the it, but to primarily focus on studying the sun. 

I think this is the 28th degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry because 'Apollo' and 'Sun God' equal 28 in the same cipher. Also, 'Temple' equals 28 in the same cipher and more concretely, 'Temple' is a match with 'Apollo' in all the base ciphers, as the body is a 'Temple', to me, this connection signifies that the 'Sun Within', which is a phrase equating to a few masonic numbers that I'll let you decode for yourself. This phrase means that infinite potential is within and all you need to do is go within to be enlightened. 

Going back to the number 201, as I'm exposing how the knowledge of kabbalah is being used ritualistically with gematria which is within kabbalah, kabbalah is 'Jewish Mysticism', a phrase equating to 201. Moving on to the opening line in "Free Mason", which is "This is for my soldiers that see the sun at midnight", notice he mentions "soldiers" there, and later in the song he mentions King Solomon. Having said this, the use of sol at the beginning of these words is in tribute to the sun, as a Solar Deity of ancient Rome was Sol Invictus. Sol in Roman tradition has actually been used to refer to all the sun gods, such as Apollo, Phoebus, Helios, and Sol Invictus. As you now know, it's all about the sun, which is regarded as the ultimate deity and a symbol of enlightenment to the masons, but more so, the Jesuits. The Jesuits serve the Catholic Church, whom the Solar Calendar (the Gregorian calendar) comes from, as well as the English language we know today, which is why I showed examples of "Sol" at the beginning of words.
The gematria above is to show more significance of the number 47. Think about what's in Washington D.C., who it's owned by, and how George Washington was a Mason.
Rick Ross is a 'Rapper', another word equating 74.

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