The 'Order' Number and The Jesuit-World Order

There are 60 minutes in an hour, there are 60 seconds in a minute and think about how we are kept in 'Order' with time. Having said this, 'Order', 'World Order', and 'Unify' all equal 60, think about how the new world order wants to 'Unify' all nations via currency, religion, and government to control us all. 'Police' are used to keep the masses in 'Order', and 'Police' also equals 60. 'Language' equals 281 in Jewish Gematria, 281 is the 60th prime, and the New World Order wants one global language. This is all happening in the world around us for 'Evil' reasons, while they tell us to standby and just 'Believe' (whether that be in God or Government), 'Evil' and 'Believe' both equal 60. This language is English and the Catholic Church (which the Jesuits serve) is responsible for the English language we know today. The New World Order wants a 'One World Religion' and a 'One World Currency', both phrases equal 84 just like 'The Jesuit Order' does. Hence George Orwell's "1984".

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