Julius Caesar's connection to Venus and "Julius Caesar" (1953 Movie)

This 1953 movie about the Roman general Julius Caesar was shot in just 35 days, it released a span of 35 days after the Illuminati's birthday, and the Illuminati is a Jesuit creation, as it was created by a Jesuit. Of course, the 'Catholic' church rules Rome as well as the rest of the world, 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Eye' equals 35, think about the all-seeing eye, having said this, 'Holy See' equals 35, this is what the jurisdiction of the pope is called. Furthermore, the Illuminati was founded 149 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Seeing Eye' equals 149, and 149 is the 35th prime number, 'Watched' equals 35, 'Oculus' equals 35 (latin word for 'Eye'), and 'Jesuitism' equals 35. In addition, 'Sol' equals 35 (spanish for "sun", which has been said to be the eye of god), the name of an egyptian sun god is 'Ra', a name equating to 35, Ra's right eye symbolizes the sun, and the Jesuits have a sun in their logo. The all-seeing eye was put on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill in 1935 and Genesis 3:5 states “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (N.I.V.) There was also a TV mini-series about Julius Caesar that began by releasing its first part on a date with numerology of 35. It's said that Julius Caesar believed he was a descendant of the roman goddess Venus, the planet Venus is also known as the 'Morning Star', a phrase that equals 149, 'Planet Venus' equals 149, and 149 is the 35th prime number. In 46 BC, Caesar dedicated a temple to Venus on 9/26, a date with numerology of 35. There is even a connection between Venus and the All-Seeing Eye, which I talked about earlier. See, Lucifer is synonymous with Venus, as they are both called "the morning star", it has even been said that Lucifer is the personification of the planet Venus, anyways, the All-Seeing Eye has also been called the "Eye of Lucifer".

Going back to the 1953 movie about Julius Caesar, it's worth noting that it's 2:01 long, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'Constantinople' equals 201, this is the name of the city that became the capital of the roman empire during the reign of Constantine, and in Jewish gematria, 'Roman' equals 201.

The actor who played Julius Caesar in this movie died 61 days before the real Julius Caesar's birthday at age 61, 'Gaius Julius Caesar' equals 61 (Julius Caesar's full name), 'Ides of March' equals 61 (the name of the day that Caesar was assassinated on), 'Church' equals 61 (as in catholic church), 'Vaticanus' equals 61 (latin word referring to the vatican), and 'Roman' equals 61.

Julius Caesar died on the 74th day of the 'Roman' gregorian calendar, 'Roman' equals 74, 'The Roman Empire' equals 74, 'Holy Roman Empire' equals 74, and Caesar died by 'Stabbing', a word that also equals 74.

Finally, like I said earlier, Julius Caesar believed he was a descendant of the roman goddess Venus, and what's interesting is that if you go by the gregorian calendar (which wasn't in effect during Caesar's time, in ancient rome), he was born 263 days before the day Veneralia is celebrated, Veneralia is the ancient roman festival in honor of Venus. Having said this, 'Gaius Julius Caesar' equals 263, the 56th prime number, 'The Planet Venus' equals 56, 'Ides of March' equals 56, 'Temple of Venus' equals 56, which Caesar did in fact build, 'Phosphorus' is the greek mythology version of the roman goddess Venus, and 'Phosphorus' equals 56. Also, to go back to the connection between the 'All-Seeing Eye', Lucifer, and Venus, it's important to note that 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56. On top of all that, 'Louis Calhern' equals 56, this is the professional name of the actor who played Julius Caesar in the 1953 movie "Julius Caesar".

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