Capricorn can end on 20/1, Saturn, and More

The time of Capricorn ends on 1/19 or a date that can be written 20/1 (how it's written in most parts of the world, but not the U.S.), to focus on the latter date, it resembles 201, which is all too fitting for the zodiac that is ruled by Saturn, a planet that has all too many connections to the number 201. For example, 'Planet Saturnus' equals 201, 'Saturn Worship' equals 201, 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 201, 'The Lord of Time' equals 201 (a phrase referring to the god of time, Saturn), and 'The Day of Saturn' equals 201 (referring to Saturday, the day of the week named after Saturn, and funny enough, this day in 2024 is on a Saturday). By the way, in traditional astrology, Saturn not only rules Capricorn, but also Aquarius, and time of Aquarius can start on 20/1. It's also crucial to know that the roman catholic church, specifically the Jesuits, worship Saturn, and that the gregorian calendar was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII just a few decades after 'The Jesuit Order' formed. Having said this, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Catholic Pope' equals 201, 'Saturnian Order' equals 201, and 'Roman Mythology' equals 201, as Saturn is the god of time in 'Roman Mythology'. Think about how fitting it is that the "god of time" according to ROMAN mythology is Saturn, which rules the zodiac that can end on 20/1 of the ROMAN-catholic gregorian calendar, not to mention, 'Roman' equals 201 in Jewish gematria. Going back to the Jesuit Order, this organization is responsible for the creation of the Illuminati (as it was founded by a Jesuit), and they've influenced modern freemasonry, like how the fraternity is structured. To back up what I'm saying, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, and 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201.

The date 20/1 or 1/20 is a date with numerology of 21, 'Saturn' equals 21, 'Planet Saturn' equals 73, 'Saturnalia' equals 73 (saturnalia is the ancient roman festival in honor of saturn), and 73 is the 21st prime number. I think it's also important to note that 'Saturn' symbolizes materialism and/or this material world, and that the height of materialism has occurred here in the 21st century. 

Saturn can be synonymous with 'Satan', a word that equals 35, 'Saturnalia' equals 35, 'The Black Sun' equals 35 (a phrase referring to Saturn), and the last day of the ancient roman festival Saturnalia ends on a date with numerology of 35. On top of that, the start date of 'Saturnalia' is a span of 35 days before 20/1 or 1/20, which again, is a day that the time of Capricorn can end, and 'God of Time' equals 149, the 35th prime number. Continuing, Saturn has been called by another name, "El", which is a semitic word for "god", "El" is the singular form of the word 'Elohim', and although this word is the hebrew word for "gods", which is plural of course, it has been used as a name of a singular God. Having said that, 'Elohim' equals 35, and all of this serves as evidence that the god referred to in the bible is Saturn, not to mention, 'The Holy Bible' equals 201 (recall the 201 connections). To better understand the totality of the esoteric concept of Saturn, I think this can help some: OS-The-higher-octave-of-the-planet-Saturn.pdf (

Saturn is symbolized by a black cube and has been called 'The Black Cube', this phrase equals 93, 'Saturn' equals 93, the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley created a religion called 'Thelema', this is a greek word that equals 93 in isopsephy, of course, it's not a coincidence that the religion worshiped this number, 'The Worship of Saturn' equals 93, and 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 93.

Furthermore, 'The Black Cube' equals 231, 'The Lord of Karma' equals 231 (another phrase referring to Saturn), 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 231, 'The Worship of Saturn' equals 231, 'Festival of Saturnalia' equals 231, and the Church of Satan was founded 231 days before Saturnalia. Remember that Saturn can be synonymous with Satan, and not to mention, the Church of Satan is another Jesuit-controlled organization. Also, as we've already established a connection between Saturn and 21, it's important to note that 231 is the 21st triangular number, and then on top of that, 21 is the 6th triangular number. This connection between Saturn (the 6th planet from the sun), Satan, this material world, and the number 6 is thick and it's something that I've talked about all too much in my related decodes and videos, so if you know, you know. If you don't know then consult the related section on this post here: Exposing the Gematrix: What Humanity was intended to be, the good/true side of 6/66/666 and Saturn, True Love, and More (
And if you want any more information related to this, then search "Saturn" here on my blog.

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