Death of Nipsey Hustle, who was a descendant of Christ? And how Prodigy fits in

Nipsey Hustle was rumored to be related to Halie Selassie, who was said to be a descendant of Jesus and King Solomon. Nipsey Hustle died 137 days before his birthday, which is also the Society of Jesus's birthday, this couldn't be more fitting given all that we will go over, but 137 is the 33rd prime number, Nipsey died at 33 just as Christ did, 'God's Son' equals 33, 'Bible' equals 33, 'Sunday' equals 33 (Nipsey died on a 'Sunday'), and 'Solomon' equals 330 in Jewish gematria. Furthermore, Nipsey's killer got 60 years to life in prison at age 33, 'Federal' equals 33, 'Order' equals 33, 'Secrecy' equals 33, 'Masonry' equals 33, and of course, there are 33 degrees in 'Masonry'. Keep the following in mind for later, the late rapper, Prodigy, has a song called "Illuminati" which is 3:30 long, and in it he says, "I was fast asleep, but now I'm wide awake, I was under the spell of Kangol and reserved notesReligion and fashion, I used to be flashy, 'Til I had a total recall, forgot what I've already knew, It took me 33 years for me to see the truth", and Prodigy died a span of 33 weeks after his birthday.

Nipsey's killer was convicted of first-degree murder on the 187th day of the year in 2022, 'Society of Jesus' equals 187, and remember, Nipsey shares a birthday with the Society of Jesus.

Halie Selassie stopped being the emperor of 'Ethopia' in 1974, 'Ethopia' equals 74, and 'Nipsey' equals 74, like 'Rapper', 'Jesus', 'Messiah', 'Jesus Christ', 'Gospel', and 'Parables'. In addition, the 'Rapper' Prodigy was born in 1974.

Interestingly, Nipsey Hustle died 201 days after 9/11, which some believe to be the real birthday of Jesus, I myself have found a significant amount of evidence suggesting that this is true, and evidence also suggests that Jesus was black. Anyways, 'Adonai Yeshua' equals 201 (a phrase referring to Jesus), 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, Prodigy's final studio album, "The Book of Revelation" released on 20/1, and 'The Holy Bible' equals 201.

Oddly enough, Prodigy's death date is 9 months and 11 days before Nipsey's death date, the old Jesuit ring had "911" in roman numerals on it, the Coptic Christian calendar starts on 9/11, the Coptic Christians actually believe Jesus was born on 1/7, which is a span of 119 days after 9/11, and of course, 119 is the reflection of 911. On top of all that, 'Vatican' equals 119, the first publically Jesuit pope is Pope 'Francis', a name equating to 119, and 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in Jewish gematria, this hill gave its name to "Vatican City".

Nipsey Hustle died a span of 181 days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 181 is the 42nd prime number, Prodigy died at age 42, 'Blacks' equals 42, 'N*****' equals 42, 'Slavery' equals 42 (Jesus has been referred to as a "slave" or "servant"), and the bible says there are 42 generations of Jesus in total. As this is a race ritual, remember that 'Jackie' Robinson wore #42, 'Jackie' equals 42, it's why the movie "42" released exactly 42 weeks before what would've been Jackie Robinson's birthday, and 'Black History' equals 181, the 42nd prime number. 

Prodigy's "The Book of Revelation" album released 151 days before he died and 'Jesus Christ' equals 151.

Ethiopian emperor Halie Selassie was coronated on the day leaving 59 days in the year, he was believed by some to be the reincarnation of the Rastafarian god "Jah", 'Rasta' equals 59, as well as 'Rastafarianism', along with 'Negro', 'Slave', 'Afros', and 'Darky', and black history month ends on the 59th day of the year. In addition, it has been said that this king's bloodline goes back to King Solomon and Jesus, Solomon is an essential figure in 'Freemasonry', according to Google, he died at age 58 or 59, and 'Freemasonry' equals 58 and 59. Of course, Jesus was called the 'King of Kings', a phrase equating to 58 and 59 as well, and Prodigy was born on the day leaving 59 days in the year, in other words, he was born on the same day in the year that Halie Selassie was coronated on.

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