Deeper Connections to 911 and More

THE BOLDED INFO. WAS UPDATED ON 8/23/23 and 8/26/23

The founder of Pakistan died on 9/11, his birthday was on Christmas, some say the real birthday of Jesus was on 9/11, his name excluding his last name is 'Muhammad Ali', which equals 201, and 'Adonai Yeshua' equals 201 (a phrase referring to Jesus). Regarding what I'm saying, think about how Jesus is to Christianity as Muhammad is to Islam, having said this, it's all too fitting that the founder of Pakistan's Christmas birthday is a span of 201 days after the day in history that the Prophet Muhammad died on. Pakistan became a country a span of 12 months and 29 days before the founder's death, 1229 is the 201st prime number, Pakistan is one of the 'Islamic States', a phrase equating to 201, and 'The Holy Bible' equals 201. Of course, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and what happened on 9/11/2001 was a big ritual connected to Jesus and the coming new world order, which the Jesuits are the head of. A piece of that big ritual was how there were 2 towers, then 0, then 1, for a tribute to 201/the Jesuits.

Anyways, on 9/11, some say that there were no planes that hit the twin towers or the Pentagon, but that the planes which hit the towers were really holograms, in Jewish gematria, 'Holographic Reality' equals 911, and the ones said to be responsible for the attack were 'Jihadists', a word equating to 911 in Jewish gematria as well. Given all the destruction that occurred on 9/11, it's definitely worth pointing out that 'The God of Destruction' is 'Planet Mars', the former emphasized phrase equals 911 in Jewish gematria, and the latter equals 119, the reflection of 911. SEE THESE RELATED POSTS FOR MORE INFO: Exposing the Gematrix: The "God of War" series, Mars (roman god of war), Ares/Aries (greek god of war/zodiac), and 9/11 ( and Exposing the Gematrix: Building 7 of the WTC construction after 9/11 and Mars, the Roman God of Destruction (

Of course, the Vatican was behind 9/11, 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in Jewish gematria, this hill gave its name to "Vatican City", 'Vatican' equals 119, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 119 (the government of vatican city is called "The Holy See"), like I said, 119 is the reflection of 911, and the first Jesuit pope is Pope 'Francis', a name equating to 119, and 'Vaticanus City-State' equals 119. The old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, and the Coptic Christian Calendar begins its new year on 9/11. For some phrases relating to 9/11, in Jewish gematria, 'Al-Qaeda Terrorist Attack' equals 911, 'Tisha B'Av' equals 911 (Jewish holiday remembering the destruction of the first and second temples of Jerusalem. Sound familiar?) 'Ossuary' equals 911 (relating to Skull and Bones, the secret society George W. Bush was/is in), and at one time, Yale's website said that George W. Bush's graduating class had 911 members (SEE HERE: 911 people in the Yale class of 1968 (the year George W. Bush graduated from Skull and Bones...) - Gematria Effect News). George W. Bush's dad, George H.W. Bush, gave a speech on 9/11/1990 about a new world order, "9-1-1" became the national emergency dialing code the same year George W. Bush graduated from Yale, and interestingly, 'The Conspiracy Code' equals 911 in Jewish gematria. Revelation 9:11 states, "They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer)" (N.I.V.), "Apollyon" is a god associated with the phoenix, as they both symbolize destruction and reconstruction, just as the twin towers were destroyed and one was rebuilt. This symbolized the coming new world order, including a one-world government, a one-world religion, a one-world currency, and a one-world language, you could say this will unify a world of 'Division', and the emphasized word equals 911 in Jewish gematria as well. Anyways, Jason Breshears of the "Archaix" YouTube channel says the phoenix will either return on 5/15 or 5/16 in 2040, 9/11 is 119 days after 5/15, and Jesus/The SUN of God is associated with the phoenix, for example, through resurrection.

Going back to the Coptic Christians, they originated from Egypt and the word "Coptic" derives from a greek word meaning 'Eygptian', a word equating to 119, and 'The Egyptian Christians' equals 119. The Coptic Christians believe Jesus was born on 1/7, which is a span of 119 days after 9/11, speaking of, Genesis 11:9 ends the story of the TOWER of Babel, which was destroyed by God. In addition, the first president of Israel (a.k.a. "the holy land") died on 11/9, a date that can be written as 9/11. Finally, Queen Elizabeth II's COVID diagnosis is allegedly what led to her death 911 days after COVID was declared a pandemic, she died on the Virgin Mary's birthday, the mother of Jesus of course, and like I said, some believe 9/11 is the true birthday of Jesus. There's a connection between Jesus and COVID or the CORONAvirus, because Jesus is a personification of the sun (just like Mithra, a sun god of ancient Rome that has the same 12/25 birthday as Jesus), and the "Corona" is the outermost layer of the sun, that's why the Jesuits or Society of JESUS, who are behind the pandemic, have a sun for their logo.

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