What Humanity was intended to be, the good/true side of 6/66/666 and Saturn, True Love, and More

"The philosophers of antiquity realized that man himself was the key to the riddle of life, for he was the living image of the divine plan, and in future ages humanity also will come to realize more fully the solemn import of those ancient words: "The proper study of mankind is man." - Manly P. Hall in "The Human Body in Symbolism"

You have the potential to be a God/Goddess. In some way, do you strive to be more of your true self, your divine self, each and every single day? Life is about progress, not perfection, as there is no such thing as perfection, at least, what is generally thought of as such. True perfection is complete balance and complete balance is true perfection, man (the microcosm) and the whole universe (the macrocosm) are only complete because balance is innate in both. But, the conditioning of this world is holding the average man and the collective very far from this, with the vast majority living in their lower nature. We can all take steps to be more of what we were initially intended to be. Those who give a solid effort in life will be met halfway by the universe, because it is the mirror of ourselves. This was an Instagram post I made: QU5ST9ON (@qu5st9on) | Instagram

(NOTE: Keep in mind throughout this decode that the sumerian ciphers just multiply whatever the simple english or reverse simple enlgish gematria values of a word or phrase are by 6). There is mathematical evidence for what I went on to say about true perfection being complete balance and complete balance being true perfection, really for the whole point of that post, that being to say 'You are God', a phrase that equals 666 in english sumerian gematria. In english sumerian gematria, 'Humanity', 'Perfection', and 'Perfect Balance' all equal 666, and in reverse english sumerian gematria, 'Genesis' equals 666, as in this book of the bible, it's said that man was made in god's image. Now I know what you are thinking, but like all numbers, there is a good side to 666, the meaning of this number became all too stigmatized because of the roman catholic church.

So let me explain, according to the bible, man was made on the 6th day of creation, the number of man is 6, the first perfect number is 6 (then it's 28, 496, etc), 6 is in the middle of the divine trinity that is 369, which indicates that 6 is a number of balance, and the 6th planet from the sun is Saturn, which is the planet associated with balance, and Saturn was actually the sun before our current sun. This is why H.P. Blavatsky called the 6th node on the kabbalistic tree of life "the spiritual sun", if you take a good look at the kabbalistic tree, you'll see how the 6th node is in the middle of the rest, how all the other nodes besides one are connected to it directly, and how the middle pillar stands higher than the other two. It's no surprise that the 6th node is associated with balance and spirituality, this is all significant because the "middle path" or the "middle way" (as the buddhists would say) is not a way, but THE way to attain the objective goal of existence, if you're in favor to say that there is such.
If you've been following my work then you know just how big of an influence Saturn has in our world, in astrology, the planet is associated with balance and karma, the law of karma of course maintains balance in the universe, in Jewish gematria, 'The Karma Cycle' equals 666, and in reverse english sumerian gematria, 'Saturnic' equals 666. Going back to the repdigit in 666, that being 6 of course, humans are carbon-based beings, and carbon is the 6th element on the periodic table. Carbon-12 has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons, and the human body is composed of 18% carbon, 6+6+6=18. In addition, a crystalline form of carbon is graphite, which has a structure where carbon atoms form layers with a hexagonal arrangement, of course, a hexagon is a 6-sided shape, and on the north pole of Saturn, there is a hexagon.

Man is able to attain christ consciousness or the state of 'Christos', a word equating to 666 in english sumerian gematria, this can be attained by the balancing of the unconditioned 'Mind and Heart', a phrase also equating to 666 in english sumerian gematria, 'Be Like Water' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria as well (to understand how this connection relates then see the section on this subject here: Exposing the Gematrix: The 6th Sefira: "Tifaret", "Be Like Water", Nirvana, and the Middle Path (qu5st9on.blogspot.com), and 'Human Love' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria. The 'Human Love' I'm talking about here is the unconditioned kind for all that is, like what you have as a child, and what you were intended to have throughout your whole life. Therefore, it is no surprise that the 6th node on the kabbalistic tree of life represents the heart. Matthew 18:3 states, "And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (N.I.V.) and "the kingdom of heaven" means an enlightened state of being of the individual and/or the world. Furthermore, we have been programmed to be the opposite of what we really are, especially in this modern era, which means you have to 'Go Within' or constantly listen for that subtle and suppressed voice inside of you, a.k.a. your intuition, to let you know what to do, 'Know Self' equals 666, and 'Go Within' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria.

To continue, 'Mankind' equals 66, and if you add up all the master numbers you get 66, as 11+22+33=66. Remember the following for later, 'The Gods' equals 33, and 'Genesis' equals 33. Before I go any further, here is a quote from Carl Sagan, "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." Humans have 33 vertebrae in their spine (think about kundalini energy), 'Cosmos' equals 33, 'Know Self' equals 33, 'The Self' equals 33 (which refers to your true nature), the most famous incarnation of the 'Cosmos' was Jesus, who died at the age of 33, and by the way, 3+3=6. I brought up 33 connections because the number spelled out is 'Thirty-Three', which equals 66, 'Self' equals 66, 'Love of the Cosmos' equals 66 (what Jesus is and/or represents and what the true nature of man is), and 'The Cosmic Man' equals 66 (look up: "Carl Jung's archetype of the cosmic man"). Also, the 6th chakra is the 'Pineal' gland or the third eye, and 'Pineal' equals 33 and 105, which again, both numbers reduce to 6.

Anyways, going back to 6+6+6 equating to 18, the latter number reduces to 9, as 1+8=9, this is the number of completion, which is an upside-down 6. If you put 6 and 9 together, you get 69, which is associated with the yin and yang symbol because it resembles the number, 'Saturn' equals 69, and again, the planet is associated with balance. The completion or perfection of man is only attained by the balanced 'Union' of the 'Mind and Heart', a phrase that equates to 69, 'Union' equals 69, 'Heart of Christ' equals 69 as well (remember this for what's to come ahead as Christ is who all humans were intended to be like), and 'Love of the Cosmos' equals 69, again, what Jesus is and/or represents and what the true nature of man is. Notice what 69 breaks down to? It breaks down to 6, as 6+9=15, and 1+5=6. In addition, 'Saturn' equals 42, 'Humanity' equals 42, of course, 4+2=6, 'Humanity' also equals 105, 'Human Race' and 'Perfection' both equate to 159 and 51, and all those numbers reduce to 6. On top of all that, 'You are God' also equals 132 and 42, 'Mind and Heart' also equals 213, 'Human Love' also equals 132 and 42, and again, all those numbers reduce to 6.

Let's go back to what I mentioned in the beginning about the book of 'Genesis', now, Genesis 1:26 states "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (N.I.V.) Remember, according to 'Genesis' we were made on the 'Sixth Day of Creation', a phrase equating to 216, which is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Creation God' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria. But, it says "Let us make mankind in our image", implying that we had many creators, fittingly, 'The Gods' equals 666 in reverse english sumerian gematria, and interestingly, 'Mankind's God' or probably more accurately put, 'Mankind Gods' equals 666 in english sumerian gematria. Also, 'The Gods' and 'Genesis' are a match in three out of the four base ciphers, and both equal 33 and 78, numbers that reduce to 6.

The famous verse of Genesis I was talking about was the 26th in chapter one, 'God' equals 26, 'Adam' equals 26, 'Union' equals 26 ("god" is all things and truly nameless), 'Cosmic' equals 26, 'Sixth' equals 26 (on the 'sixth' day of creation man was made), and 'Begin' equals 26, as "genesis" means "the beginning of something". The english alphabet has 26 letters, as I'm decoding the english language, and 'Letter' equals 26 in the purest cipher. Recall how I was talking about balance and the kabbalistic 'Tree of Life', which represents god within man and man within god, 'The Man' equals 101, 'Perfect Man' equals 101, 'Tree of Life' equals 101, the 26th prime number, and Manly P. Hall in his book "Qabbalistic Teachings and the Tree of Life" writes, "The true import of the central pillar is equilibrium. It demonstrates how the Deity always manifests by emanating poles of expression from the midst of Itself but remaining free from the illusion of polarity. If the numbers of the four Sephiroth connected by this column be added together (1+6+9+10), the sum is 26, the number of Jehovah." On page 60 of the same book, Manly P. Hall sums up this whole decode of mine by saying, "Consequently, only after the reestablishment of unity within himself can man regain his primal spiritual state".

Not just Jesus Christ, but all humans were intended to be the embodiment of the whole infinite universe or the 'Love of God', a phrase equating to 101, 'Christian' equals 101 (think about what it TRULY means to be a "christian"), 'Union of Heart and Mind' equals 101 (keep that in mind for what is just ahead), think about Bob Marley's song 'One Love', a title equating to 101, and again, 101 is the 26th prime number (Bob Marley was born on 2/6). In addition, a Beatles song called "Real Love" was based on a demo by John Lennon, which was remade by the other Beatles and released after Lennon's death on what would've been a span of 206 days before his birthday, and the song released 101 days after his death anniversary, this all seems like a tribute to him, ordained either by man or by the divine.

Let's now take a look at John 4:7-8: "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." As this started with John 4:7, 'Love of God' equals 47, 'John' equals 47, 'Christian' equals 47, 'Nirvana' equals 47 (god is nirvana), 'Perfect Man' equals 47 (Jesus is the best example of a perfect man, as he was of true, uncorrupted human nature, which made him one with god), and 'Mind Heart' equals 47. To explain the latter, true love is unconditional, this means taking the good with the bad with no falter in your internal state, which can only be achieved by a balanced union of the heart and mind, and 'Balanced Life' equals 47. This can also be backed up by the late and great Capital Steez, the rapper and revolutionary who believed that the number 47 was the perfect representation of balance in the world, and he was right. As he was also into chakras, I'm sure he knew what he was doing when he picked this number because the 4th chakra is the heart chakra, and located at the top of the head is the 7th chakra, the crown chakra, through which mind/some degree of consciousness is received and/or given, so it affects mental functions. For more 47's check out my decode on Capital Steez: Exposing the Gematrix: Search results for capital steez (qu5st9on.blogspot.com)

More evidence supporting my point in connection to Genesis 1:26 is how 'God-like' equals 126, 'Nature of God' equals 126, 'Real Love' equals 126 (keep in mind for what's just ahead), 'Christ Bearer' equals 126, and 'The Cosmos' equals 126. The phrase 'God-Like' also equals 36 twice and 63, just as 'Divine' does, 'Godly' equals 63, and 'The Human Race' equals 63 as well. Also, 'Innate' equals 63, 27, 36, and 99, as we were born 'Divine', kind of like when we were young children full of wonder, before getting older and totally programmed out of our true nature. Before I go any further, I want to point out that 'Soul' equals 360 in Jewish gematria, of course, there are 360 degrees in a circle, a shape that has no beginning or end, just like our souls, by the way, 'Geometry' equals 36, 45, and 108 twice, and gematria is 'Geometry' within language. To continue, 'Godly' also equals 18, 27, and 72, 'Divine' also equals 99, and 'The Human Race' also equals 54, 117, and 207. Finally, I would like to point out that 'Love' equals 18 twice and 54 twice in the base ciphers of gematria, and despite what most people think of as 'Love', true love is an unconditional one for all that is, the state Christ was supposedly in. Christ isn't to be worshipped, he's just a figure that was/is a perfect example of the true/intended nature of humanity. Adding on, 'Child' equals 27 twice, 36, and 99, 'Lover' equals 27 twice, 63, and 72, 'Love is God' equals 45 twice, 108, and 135, 'Real Love' equals 36, 45, 90, and again 126, 'Reality' is a match in three out of the four base ciphers with 'Real Love', as it equates to 36, 45, 90, and 99, and 'Real' equals 18, 27, 36, and 72. Like John Lennon said in his song "Love", "Love is Real, Real is Love", and interestingly, this song released 63 days or 9 weeks after his birthday, and again, 'John' equals 47, refer to the 47 connections from earlier. In addition, as there are many 36 connections here, something I talked about earlier was Bob Marley's song "One Love", which released 36 days before his birthday. See, the one true reality is pure love or perfect balance, what buddhists call "nirvana", and only in this state are we truly complete.

That's why all the numbers above reduce to 9, the number of completion, the number of the whole infinite universe, or the true omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent god, we were made by our creator gods, but only made complete by having the balanced nature of the universe or the true god built inside of us. The question is, do you try to model yourself after the universe to experience the best life possible? Or do you let the conditions of this world make you and your reality?

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