The 6th Sefira: "Tifaret", "Be Like Water", Nirvana, and the Middle Path

See this post before reading this one: Exposing the Gematrix: What Humanity was intended to be, the good/true side of 6/66/666 and Saturn, True Love, and More (

The sixth sefira is 'Tifaret', this is just one of the sefira's spellings, but it is this spelling that is a perfect match with 'Nirvana' in the four base ciphers. This is because the sixth sefira is in the 'Middle' of the whole kabbalistic tree of life and the buddha taught that the 'Middle Path' was the only way to 'Nirvana'. Having said this, 'Middle Path', 'Middle', 'Nirvana', 'Tifaret', 'Sephirot', 'Evolution', 'Human Soul', and 'Infinity' all equal 47, the three latter connections are significant because the kabbalistic tree of life symbolizes the 'Human Soul', the spiritual 'Evolution' of man, and "Ein Sof" or 'Infinity'. This is mathematical evidence backing up my claim that in order to become 'One' you must strive to balance yourself more and more every day until you reach 'Nirvana', and 'One' equals 47 as well. This number is what I call a 'Holy Number', interestingly, the phrase equals 47, and it should be no surprise that 'Meditation' equals 47, as people use 'Meditation' to balance or center themselves. 

In the word "Meditation" is the latin prefix 'Medi', which equals 22 in the most pure cipher (reduction) just as 'Buddha', 'Mind', 'Guru', 'Lord', 'Modest', and 'Master' all do, and 22 is a 'Master' number, specifically, the middle master number as it's in between 11 and 33. In addition, 'Mindful' is a match in three out the four base ciphers with 'Tifaret' and 'Nirvana', and all those words equal 79, which is the 22nd prime number. Like I talk about in the post I said you should read before this one, 'Humans' are really beings of balance, it's just that this world we are in has conditioned us to be far too engrossed in our lower or animal nature, and 'Humans' equals 22 in reduction as well. 

Furthermore, the kabbalistic tree of life has 22 lines connecting the ten or eleven nodes, because it's symbolic of the true 'Nature' of 'Humans', 'Nature' equals 79, the 22nd prime number, and 'Life' equals 22, as we are talking about the kabbalistic tree of 'Life'. To talk about the sixth sefira again, it's associated with the sun and as I have shown, Saturn, this is because the planet was the earth's sun before our current sun, which is why the sixth sefira or "tifaret" is located in the center of the whole kabbalistic tree, signifying not only that 'Life' revolves around our current sun, but also that 'Life' used to revolve around the 'Old Sun'. The latter phrase is a title of Saturn which equals 22, and 'Saturna' equals 22, (according to Saturna - Name's Meaning of Saturna ( this word derives from the Etruscan and Latin "satre" (Etruscan God), "satus", "saturnus", meaning "sowing seed", "generation", "birth", and "origin". 

This fits in perfectly as the 'Old Sun' or Saturn is the god of generation and agriculture, and without the sun, generation and agriculture wouldn't be possible, no 'Life' on earth would be possible without the sun, as our planet would be dead. In numerology, it's even said that 22, the second and middle master number, symbolizes balance. Going back to "Nirvana" though, notice that in the middle of the word is the letter "V", the 22nd letter, also notice how the letter has two lines that stop to unify in the middle, symbolizing the perfect blending of opposites. Do you see just how deep all this goes? 

It was 'Bruce' Lee who said it best, "Be like water", 'Bruce' equals 22, and 'Water' equals 22, this article: Bruce Lee's "Be Like Water" Quote Explained ( says, "Lee said to "empty your mind", and explained that a person should be "formless" like water. He said that because water has no shape, it becomes whatever it is poured into, whether it be a cup, a bottle, or a teapot. The Enter the Dragon star went on to say, "water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend". Be like water” means that you should be formless. When Lee says to be "formless", he means that people shouldn't allow themselves to be trapped in a certain mindset. Instead, a person should be able to adapt to certain situations, grow, and change; that's how one can adopt the qualities of water. That's the basic interpretation of the phrase, but there's actually deeper meaning to be found in it, which can be more easily understood when looking at Lee's background and his previous comments about water.
It's important to note that many of Bruce Lee's beliefs and ideas came from the time he spent with his martial arts master, Yip Man (the subject of the four Ip Man films starring Donnie Yen). Yip Man was a grandmaster of Wing Chun, a fighting style based on reflexive movements. The principles of Yip Man and Wing Chun had a lot to do with how Bruce Lee's philosophy developed. After training under Yip Man, Bruce Lee had a realization when he would practice punching the water. According to Lee, it occurred to him that water was the "very essence of gung fu". He discovered that no matter how hard he struck the water, he couldn't hurt it. Though it seemed weak, it could "penetrate the hardest substance in the world". It's formlessness and adaptability led to Lee deciding that he wanted to become like the "nature of water". The beginnings of this idea of Lee's was actually depicted in Ip Man 3 when Ip Man splashed water on Lee (Danny Chan). Lee believed that a person could achieve this goal of becoming like water through the "art of detachment", which involves emptying one's mind and relaxing." 

In addition, I just wanted to point out that as the kabbalistic tree of life is a part of jewish mysticism, in hebrew there are 22 letters to correspond with the 22 lines on the kabbalistic tree, and the "Sefer Yetzirah", a book on jewish mysticism says that god created the world in part by using the hebrew alphabet. Finally, the hebrew bible compares 'Humans' to 'Trees', and both of those words equal 22. See here for that info: Humans are... Trees? (

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