The Baphomet Statue in 'The Magic City' (Birmingham, AL)

The sculptor of this statue of Baphomet the 'Goat' was Frank Fleming, who died 43-days before the Church of Satan's birthday, 'Goat' equals 43, 'Killing' equals 43, 'Murdered' equals 43, and the Church of Satan's birthday is on a date resembling 43, 4/30. In addition, Baphomet has also been called the goat of "mendes" and 'Baphomet Mendes' equals 430 in Jewish gematria.

You could also say Frank died 322-days after the Church of Satan's birthday, 322 is a big number in the occult, the 322nd day of the year is known as "occult day", the founder of the Illuminati died on this day in history, and a branch of the Illuminati is Skull and Bones, who go by "Order 322".

On top of that, 322-days translates to exactly 46 weeks, connecting to 'Sacrifice' and 'The Beast', and think about goats being sacrificially killed throughout history. 

Frank died on the 77th day of the year at age 77, 'Sacrificed' equals 77, 'Secret Society' equals 77, and 'Baphomet Statue' equals 77. The statue's official name is 'The Storyteller' Fountain and that emphasized phrase also equals 77 and 'Book of Revelation' equals 77.

Now, this statue was set up in 'The Magic City' (name for Birmingham, AL), a phrase equating 201, along with 'The Holy Bible', 'The Antichrist Beast', 'The Revelation Beast', 'Baphomet Goat', 'The Transgender Goat', 'The Goat of God' (as the God/ruling power of this world is evil), and in Jewish gematria, 'Rams', as the statue has also been called a "ram-headed man". Of course, magic is a subject of the occult, and 'Magic' equals 102, which is the reflection of 201.

This statue is located at "FIVE Points South", in between a FIVE street intersection, the satanic symbol of the pentagram is FIVE points, of course, this was Frank Fleming's best-known work in Birmingham, and this location is at latitude 33.5. This number connects to 'Bible', 'Magic', 'God Goat', and 'Cronos', the latter being the name for "Saturn" (a.k.a. Satan/The Beast) in greek mythology. Furthermore, in Jewish gematria, 'Saturnian' and the Spanish word for Saturn, 'Saturno', both equate to 561, the 33rd triangular number. A post I made recently talked about how the Fraternity of Saturn has 33 degrees of initiation just as Scottish Rite 'Masonry' does, 'Saturnic' equals 33, and of course, 'Masonry' equals 33. Also, there is a 'Church of Satan', a phrase equating to 137, the 33rd prime number.

The Ritual with Henry Ford and his Son

The founder of 'Ford Motor Company' was Henry Ford, who named his only child 'Esdel Ford', a name equating to 47, 'Ford Motor Company' equals 211, the 47th prime number, the company name for short, 'Ford Motor' equals 47, and Henry died on 4/7 in 1947. This is the big number with freemasonry as the masonic compass is set at 47 degrees, modern masonry was founded on a date with 47 numerology, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, 211 is the 47th prime number, that's just to name a few, and yes, Henry Ford was a mason (he achieved the 33rd-degree seven years before he died). Interestingly, Ford was founded a span of 47-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'Beast' equals 47, and although this number is the big number with freemasonry, keep in mind that all these secret societies are interwoven under the same umbrella (the Jesuits).

Henry's only son died 201-days after his own birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'The Freemasonic Order' equals 201, and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, evidence supporting what I said earlier about these secret societies being under the same umbrella, the Jesuits, as this number here is more particularly connected to them. Just know, these people like Henry Ford submit to these secret societies to gain power, what these societies require a lot of times for one of their puppets to maintain or increase their power on the world stage is a sacrifice, sadly, his son was probably just that, and 'Sacrifice to Saturn' equals 201 (the entity the Jesuits worship, which is known as "Satan" or "The Beast").

The Fraternity of Saturn and The Church of Satan

Its founder, Gregor A. Gregorius, was born 201-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Saturnian Order' equals 201, 'Saturn Worship' equals 201, 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 201, and 'Planet Saturnus' equals 201.

He died a span of 66-days before his birthday, 'Saturn Worship' equals 66, 'Number of the Beast' equals 66, 'Number of a Man' equals 66, 'Beasts', equals 66, 'Mankind' equals 66, 'Curse' equals 66, in Jewish gematria, 'Biblical' equals 66, revelation is the 66th book of the bible, and the Church of Satan was established in 1966.

Gregor died exactly a span of 121 weeks before the Church of Satan's establishment, 'Antichrist' equals 121, 'Revelation' equals 121, in Jewish gematria, 'Mark' (as in "mark of the beast") equals 121, and on leap years, the Church of Satan's birthday is on the 121st day of the year (the Illuminati's b-day is on the 121st day of the year in non-leap years.)

He was born on 3/11, 'The Beast' equals 311 in Jewish gematria, and the reflection of 311 is 113, which connects to 'The Brotherhood of Saturn', 'Saturnia', 'The Goat', and 'The Baphomet'.

The Church of Satan was founded 198-days before the Jesuit superior general's birthday, 'Beast' equals 198 in Jewish gematria, and 'The Illuminati' equals 198.

The Church of Satan was founded 231-days before Saturnalia, 'Festival of Saturnalia' equals 231, 'Saturn Worshiping' equals 231, and 'The Worship of Saturn' equals 231.

You could also say the Church of Satan was founded 33 weeks before Saturnalia, the Fraternity of Saturn has 33 degrees, just as Scottish rite masonry does, in Jewish gematria, 'Saturno' (Spanish for "Saturn") equals 561, just as 'Saturnian' does, and 561 is the 33rd triangular number. Also, the greek mythology version of "Saturn" of roman mythology is 'Cronos', a name equating to 33, and 'Saturnic' equals 33. (For related posts see: Exposing the Gematrix: "The Lord of the Rings" Movies, Saturn, and The Jesuits (Part 1) ( and Exposing the Gematrix: "The Lord of the Rings" Movies, Saturn, King Solomon, Freemasonry, and The Jesuits (Part 2) (

The Reichskonkordat Treaty

The Reichskonkordat was a treaty signed between Nazi Germany and the Vatican on the 201st day of the year, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201 (the Illuminati was founded in Germany), and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201.

The reflection of 201 is 102, this treaty was ratified 102-days after the Pope's birthday, 'The Reichskonkordat' equals 102, 'Art of War' equals 102 (the Jesuits are a military order and a Jesuit translated the book "Art of War"), 'World War' equals 102, 'The Nazis' equals 102, and 'Hail Hitler' equals 102. Furthermore, the vice-chancellor of Germany signed this treaty on behalf of the president of Germany, and it was signed a span of 102-days before the vice-chancellor's birthday.

This treaty was ratified 263-days before the Pope's birthday, 263 is the 56th prime number, 'Adolf Hitler' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56.

This treaty was ratified a span of 144-days after Hitler's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, 'Mark of the Beast' equals 144, this treaty was ratified 14-weeks and 4-days after the Pope's birthday, and this treaty was signed a span of 14-weeks and 4-days before the german vice-chancellor's birthday.

XXXTentacion's song "Vice City" connects to the Vatican, "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", The Star Sirius, and More

This song released on a date with 42 numerology, 'Vice City' equals 42, X died on a date with 42 numerology, the Vatican became a city-state on the 42nd day of the year on a date with 42 numerology, 'Jesuit' equals 42, and 'Saturn' equals 42. This number is big with rituals involving black people, specifically, Jesus rituals with black rappers, because the bible describes Jesus as having hair of wool and bronze skin, 'Blacks' equals 42, 'N*****' equals 42, and 'Slavery' equals 42. "Jah" is short for 'Jahseh" X's first name, 'Jah' is a name for "God", 'The God Jah' equals 42, along with 'Holy Jahseh', there are 42 generations of Jesus talked about in the bible, and the beast is allowed to rule for 42 months. "Canis Major" produced "Vice City", and "Canis Major" is the exact name of the constellation that contains the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, which is known as the 'God Star' or the 'Dog Star', as dog is god spelled backward and vice-versa, anyways, 'Astrology' equals 42, and 'God Star' or 'Dog Star' equals 42. X died in a Jesus ritual which I won't get into here, but you can see here: XXXTentacion Ritual by the Numbers and the Bible #Gematria #Kabbalah #XXXTentacion #LLJ #LLX - YouTube, anyways, Jesus known as 'The Son of Man', a phrase equating to 420 in Jewish gematria, and 'Savior' equals 42.

This song came out on 3/5, 'Catholic' equals 35, 'Holy See' equals 35 (what the Vatican city-state is called), 'Eye' equals 35, and 'Jesuitism' equals 35, also, this song came out exactly 35 weeks after the start date of the conjunction between Sirius and the sun. Interestingly, X even talked about being Syrian, see here: Xxxtentacion talks about his race/ethnicity.(Syrian, Indian, Jamaican & Italian) - YouTube

Going back to Sirius, the conjunction between the sun and Sirius lasts until august eleventh, a date that was a span of 201-days after X's birthday, his management re-released "Vice City" on YouTube (maybe even all platforms) a span of 201-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, in Jewish gematria, 'Vice City' equals 1229, the 201st prime number, 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'The Sun and Sirius' equals 201, 'The Holy Dog Star' or 'The Holy God Star' equals 201, and 'The Holy Bible' equals 201 (X died in a Jesus ritual and of course, these people are scripting a lot of what's known as "prophecy"). This song by X got its name from "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", which released 201-days before the Pope's birthday (who died on 4/2, recall the 42s), 'Rockstar Games' makes the GTA series, and 'Rockstar Games' equals 201.

This song released 56-days before the Church of Satan's birthday, which is a Jesuit-controlled organization, 'Church of Satan' equals 56, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, 'The Son of God' equals 56, 'Light' equals 56, and 'XXXTentacion' equals 56. Remember that Satan is Saturn, the planet that has been called "the ancient sun" or "the old sun", in Jewish gematria, 'The Sun of God' equals 560 (Jesus is the personification of the sun), the Vatican city-state was created 56-days after Saturnalia, and this song released a span of 56-days before the Jesuit superior general's birthday. Finally, this song released 5-months and 6-days before the last day that Sirius and the sun are in conjunction.

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and Lucille Ball

The Beatle's song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" released 66 days before Lucille Ball's birthday, 'Lucy the Beast' equals 66, in Jewish gematria, 'Biblical' equals 66, 'New Testament' equals 66, the 66th book of the bible, which is a part of the new testament, is the book of revelation when the beast comes to power, 'Beasts' equals 66, 'Mankind' equals 66 (the number of a man is the same as the number of the beast), 'Number of a Man' equals 66, 'Number of the Beast' equals 66, and the Church of Satan was founded in 1966. Furthermore, a drawing by John Lennon's son inspired this song; interestingly, his name, 'Julian Lennon', equals 66 as well. (I would highly recommend reading this post first before you go any further: Exposing the Gematrix: "I Love Lucy" Star, Lucille Ball, Baphomet, Baal the Bull, and More (

According to "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" released on 6/1, 'Rock' equals 61, 'Lucy' equals 61, 'Bull' equals 61, 'Church' equals 61 (the Vatican does worship lucifer), 'Jesus' equals 61 (who has many similarities with lucifer), 'Christian' equals 61, and 'Roman' equals 61. Also, the Baphomet is transgender, in Jewish gematria, 'Transgender Goat' equals 610, and 'God' equals 61.

'Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds' equals 311, 'The Beast' and 'God of Earth' equate to 311 in Jewish gematria, in 1968, "The Lucy Show" ended on 3/11, the reflection of 311 is 113, which also connects to 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds', 'The Baphomet', 'The Goat', and 'Saturnia' (a.k.a. satan). In addition, 'Black and White' equals 113, and 1103 in Jewish gematria, the Baphomet is commonly posed with his fingers representing "as above, so below", a masonic principle, which is also symbolized by their 'Black and White' checkerboard, and 'Man and Woman' equals 113, as the Baphomet is both genders, which can also be represented by the masons 'Black and White' symbolism.

This song released 6-months and 16-days before Saturnalia, Lucy Ball's show "The Lucy Show" ended 6-months and 16-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, the masons/luciferians/gnostics believe lucifer tried to liberate man by presenting the opportunity to gain knowledge, in Jewish gematria, 'Liberty' equals 616, and 616 is the real number of the beast. (I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST READING THIS: Exposing the Gematrix: The Statue of Lucifer a.k.a. The Statue of Liberty, the designer Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, and In-depth connections to the Masons/Jesuits (

"The Lucy Show" ended a span of 201-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'The Jesuit Order', 'Order of Illuminati', 'The Beast Mark', 'Baphomet Goat', 'The Transgender Goat', 'The Horned God', 'The Revelation Beast', and 'The Holy Bible' all equate to 201.

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" released a span of 111-days after the Vatican's birthday, 'The Beast of Revelation' equals 111, 'Son of Dawn' (what Lucifer has been called) equals 111, 'Mark of Beast' equals 111, the Latin word for catholic is 'Catholicus', which equals 111 as well.

This song released on a date with 74 numerology, 'Lucifer' equals 74, 'Lucille' equals 74, 'Masonic' equals 74, 'Luciferian' equals 373 in Jewish gematria, 373 is the 74th prime number, and 'Lennon' equals 74, as in "John Lennon", who wrote this song.

The Great London Fire of 1666

'The Great Fire of London' occurred in 1666, notice the 666 in the sequence, and that emphasized phrase equals 666 in Jewish gematria, of course, this is the infamous number of the beast, and 'Mark of Beast' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria. Throughout this decode, I'll show how this event connects to two superior generals of the Jesuits, and 'The Superior General' equals 216, the product of 6X6X6.

This fire started 201-days after the Pope's birthday, whose name was 'Fabio Chigi', a name equating to 201 (found that connection here: The Great Fire of London (1666), 201 days after the Pope's birthday, Fabio Chigi - Gematria Effect News), the founder of the Jesuits was 'Ignatius of Loyola', whose name equals 201, like 'The Jesuit Order' does, and he once said: "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire". Furthermore, the superior general at the time of this fire was 'Giovanni Oliva', whose name equals none other than 201, and the significance of this pawn on the chessboard will be understood later. Also, keep in mind for later that 'The Aries Fire' equals 201 (as this will soon make sense).

In Jewish gematria, 'Ignatius of Loyola' equals 1053, 'Aries Fire' equals 153 (keep in mind for later), like 153, 'Hell Fire' equals 153 in Jewish gematria, 'Jesuit Order' equals 153, and he died on the day leaving 153-days in the year.

'The Great London Fire' equals 92, it started on 9/2, Thomas 'Farynor' is the man who started the fire, 'Farynor' equals 92, and 'Giovanni Paolo Oliva' equals 92 (the full name of the superior general at the time of this fire, we'll talk more about him soon).

This 'Fire' ended a span of 38-days after the day Ignatius of Loyola died in history, 'Fire' equals 38, and 'Farynor' equals 38, and Ignatius of Loyola said "Go Forth and Set the World on Fire", and he was shot by a cannonball in the battle of 'Pamplona', a word equating to 38. Furthermore, the element of the 'Aries' zodiac is 'Fire', 'Aries' equals 38, the last day of 'Aries' is the day Ignatius of Loyola became the general of the Jesuits, he died on a date with 38 numerology, 7/31, and 7+31=38, and he was canonized saint 38-days before the day he became superior general on in history. (For a related post, read: Exposing the Gematrix: Conspiracy Researchers: Texe Marrs and Jim Marrs, Astrology, and The Jesuits ( The superior general of the Jesuits at the time of this fire became superior general on the same day Ignatius of Loyola died on in history, 7/31, again having numerology of 38.

The fire started in a bakery owned by Thomas 'Farriner' (I found that his last name has been spelled two ways) on 'Pudding Lane', a street in London, 'Pudding Lane' equals 53 and 55, just as 'Farriner', 'Great Fire', and 'Rain Fire' do. In addition, 'Satan' equals 55, 'Burn' equals 53 and 55, 'Hell on Earth' equals 53 and 55, also, 'Ignatius' equals 53, who was canonized a saint on a date with 53 numerology, in Jewish gematria, 'Hell' equals 53, and Giovanni Paolo Oliva died 53-days after his birthday. Finally, the fire ended a span of 5-weeks and 3-days after the day Ignatius of Loyola died in history, he was canonized a saint 5-months and 3-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'Religion' equals 53.

"I Love Lucy" Star: Lucille Ball, Baphomet, Baal the Bull, and More

She got an 'Emmy' for best actress in 1956, 'Emmy' equals 56, the last episode of "I Love Lucy" was in 1957 on 5/6, and this show aired for 5 years and 6 months, 'Goat Worship', 'Unholy Beast', and 'Society of Jesus' all equal 56 (who are Luciferians, even Satanists). The 'Church of Satan' is a Jesuit-controlled organization, 'Church of Satan' equals 56, and the Vatican became a city-state 56-days after Saturnalia (saturn=satan).

"I Love Lucy" aired for 66 months, in Jewish gematria, 'Biblical' equals 66, 'New Testament' equals 66, the 66th book of the bible, which is a part of the new testament, the book of revelation when the beast comes to power, 'Beasts' equals 66, 'Mankind' equals 66 (the number of a man is the same as the number of the beast), 'Number of a Man' equals 66, 'Number of the Beast' equals 66, and the Church of Satan was founded in 1966.

Her name 'Lucille' is in tribute to 'Lucifer', words that are a match in three out of the four base ciphers, also, 'Masonic' and 'Lucille' are a perfect match in the base ciphers, and the high-ranking masons are Luciferians. All these words equal 74, connecting to 'Luciferian', which equals 373 in Jewish gematria, and 373 is the 74th prime, and for a laugh, click here: List of 74 Lucille Ball Movies & TV Shows, Ranked Best to Worst (

She died 59-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, in Jewish gematria, 'Lucille' equals 277, which is the 59th prime, Lucy is short for "Lucifer". 'Freemasonry' equals 59, and the U.S. gained independence 59-years after modern freemasonry was established (also, 59 is the 17th prime number connecting to modern masonry being established in 1717, and 'Mason' equating to 17).

The last episode was 144-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, satan/saturn/the beast rules 'Time', a word equating to 144 in Jewish gematria (12 hours of day and night, 12X12=144), just as 'Killer' does, have you ever heard the saying "Time is a Killer". In addition, she had another show called "Here's Lucy", which ran for 144 episodes and her name in that show was 'Lucy Carter', a name equating to 144.

"I Love Lucy" premiered 113-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, 'Scottish' equals 113 (as in scottish rite masonry), 'The Baphomet' equals 113, 'The Goat' equals 113, and 'Black and White' equals 113, and 1103 in Jewish gematria (the Baphomet is commonly posed with his fingers representing "as above, so below", a masonic principle, which is also symbolized by their 'Black and White' checkerboard).

She was born in 'Jamestown, New York', a location equating to 201, she had another show called "The Lucy Show", which ended a span of 201-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, and her last name is a ritual in tribute to 'Baal the Bull', a phrase equating to 201, just as 'The Horned God' does, but speaking of New York and Baal, Wall Street has a statue of baal the bull as a satanic symbol for a bullish market (think about a "papal bull" as well). Furthermore, 'The Jesuit Order', 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Jesuitic Masonry', 'The Beast Mark', and 'The Revelation Beast' all equate to 201, and to go back to Baphomet, another satanic figure, who is a goat, and 'Baphomet Goat' equals 201. Lucille was born on Tisha B'Av, the 'Jewish Day of Fasting', which is a phrase equating to 201, and the Jesuits formed by Jews and Catholics coming together. This whole code we are exposing them by is their code, which is a part of 'Jewish Mysticism', another phrase equating to 201.

Lucille Ball was born 43-days after freemasonry's birthday, 'I Love Lucy' equals 43, 'Lucille' equals 43, 'Goat' equals 43 (the Baphomet is a goat), 'Unholy Beast' equals 43, 'Masonic' equals 43, and the church of satan was founded on 4/30, similar to 43.

Lucille Ball died 211-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 211 is the 47th prime number, connecting to 'Lucy', 'Lucy Ball', 'I Love Lucy', 'Bull', 'The Goat', and 'Beast'. Of course, the high-ranking masons are Luciferians and 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, again, 211 is the 47th prime, modern masonry was founded on a date with 47 numerology, and their compass is set to 47 degrees (just to name a few). In addition, the 'Vatican' controls masonry, 'Vatican' equals 47, it became a city-state on 2/11, and if you've been paying attention, you know what the prime number of 211 is.

In real life she was probably called "Lucy" for short instead of "Lucille", 'Lucy Ball' equals 666 in Jewish gematria, and Lucifer has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian gematria. This is the infamous number of the beast and 'Mark of Beast' equals 666, remember, Lucille's birthplace, 'New York' where the statue of baal the bull is, on 'Wall Street', a phrase equating to 1321 in Jewish gematria, just as 'The Revelation Beast' does, 1321 is the 216th prime number, 216 is the product of 6X6X6, 'New York' equals 666, and 'Dow Jones' equals 666 (I'm getting these 666s from the Sumerian ciphers of gematria).

Lucille Ball died 111-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Mark of Beast' equals 111, her place of birth, where the statue of baal the bull is on wall street, 'New York' equals 111, and Lucifer has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 111.

She was born in 1911, notice the 911 in the sequence, 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in JEWISH gematria, think about who runs Hollywood, not to mention, the Jesuits formed by Catholics and Jews uniting, and the old Jesuit ring had "911" in roman numerals on it.

The 1945 Empire State Building Plane Crash, 9/11, and 93' World Trade Center Bombing

In this 1945 crash, 19 people died, 'Chaos' equals 19, this happened a span of 19-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and there were 19 hijackers during 9/11. The pilot of this 1945 crash was William Smith, whose last mission as a group air commander was his 19th, New York was nicknamed the 'Empire State' in the 19th century, and this phrase equals 67, which is the 19th prime number.

This happened on the 209th day of the year and 'Empire State Building' equals 209.

This is the day leaving 156-days in the year and 'False Flag' equals 156 in Jewish gematria.

This event was 56 years before 9/11 occurred, 'Plane Crash' equals 56, most people that died from this in the building were employees of the 'National CATHOLIC Welfare Council', a phrase equating to 506, and 'The Big Apple' equals 56 (this what NYC is known as). Furthermore, this crash happened a span of 56-days after the pilot's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, the south tower of the world trade center was hit 56-minutes before collapsing on 9/11, and the 1993 World Trade Center bomber was called 'Blind Sheikh', a name equating to 56. Also, in 1931, the Empire State building opened on the Illuminati's birthday, which was a date with 56 numerology, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, and the flights that hit targets on 9/11 were 11, 77, and 175, add them all up and you get 263, the 56th prime number.

And these people died on the 79th floor, the first name of the pilot, 'William' equals 79, 'Murder' equals 79, 'The Empire State' equals 79, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 79. 

Apparently, 11 people working in the building died, recall 9/11, the towers that stood like a big 11, New York is the 11th state, Flight 11 was one of the planes that hit a target on 9/11, 'Jesus' equals 11 (9/11 was a Jesus ritual), and 'Beast equals 11.

The 1945 plane crash came 47 years before the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, on 9/11 three of the world trade center buildings were destroyed, including the 47-story tall 'Tower Seven', a phrase equating to 47, unlike 'Tower Seven', the 'South Tower' was hit by a plane, and 'South Tower' also equals 47. Also, 'Time', 'Beast', 'The Cabal', 'Government', 'Vatican', and 'Authority' all equal 47, REMEMBER, THE CALENDAR AND LANGUAGE BOTH COME FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

The Jesuit/Illuminati-controlled United Nations, NATO, NSA, CIA, and Club of Rome

The United Nations was set up a span of 177-days after the Illuminati's birthday, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 177, 'New World Order' equals 177, and 'The Mark of the Beast' equals 177. Also, NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance, which was created a span of 177-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday.

The United Nations was founded on the day leaving 68-days in the year, they are commonly called 'The UN', a phrase equating to 68, 'Catholicism' equals 68, 'Catholic Order' equals 68, 'One World Order' equals 68 (catholic means "universal"), 'Antichrist' equals 68, "1984", a book about a totalitarian society came out on 6/8, 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 'C.I.A.' equals 68. The Club of Rome is heavily intertwined with the United Nations, and it was founded in 1968 by 'Aurelio Peccei', whose name equals 68 as well.

The Club of Rome was founded 56-days after the anniversary of the Vatican becoming a city-state, the Vatican city-state is called the "Holy See", and 'All-Seeing Eye' and 'Society of Jesus' both equate to 56.

A similar agency to the CIA is the 'NSA', an acronym equating to 47, the 'NSA' created 47-days after the CIA's birthday, 'The Cabal' equals 47, 'Beast' equals 47, 'Government' equals 47, 'Vatican' equals 47 (which became a city-state on 2/11, like 211, the 47th prime number), 'Authority' equals 47, (according to one source, the NSA was formally created on the United Nations birthday, but officially created on 11/4 in 1952), the CIA was created in 1947, and the Club of Rome was founded on 4/7. 

The Club of Rome's birthday is 201-days after the CIA's birthday, 'United States of America-Central Intelligence Agency' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, and 'Order of Illuminati' equals 201.

The NSA was founded 9 months and 11 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, the Coptic Christian calendar begins on 9/11, probably because it's the real birthday of Jesus, the old Jesuit ring had 911 in roman numerals on it, and 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in Jewish gematria (also 'Vatican' equals 119, the reflection of 911).

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