"I Love Lucy" Star: Lucille Ball, Baphomet, Baal the Bull, and More

She got an 'Emmy' for best actress in 1956, 'Emmy' equals 56, the last episode of "I Love Lucy" was in 1957 on 5/6, and this show aired for 5 years and 6 months, 'Goat Worship', 'Unholy Beast', and 'Society of Jesus' all equal 56 (who are Luciferians, even Satanists). The 'Church of Satan' is a Jesuit-controlled organization, 'Church of Satan' equals 56, and the Vatican became a city-state 56-days after Saturnalia (saturn=satan).

"I Love Lucy" aired for 66 months, in Jewish gematria, 'Biblical' equals 66, 'New Testament' equals 66, the 66th book of the bible, which is a part of the new testament, the book of revelation when the beast comes to power, 'Beasts' equals 66, 'Mankind' equals 66 (the number of a man is the same as the number of the beast), 'Number of a Man' equals 66, 'Number of the Beast' equals 66, and the Church of Satan was founded in 1966.

Her name 'Lucille' is in tribute to 'Lucifer', words that are a match in three out of the four base ciphers, also, 'Masonic' and 'Lucille' are a perfect match in the base ciphers, and the high-ranking masons are Luciferians. All these words equal 74, connecting to 'Luciferian', which equals 373 in Jewish gematria, and 373 is the 74th prime, and for a laugh, click here: List of 74 Lucille Ball Movies & TV Shows, Ranked Best to Worst (throughtheclutter.com)

She died 59-days before Modern Freemasonry's birthday, in Jewish gematria, 'Lucille' equals 277, which is the 59th prime, Lucy is short for "Lucifer". 'Freemasonry' equals 59, and the U.S. gained independence 59-years after modern freemasonry was established (also, 59 is the 17th prime number connecting to modern masonry being established in 1717, and 'Mason' equating to 17).

The last episode was 144-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, 'Jesuit Order' equals 144, satan/saturn/the beast rules 'Time', a word equating to 144 in Jewish gematria (12 hours of day and night, 12X12=144), just as 'Killer' does, have you ever heard the saying "Time is a Killer". In addition, she had another show called "Here's Lucy", which ran for 144 episodes and her name in that show was 'Lucy Carter', a name equating to 144.

"I Love Lucy" premiered 113-days after modern freemasonry's birthday, 'Scottish' equals 113 (as in scottish rite masonry), 'The Baphomet' equals 113, 'The Goat' equals 113, and 'Black and White' equals 113, and 1103 in Jewish gematria (the Baphomet is commonly posed with his fingers representing "as above, so below", a masonic principle, which is also symbolized by their 'Black and White' checkerboard).

She was born in 'Jamestown, New York', a location equating to 201, she had another show called "The Lucy Show", which ended a span of 201-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, and her last name is a ritual in tribute to 'Baal the Bull', a phrase equating to 201, just as 'The Horned God' does, but speaking of New York and Baal, Wall Street has a statue of baal the bull as a satanic symbol for a bullish market (think about a "papal bull" as well). Furthermore, 'The Jesuit Order', 'The Freemasonic Order', 'Jesuitic Masonry', 'The Beast Mark', and 'The Revelation Beast' all equate to 201, and to go back to Baphomet, another satanic figure, who is a goat, and 'Baphomet Goat' equals 201. Lucille was born on Tisha B'Av, the 'Jewish Day of Fasting', which is a phrase equating to 201, and the Jesuits formed by Jews and Catholics coming together. This whole code we are exposing them by is their code, which is a part of 'Jewish Mysticism', another phrase equating to 201.

Lucille Ball was born 43-days after freemasonry's birthday, 'I Love Lucy' equals 43, 'Lucille' equals 43, 'Goat' equals 43 (the Baphomet is a goat), 'Unholy Beast' equals 43, 'Masonic' equals 43, and the church of satan was founded on 4/30, similar to 43.

Lucille Ball died 211-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, 211 is the 47th prime number, connecting to 'Lucy', 'Lucy Ball', 'I Love Lucy', 'Bull', 'The Goat', and 'Beast'. Of course, the high-ranking masons are Luciferians and 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish gematria, again, 211 is the 47th prime, modern masonry was founded on a date with 47 numerology, and their compass is set to 47 degrees (just to name a few). In addition, the 'Vatican' controls masonry, 'Vatican' equals 47, it became a city-state on 2/11, and if you've been paying attention, you know what the prime number of 211 is.

In real life she was probably called "Lucy" for short instead of "Lucille", 'Lucy Ball' equals 666 in Jewish gematria, and Lucifer has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian gematria. This is the infamous number of the beast and 'Mark of Beast' equals 666, remember, Lucille's birthplace, 'New York' where the statue of baal the bull is, on 'Wall Street', a phrase equating to 1321 in Jewish gematria, just as 'The Revelation Beast' does, 1321 is the 216th prime number, 216 is the product of 6X6X6, 'New York' equals 666, and 'Dow Jones' equals 666 (I'm getting these 666s from the Sumerian ciphers of gematria).

Lucille Ball died 111-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Mark of Beast' equals 111, her place of birth, where the statue of baal the bull is on wall street, 'New York' equals 111, and Lucifer has been called the 'Son of Dawn', a phrase equating to 111.

She was born in 1911, notice the 911 in the sequence, 'Vatican Hill' equals 911 in JEWISH gematria, think about who runs Hollywood, not to mention, the Jesuits formed by Catholics and Jews uniting, and the old Jesuit ring had "911" in roman numerals on it.

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