The old Jesuit ring is the seal of saturn, 'The Cult of Saturn Rings' equals 270 in two of the base ciphers and the Jesuit Order was established on the 270th-day of the year.
The phrases 'Saturn Order' and 'Jesuit Order' are almost a perfect match in the base ciphers.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" came out a span of 200-days after the Pope's birthday, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 200, the director, writer, and producer of this movie was 'Sir Peter Jackson', whose name equals 1223 in Jewish gematria, just like 'Jesuit Order' does, and 1223 is the 200th prime number.
Peter Jackson's birthday is 47-days before Saturnalia, 'Peter Jackson' equals 47, Saturn is the keeper of 'Time', 'Time' equals 47, Saturn/Satan is of course the beast in revelation, and 'Beast' equals 47. In addition, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" movie released a span of 47-days before Elijah Wood's birthday (the actor that plays the hobbit).
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" released 56-days before Elijah Wood's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, 'Saturnus Rings' equals 56, and 'Saturnus' equals 56.
'Cronos' is the greek mythology version of Saturn or Saturnus of Roman Mythology, which makes 'Cronos' Satan, 'Cronos' equals 33, and the Church of Satan (which is a Jesuit-controlled organization) was established exactly 33-weeks before Saturnalia. In 1982, Saturn and three of its moons were seen by a Voyager spacecraft a span of 33-weeks after Saturnalia, 'Saturnian' equals 561 in Jewish gematria, just as 'Saturno' (Spanish for Saturn) does, and 561 is the 33rd triangular number.
In Jewish gematria, 'Cronos' equals 313, Pope Francis became pope on 3/13 in 2013, and his birthday is on Saturnalia.
You can also say that the Church of Satan was established 231-days before Saturnalia and 'Saturn Worshiping', 'Festival of Saturnalia', and 'The Worship of Saturn' all equal 231. Also, you can say that the 1982 voyager spacecraft sighting of Saturn was a span of 231-days after Saturnalia.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" movie released 69-days after the Jesuit Order's birthday, connecting to 'Saturn', 'Saturnian Order', 'The Mark of the Beast', 'The Lord of Time', 'The Jesuit Order', and 'New World Order'. In addition, as the Jesuits serve Saturn/Satan, this makes them the 'Keepers of Time', a phrase equating to 69, along with 'The Timekeepers'.
'Keeper of Time' equals 365 in Jewish gematria, connecting to the 365-days of the year.