666 (Part 1): The "Gods" of this World are Evil, Papal Bloodlines, and Secret Societies connected to Alien-Human Hybrids/The Anunnaki

This number is the infamous mark of the beast, and of course, 'Mark of Beast' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria. A name relating to Pope is "Pontiff" and 'Pontiffs' equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian, and 'Vatican Hill' equals 666 in English Sumerian. It has been said that the Vatican stores alien bones, which leads me to other connections. (Note: Before I go any further, keep in mind throughout this decode that I don't have a great understanding of all these concepts/theories that I will be talking about ahead, I just know there is a connection between them all, as I will prove.)
Many say that there are beings that rule over us that are half-human and half-non-humans, an example of these half-human/half-non-humans is the 'Repitilan-Humanoid' species, and 'Repitilan-Humanoid' equals 666 in Jewish Gematria. These beings have been said to be 'The Gods' of our planet, who have the ability to 'Shapeshift', 'The Gods' and 'Shapeshift' both equal 666. These beings are also referred to as 'The Archons', a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian and 'Archons' also equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian.
The Papal Audience Hall looks just like a serpent, it's been called "The Pope's Reptilian Audience Hall":
These beings are said to have created us by mixing different genetic codes from different species (to corrupt our DNA), and when you hear "codes" you probably think about a 'Computer', both 'Computer' and 'Internet' equate to 666. This plays into simulation theory, which suggests we are on a 'Fixed Timeline', a phrase equating to 216, which is the product of 6X6X6, and 'Calculation' equals 666. In addition, simulation theory suggests that everything in this physical world is an 'Illusion' (6 does represent the physical world), another word equating to 666.
To go back to these beings that are said to rule over us (a.k.a. the Anunnaki), they are said to have purposefully corrupted our DNA to make us inferior to them, and 'Corruption of DNA' equals 216, again, this is the product of 6X6X6. The Anunnaki are said to be the 'Fallen Angels', a phrase equating to 216, again, the product of 6X6X6, and the Anunnaki have been described as 'Dragons', a word equating to 666. They've also been described as winged-serpents, think about angels, so you see wings are the common denominator here, 'Angel Wings' equals 666 and 'The Angelic Race' equals 666. The Annunaki/The Fallen Angels are said to be the watchers of mankind, 'The Watcher' equals 666, along with 'Watcher', and 'Anunnaki God'.
Certain celebrities, royalty, and members of secret societies (like some say the 13th-family of the Illuminati, the Merovingians are descendants of Jesus), have been said to be of 'Divine Blood' or descendants of 'The Gods' of this world, like the 'Black Nobility' families are of papal bloodlines, and 'Secrecy', 'Black Nobility', and 'Divine Blood' all equal 666. In addition, 'Black Nobility' also equals 216, which is the product of 6X6X6. Some have even claimed that Jesus was a half-man/half-alien and a word meaning "Messiah" or "The Christ" is 'Christos', which equals 666 in English Sumerian. Also, there are some that believe that Jesus during his "lost years" (according to the bible) traveled/lived in India and Tibet to get educated and he became a saint named 'Saint Issa', a phrase equating to 666 in English Sumerian. 
The 'God of Israel' is Yahweh or Jehovah who is really Satan/Lucifer and 'God of Israel' equals 666 in English Sumerian. The all-seeing eye (Lucifer) is the eye of God (really the people playing god), from a religious perspective, God resides in heaven, and 'Eye of Heaven' equals 666 in English Sumerian. 
Humans are carbon-based lifeforms, carbon is made up of 6-protons, 6-neutrons, and 6-electrons, and 'Carbonate Life' equals 666 in English Sumerian gematria just like 'Humanity' does. In addition, Carbon is the 6th element on the periodic table and according to the bible mankind was created on the 'Sixth Day of Creation', a phrase equating to 216, which is the product of 6X6X6. In the bible, the story of man being created is in 'Genesis', which equals 666 in reverse English Sumerian. Of course, the bible we know today comes from the Vatican, and people talk about how the bible is prophetic when it's not, it's just that the ones that wrote the scripture are the ones fulfilling it as well, and 'Prophecy' equals 666 in Jewish gematria.
Finally, as I've decoded this all with gematria, the name for greek gematria is 'Isopsephy', which also equals 666.

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