"The Truman Show" and Harry S. Truman

"The Truman Show" was released a span of 33-weeks before Jim Carrey's birthday, and Harry S. Truman was the 33rd U.S. President. Harry S. Truman became a 33rd-degree mason in the month of 'October', the only month equating to 33, and 'Secrecy', 'Masonry', and 'Jesuitic' all equal 33. It's said that when someone gets to be a 33rd-degree that they are given the true secrets of 'Masonry'. Having said this, it's not an accident that the month Truman became a 33rd-degree, that being 'October', is a match with 'Secrecy' in all the base ciphers. "The Truman Show" came out 118-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday, Jim Carrey's real first and last name is 'James Carrey', which equates to 118, and 'Truman Show' also equates to 118. "The Truman Show" came out on the 152nd-day of the year and 'Truman Show' equals 152. The movie came out 24-days after President Truman's birthday, 'Truman' equals 24, and the last name of the main character in the movie is 'Burbank', which also equals 24. The movie came out 157-days after Harry S. Truman's death anniversary and 'Harry Truman' equals 157. Harry Truman died 133-days after his birthday, 'President' equals 133, along with 'Government'. In addition, the C.I.A. was established while he was in office, which was 133-days after his birthday. This happened because Harry Truman signed 'The National Security Act' of 1947 into law, and the emphasized phrase equals 133. He was born on 5/8, 'Harry Truman' equals 58, and as he was a freemason, 'Freemasonry' equals 58. It's believed that the origins of freemasonry goes back to 'Solomon's Temple', which was in 'Jerusalem', and both of the emphasized equal 58. Also, there are illustrations of masonic symbols called 'Tracing Boards', which is another phrase relating to freemasonry that equates to 58.

The 'Order' Number and The Jesuit-World Order

There are 60 minutes in an hour, there are 60 seconds in a minute and think about how we are kept in 'Order' with time. Having said this, 'Order', 'World Order', and 'Unify' all equal 60, think about how the new world order wants to 'Unify' all nations via currency, religion, and government to control us all. 'Police' are used to keep the masses in 'Order', and 'Police' also equals 60. 'Language' equals 281 in Jewish Gematria, 281 is the 60th prime, and the New World Order wants one global language. This is all happening in the world around us for 'Evil' reasons, while they tell us to standby and just 'Believe' (whether that be in God or Government), 'Evil' and 'Believe' both equal 60. This language is English and the Catholic Church (which the Jesuits serve) is responsible for the English language we know today. The New World Order wants a 'One World Religion' and a 'One World Currency', both phrases equal 84 just like 'The Jesuit Order' does. Hence George Orwell's "1984".

The 'Catholic Order' or 'One World Order' Number

The Jesuit Order is a 'Catholic Order', a phrase equating to 68. 'Language' equals 68, along with 'Catholicism', and the Catholic Church has had the knowledge of Kabbalah for several centuries. In Kabbalah is the subject of Gematria, which was used to construct the English language and evidence suggests that the Catholic Church is responsible for the English language we know today. Having said that, The 'Tyndale Bible' was the first mass-produced English-translated bible and 'Tyndale Bible' equals 608 in Jewish Gematria. Speaking of the bible, in some versions of the bible, 'And Jesus Wept' is the shortest verse, in others, it's just "Jesus Wept", but 'And Jesus Wept' equals 68. In addition, as the bible comes from the Catholic Church, 'Old Testament' also equals 68. Another example is the fact that 'Mathematics' equals 68, and think about how math is essentially universal and "Catholic" means "Universal". In addition, 'Sacred Gemeotry' equals 68, and Gematria is geometry within language. The New World Order has also been called the 'One World Order', which is another phrase equating to 68. This all ties back to the Sun Cult, which is the Jesuit Order. They're also known as the Society of Jesus and they have the sun for their logo, as Jesus is the personification of the sun. Having said all that, 'Solar System' also equals 68, which is significant because the planets in our 'Solar System' revolve around the sun. On top of that, there is a sun god in Greek mythology called 'Helios' whose name equals 68 and where "Heliocentricism" got its name from. The Club of Rome was established in 1968. Of course, Rome is in 'Italy' and 'Italy' equals 68. The first president and co-founder of the Club of Rome is 'Aurelio Peccei', whose name equals 68. 'C.I.A.'  equals 68, and it was established while 'Harry Truman' was in office, whose name equals 68. The United Nations (an intergovernmental organization) was created on the day leaving 68-days in the year. George Orwell's "1984" was published on 6/8 in 1949, which was 68-days before the Society of Jesus's birthday. In revelation, the Antichrist's worldwide order is described, and 'Antichrist' equals 68. For the final connection, the origin of the word Catholic means Universal and it's said that 68% of the universe is dark energy.

Co-Founder and 1st-President of the Club of Rome: Aurelio Peccei, and Other Co-Founder: Alexander King

Aurelio Peccei was born on 7/4, which in America is 'Independence Day', a phrase equating to 74, and he died on the 74th-day of 1984. This is important because 'Roman' equals 74, and as he was the 'First President' of the Club of Rome, the latter emphasized phrase equals 74 as well. Aurelio was also said to be a Freemason, and 'Masonic' equals 74. The reflection of 74 is 47, Aurelio's date of birth can be written 4/7, he was 'President' of the 'Club of Rome', and both of the emphasized equal 47. In addition, he was also a 'Co-Founder' of the 'Club of Rome', and 'Co-Founder' equals 47. On top of all that, the Club of Rome was established on 4/7 in 1968, 'Vatican' equals 47, Aurelio died 211-days after the Society of Jesus's birthday, and 211 is the 47th prime. Also, 'Mason' equals 211 in Jewish Gematria, and again, 211 is the 47th prime. The other co-founder of the Club of Rome, Alexander King died 211-days before the Jesuit Order's birthday and again, 211 is the 47th prime. Aurelio was also said to be a freemason and the number 47 is huge with them. He died exactly 22-weeks before the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Italy' and 'Jesuits' both equal 22. Also, 'Society of Jesus' equals 79, and 79 is the 22nd prime. The other co-founder of the Club of Rome, Alexander King died exactly 22-weeks after the Jesuit Order's birthday, and his last name, 'King' equals 22. Aurelio died in the year 1984, 'The Catholic Church' and 'The Jesuit Order' both equal 84, hence Orwell's "1984".
Masonic Compass is set at 47 degrees

Princess Diana, the Moon, Roman Mythology, and the Jesuit Order

Princess Diana was born on 7/1 and her birth name was 'Diana Spencer', which equals 71. She was born in the time of cancer which is ruled by the moon. 'Apollo', whose name equals 71 as well, is associated with the moon because his twin sister Artemis is a goddess of the moon, and his name was used in the famous project that put man on the moon. Furthermore, the roman moon goddess is named Diana, who is Artemis, Apollo's twin sister in greek mythology. Anyways, the same year she died was the same year Queen Elizabeth turned 71, and 'Royal' equals 71. In addition, she died in a 'Car Crash' a phrase equating to 71, and 'Catholic' equals 71. As this all goes back to 'The Society of Jesus', the phrase also equals 71. As Diana is connected to 'Roman Mythology' through the moon, the emphasized phrase equals 201, along with 'Roman' in Jewish Gematria, her zodiac is cancer, which is 'Ruled by the Moon', a phrase equating to 201, and man walked on the moon on the 201st day of the year. Diana was 'British Royalty', a phrase also equating to 201, as the royals are Jesuit-controlled, and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201. Prince Charles was Diana's husband, who was suspected to have something to do with her death. His title 'Prince of Wales' is a match in all the base ciphers with 'United Kingdom'. Diana's funeral came 67-days after her birthday, her title 'Princess of Wales' equals 67, along with 'Sacrificed', 'Crucifixion', 'Blood Sacrifice', and 'Human Sacrifice'.

Nirvana's "All Apologies" is a Tribute to Apollo, The Moon Landing, 201, David Bowie and his "Rock n' Roll Suicide" in connection to Kurt Cobain, Chris(t) Cornell, and Chester Bennington

Kurt Cobain and Nirvana's "All Apologies", connects to the sun god Apollo, as a part of the lyrics go "In the sun I feel as one". This part of the lyrics equals 201, 'Apollo' in Jewish gematria equals 201, and Apollo is the god of music as well. To further prove the significance between 201 and the sun, Ra is the 'Egyptian Sun God', a phrase also equating to 201. Kurt Cobain's official cause of death is 'Suicide by Gunshot', a phrase equating to 201. The part of the lyrics I referenced also equals 84, Kurt's body was found on a date that can be written 8/4 or 4/8, connecting to 'Sunrise', which equals both 48 and 84 (As Kurt connects to Apollo the Sun God, more on this later), and 'The Jesuit Order' equals 84. 'The Jesuit Order' also equals 201, Apollo is a part of 'Roman Mythology', a phrase equating to 201, and 'Roman' alone in Jewish gematria equals 201. As we're talking about Apollo, a Sun God, 'Heliocentricism' is the concept that the sun is at the center of the universe, and 'Heliocentricism' also equals 201, that's why there's another sun god named "Helios". 

As 'Apollo' is associated with the 'Phoneix', both words equal 26, along with 'Sun God', 'Suns', 'God', 'Cobain', and 'Apology'. Apollo is the 'Greek Sun God', a phrase equating to 126, and "All Apologies" came out on 12/6 in 1993. Nirvana's most famous song is obviously 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', which equals 126, and it came out on the radio on the day leaving 126 days in the year. Also, Chris Cornell died a span of 1206 weeks after Kurt Cobain's body was found, both Chris and Kurt were from Seattle, which is a Jesuit stronghold, and Chris connects to the sun as well, which I'll get to later. Apollo's name is now associated with the Moon Landing, as the spaceflight was named after him, but because Apollo's twin sister is a goddess of the moon. Anyways, this famous event occurred in the time of 'Cancer', and 'Cancer' also equates to 26.

Furthermore, 'Cobain', 'Rock n' Roll', 'Cancer', 'Moon Landing', and (the one who produced "All Apologies") 'Steve Albini' all equal 118. On top of that, 'Cobain' and 'Cancer' are a match in all the base ciphers. As this decode will mainly consist of the deaths of Kurt Cobain, Christ Cornell, and Chester Bennington, notice how they all died in months that are generally known to be sunny (and Apollo is the sun god). Having said this, I think it's important to point out that 'Summer' equals 26 also, going back to the sun and the 26 connections.

Kurt's body was found on the 98th day of the year and both 'Apology' and 'Phoenix' equate to 98. The Virgin Mary's birthday is on a date written 9/8, and she gave birth to the personification of the sun.

Apollo 11 was the space flight successful in the moon landing, and this song came out a span of 227 days before the famous event. This is important because Steve Albini, the one who produced the track, has a birthday that can be written 22/7, in the time of cancer, just like the moon landing. And would you believe 'The Moon Landing' equals 227. 

In the reverse satanic cipher of gematria, 'Rock' equals 201, and of course it equates to 201 in this cipher as 'Rock' is known to have a satanic influence. This number, 201, connects to Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington, for another example, (as I have shown with Kurt Cobain and will show with Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington later), they are all connected to the cancer zodiac, which is 'Ruled by the Moon', a phrase equating to 201. Like I said, we already went over how 201 is connected to Kurt Cobain, but now that leaves Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington to talk about. Starting off with Chris Cornell, his famous song 'Black Hole Sun' equates to 201, his birthday is on the 201st day of the year, and his band's name comes from a sculpture named 'A Sound Garden', which equals 201 as well. As for Chester Bennington, he died on Chris Cornell's birthday, again, the 201st day of the year, and he has a song called 'When they come for me', a title equating to 201. I recommend going and listening to that song because it's pretty obvious he knew what was up. Of course, that song is on the album "A Thousand Suns", which came out on what's known to be Mary the Virgin's birthday (who gave birth to the personification of the sun). You see how the sun connects to all this, the sun is treated as the ultimate god in the occult, which is why the Society of Jesus has the sun as their logo, and why 'The Rays of the Sun' also equals 201. The famous line from Linkin Park's "Crawling" is from Chester screaming "Crawling in my skin", which equals 201 and 84, 'The Jesuit Order' numbers and this is the only live Linkin Park song performed with none other than Chris Cornell. Linkin Park also has a song called "Keys to the Kingdom", which equals 201, that has lyrics referring to them selling out with the line "We take the hand or fist just to sell ourselves for this". In this same song, Chester says "I'm my own casualty", meaning he knew he was sacrificing himself for getting into the music industry. There's another song of theirs with similar lyrics called "All For Nothing", I recommend reading those lyrics as well. The guy said to be replacing Chester in Linkin Park is 'Deryck Whibley', whose name equals 201.

Chester Bennington died on Chris Cornell's birthday, which was 122 days after his own birthday, 'Soundgarden' equals 122, and the Jesuit motto 'Iseus Hominum Salvator' equals 122. In addition, 'Universal' equals 122, and Catholic means Universal, 'Satanists' and 'Satanic' both equal 122, as the Catholic Church is truly 'Satanic'. 

Chester died on a date with 44 and 64 numerology, connecting to 'Kill'. Why all these "suicides" in the world of 'Rock', well that's because 'Rock' equals 47 like 'Suicide' does. David Bowie factors into this decode as well, along with his song "Rock n' Roll Suicide", which connects to all three of these "Rock n' Roll Suicides". 

Starting with Chris Cornell's death coming a span of 34 weeks before what would've been David Bowie's birthday, and 'Suicide' equals 34. Keep in mind that Chester Bennington died on what would've been Chris Cornell's birthday, and this was 34 days after the anniversary of the release of 'Rock n' Roll Suicide' by David Bowie, and again, 'Suicide' equals 34. Also, 'Solar' and 'Music' both equal 34, and remember, Apollo is synced up with all of these musicians, as the god of the sun, and the god of music.

For another example, Nirvana's "All Apologies" came out 206 days after Apollo's birthday, and 'The God of Music' equals 206. 

As for Kurt Cobain, the anniversary of the release of 'Rock n' Roll Suicide' came a span of 70 days after his body was found, and 'Suicide' also equals 70. Going back to the Moon Landing connections from earlier, David Bowie also factors into this, as he died because of cancer, which was the zodiac the moon landing occurred in. 

The cancer sign has what looks like the number 69 on it, that's the year the moon landing was in, and the age David Bowie was when he died. The phrase 'Cancer Zodiac' equals 69 as well. 

David Bowie's death came a span of 193 days before the anniversary of the moon landing, 193 is the 44th prime, connecting to his cause of death and the zodiac 'Cancer'. 

Going back to Kurt Cobain, his body was found exactly 47 weeks after Apollo's birthday, connecting to 'Solar Deity' and 'Christain' (Jesus is really the SUN of God). Remember, the one who produced "All Apologies" was Steve 'Albini', whose last name equals 47, along with 'Nirvana'. In addition, in mythology it's believed that both Apollo and Helios brought the sun up in a 'Sun Chariot', a phrase equating to 47 as well. On top of that, 'Sun Chariot' and 'Solar Deity' are a match in all the base ciphers, and 'Christain' is a match with these phrases in three of the base ciphers. Also, 'Mithraism' equals 47, and Mithra is another sun god in mythology, who shares a birthday with Jesus on what's known as "Christmas". 

Speaking of, Kurt Cobain died at age 27, 'Sun' equals 27, 'Jesuits' equals 103, the 27th prime, Kurt died on the day leaving 270 days in the year, and the Jesuit order was established on the 270th day of the year. More information on the death of Kurt Cobain here: Death of Kurt Cobain, Undeniable Buddha Connection (qu5st9on.blogspot.com)
The logo of the Society of Jesus/Jesuits above:

The Perfect Example of a Jesus Ritual, specifically with a Black Man, Rapper Goonew's Funeral on date of Christ's Crucifixion

This decode is the perfect example of Jesus ritual, specifically a Black Jesus ritual, this seems to be because in the bible, Jesus is described as a black man. As it says he had hair of wool and bronze skin. A rapper out of Maryland by the name of Goonew was shot on March 18th, 2022, which is the 77th day of the year and his real first name ‘Markelle’ equals 77. This number is significant because his body was propped up at his funeral on April 3rd, 2022, which is the day in history Jesus was said to have been crucified. Who was known for being a sacrifice for mankind, and ‘Sacrificed’ equals 77, just like ‘Christ’ does. Having said this, Goonew’s body being propped up at his funeral was symbolic of Jesus on the cross, and since this happened at his funeral, you should know that ‘Funeral’ also equals 77. He has a song called “Life or Death” that released, at least on YouTube, exactly a year before he was confirmed to be dead on March 19th, 2021. Having said this, ‘Life or Death’ equals 58, and he died a span of 58-days before his birthday. Also, his funeral was at 'Bliss Nightclub', a phrase equating to 58, and 'Freemasonry' equals 58. As I’ve been proving, this is all scripted by ‘The Jesuit Order’, which is the ‘New World Order’, both emphasized phrases equate to 177, as well as ‘The Mark of the Beast’. This ties in because Goonew’s funeral was 177-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday. Like I said, Goonew was a ‘Rapper’ out of ‘Maryland’, and both emphasized words equate to 34. In addition, ‘Church’ equals 34, and let’s not forget that the Jesuits operate out of the Catholic ‘Church’. Also, ‘Cross’ equals 34, like ‘Jesus’ does, and ‘Black’, ‘Murder’, and ‘Goonew’ all equal 34. Actually, ‘Goonew’ and ‘Murder’ are a match in three out of the four base ciphers. And it’s no coincidence that TMZ emphasized that Goonew’s corpse was ‘Standing’ at his funeral, ‘Standing’ equals 34, and his funeral was on a date that can be written 3/4. That date written here in the U.S. is 4/3, which connects to ‘Jesus Christ’, ‘Black Christ’, 'Killing', and ‘Murdered’. Again, this is the date Jesus was said to be crucified in history, and ‘Society of Jesus’ equals 191, which is the 43rd prime. Also, his funeral was in Washington D.C., which is a very 'Masonic' location, 'Masonic' equals 43, and D.C. can be translated to 43, as D is the 4th letter and C is the third. He was shot in ‘District Heights, Maryland’ a location equating to 139, similar to how his first name ‘Markelle’ does, also, 'Freemasonry' equals 139. As we know, these rappers sell out to secret societies, generally 'Freemasonry'. Going back to the state he's from, “Maryland”, it's named after the Virgin Mary. His death was confirmed on a date with 44 and 64 numerology, and ‘Kill’ equals 44 and 64. In addition, ‘Shooting’ and ‘Execution’ both equal 44, and he called himself “Big64”. The nightclub his family had his funeral at is called ‘Bliss’ Nightclub, and the emphasized equals 74. Of course, this number connects to ‘Rapper’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Cross’, ‘Black Christ’, ‘Jesus Christ’, and ‘Killing’. Also, ‘Masonic’ equals 74, which is important because Goonew’s funeral was in the very ‘Masonic’ Washington D.C. Goonew’s birthday is on May 14th, which is 93-days before the Society of Jesus was founded, and his YouTube channel’s name is ‘Goonew 64’, which equals 93. This number is very significant given how his body was set up at his funeral, which was on the 93rd day of the year, and ‘Crucifix’, ‘God’s Son’, and ‘Triclavianism’ all equal 93. Triclavianism is the theory that Jesus was crucified with three nails or three stakes, therefore it’s no coincidence that ‘Crucifixion’ and ‘Three Stakes’ are a match in three out of the four base ciphers. Jesus was from ‘Nazareth’ another word equating to 93, and as Jesus is a personification of the sun, ‘Solar Man’ also equals 93. That’s why they say the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. 'Mithra' was known as a sun god to the Romans and 'Mithra' equals 93, and Mithra, just like Jesus, also died on the cross. One site made sure to emphasize that Goonew was ‘Shot and Killed’, a phrase equating to 134, his funeral was 134-days before the Society of Jesus’s birthday, and his birthday is on the 134th day of the year. At one point, 'Sol Invictus' was the official sun god of rome, and 'Sol Invictus' equals 134. As the cross has been said to symbolize the four seasons, which the sun is responsible for, it's only fitting that the phrase 'On the Cross' also equals 134. What would’ve been his upcoming birthday is 229-days after the Jesuit Order’s birthday, and ‘Crucifixion of Christ’ equals 229. What would’ve been his upcoming is coming a span of 137-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday, his funeral was in ‘Washington D.C.’, a location equating to 137, and as the bible describes Jesus of having 'Bronze Skin', the emphasized also equates to 137. The prime number of 137 is 33, connecting to ‘God’s Son’, ‘Sunday’ (the day of the week Goonew’s funeral was on), ‘Masonry’, the fact that there are 33 degrees in Scottish Rite masonry, and the belief that Jesus died at age 33. 'Mithra' is the pagan sun god, whose name equals 33. A crown was on the top of his head at his funeral, ‘Corona’ means crown and ‘Corona’ equals 33 (think about the corona around the sun). Of course, his funeral was in Washington D.C., which is a very masonic location. As this all ties back to the Jesuits, ‘Jesuitic’ equals 33.

In connection to his funeral being in Washington D.C:
* Forgot to add in that 'Government' equals 47

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