The 'Script', 'News', and 'Prophecy' Numbers

As I have proved, and as many have in the Gematria community, the majority of events that go on in our world are scripted by man, although, there are times when numbers seem to connect in a divine manner. Keep in mind, most times when you hear about prophecy in this world, it's not, like a significant chunk of the bible for instance is man contriving prophecy, in other words, it's not really prophecy! I'll start off with 'Prophecy' equating to 106 and 110, just like 'Contrive' does. Also, both 'Staged' and 'Authority' equal 106. Furthermore, "Maya" means "Illusion", think about the ancient civilization, 'The Mayans', which is a phrase that also equals 106. In addition, 'Contrived' equals 110, along with 'Prophetic', 'Narration', 'Coding', 'Create', 'Construct', and 'Psychosis'. Have you heard the phrase "It's all by design"?, well, 'All by Design' equals 110 as well. What's the most scripted program on TV every day, you guessed it, the 'News', a word equating to 47, along with 'Contrive', 'Contrived', 'Narration', 'All by Design', 'The Mayans' ("Maya" means "Illusion"), and 'Psychosis'. Politics also relates, as 'Democrat', 'Republican', 'White House', 'Authority', 'Government', and 'President' all equal 47. Jesus is known as a 'Shepherd', one who governs the sheep, and 'Shepherd' also equals 47. Remember, the number 47 is big with the Freemasonry, as their compass is set to 47 degrees. All these terms I went over previously also equal 133, which are 'Contrived', 'Prophetic', 'Narration', 'Construct', 'Psychosis', 'Shepherd', and 'Government'. It has been overwhelmingly proved that the English language was constructed by numbers, the most English speaking country is the 'United States', a country equating to 77, and 'Script' equals 77, which is the number I mainly wanted to focus on, since there are so many connections to this number, as 'Matrix', 'Biblical Code', 'Narrate', 'Christ', 'Theater', 'Stars' (ever heard "it's written in the stars"?), and 'Cube' (a symbol of the 3rd dimension or the 'Matrix') all equal 77. Speaking of the 'Matrix' (remember the movie), it has been said that the world we live in is holographic, and 'Holographic World', 'Cinematic', 'Matter', 'Consciousness', and 'Exist' all equal 77 as well. On top of all that, it's no "coincidence" that 'WAKE UP' equals 77.

The Geometrical Life and Death of Albert Einstein, Baseball, and the 1955 World Series

Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day, the date written 3/14, which is the 73rd day of the year, and ‘Number’ equals 73. Pi is written 3.14, which resembles the number 314, and when you spell that number out, you get 'Three Hundred Fourteen', which equals 108. Albert died on the 108th day of the year, ‘Geometry’ equals 108 in two of the base ciphers, ‘Geometrical’ equals 108, and the plural word for Gematria is ‘Gematriot’, which equals 108. This will make more sense when you read how baseball and geometry connect, but anyways, the guy known as the “Father of Baseball” is Alexander Cartwright who was born on the 108th day of a leap year. By the way, Alexander Cartwright was a freemason, which is very significant as you will read, and ‘Freemasonic’ equals 108. He died at age 76, the number spelled out is ‘Seventy-Six’, which equals 108 as well. Also, the Jesuit moto “Ad maiorem Dei gloriam” translates to ‘For the greater glory of god’, which equals 108. Again, this motto is used to justify their wrongdoings, like killing people, which historically they have been known to do. In addition, ‘Seventy-Six’ also equals 162 and he died 162-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday. The World Series in 1955 came 162-days before Albert’s first birthday since he passed. The 1955 World Series was numerically synced up with him because of the connections to geometry. Every year each MLB team plays 162-games, ‘Baseball’ and ‘Major League Baseball’ both equal 162. Remember, a freemason invented baseball, which is probably the most geometrical sport, that’s why ‘Freemasonic’ and ‘Geometrical’ are a match in all the base ciphers. This is because Freemasons are known as the builders, that’s why ‘Masons’, ‘Builders’, and ‘Geometry’ all equal 36. Geometry is key to the freemasons, that’s why one of their symbols is the compass and ‘Square’, and the emphasized equals 36. Albert died a span of 36-days after his birthday, ‘Geometry’ equals 36, and the winners of the 1955 World Series were the ‘Dodgers’, a team name equating to 36 in two base ciphers. The number 36 spelled out is ‘Thirty-Six’, which equals 53, 91, and 152, like ‘Spherical’ does. Think about the relation with spheres, circles, and a baseball, which is best defined as spherical. To give these connections further significance, think about how many degrees are in a circle, 360. The number 54 also connects to the Masons, Geometry, and Baseball as ‘Geometrical’ and ‘Baseball’, both equal 54, with ‘Baseball’ equating to 54 in two ciphers, and ‘Builders’ equating to 54. Also, 'Baseball' is a game with 54-outs total, ‘Gematriot’ equals 54, and ‘Jesuit Order’ equals 54, as the Jesuits are who the freemasons serve. The Freemasons believe God is the master 'Mathematician', a word that also equals 54. In addition, another number in relation to the topic is 63, as ‘Geometrical’, ‘Albert Einstein’, ‘Major League Baseball’, and ‘Freemasonic’ all equal 63. The number 63 spelled out is ‘Sixty-Three’, which equals 54 in two of the base ciphers, like ‘Baseball’ does, so you see how these numbers are inter-connected. At the time of the 1955 World Series, the Dodgers were a part of ‘Brooklyn’, a city equating to 104, just like ‘Albert’ does, and the Dodgers won the World Series on 10/4. That date spelled out is ‘October Fourth’, which is a match in two base ciphers with ‘Mathematics’. Albert is known for the equation ‘E=MC Squared’, which equals 106, just like ‘Mathematical’ does. In addition, 'Arithmetic' is another name for mathematics, and 'Arithmetic' equals 106. Also, his home country ‘Germany’ equals 106. On top of all that, ‘Numerical Patterns’ equals 106. He died in ‘Princeton, New Jersey’, a location equating to 95, and ‘Einstein’ equals 95.

Ole Miss WR, 'Braylon' Sander's Great Catch against Alabama on 10/2

In the 2021 season of College Football, Braylon Sanders made a one-handed catch against Alabama on 10/2, a fitting date for 'Braylon' to make this catch, since his name equals 102. At the time of this game, Alabama was ranked #1 and Ole Miss was ranked #12, adding both numbers up you get 13. This is significant because Braylon wears the number 13, which is the number you see worn by a lot of wide receivers, like Odell Beckham Jr., whose famous catch I decoded previously. Braylon's catch was even compared to Odell's and if you thought there were a lot of connections to the Wide Receiver position with Odell, then just keep reading further. The wide receiver position is abbreviated as 'WR', which equals 13 in two of the base ciphers, as well as 41, the 13th prime number. The word 'Receive' also equals 41, and the last name of the quarterback who threw Braylon the ball for him to make his great play is 'Corral', which equals 41, also, I don't think it was an accident that the quarterback's left foot was on the 41-yard line when he threw Braylon the ball. In addition, this catch was against Alabama, a state abbreviated 'AL', which also equals 41 and 13, remember that 41 is the 13th prime. Ole Miss, Braylon's team, is out of the state of Mississippi, a state abbreviated 'MS', which equals 13. The state the game was played in was 'Alabama', a state equating to 13, and the quarterback that threw the ball to Braylon wears the #2, the number spelled out is 'Two', which equals 13. On top of all that, 13 is the reflection of 31, 'Alabama' and 'Corral' both equal 31, and after this game, Ole Miss's record became 3-1. For one more 41 connection, 'Fourteen' equals 41, this is significant because 'WR' and 'AL' both equal 14. Also, 'Ole Miss', 'Football', and 'One-Handed' (which Braylon's catch was) all equal 43, which is the 14th prime.

Don Mayard and his Death

The news of Don’s death is getting its first full day of circulation on January 11th, or 1/11, this connects to the fact that he played for two ‘New York’ teams in the NFL, and ‘New York’ equals 111 O. He died on a date with 33 and 53 numerology, starting with 33, ‘New York’ equals 33 R.R., the city he played for, and the first day the news of his death gets a full day of circulation is January 11th, which is 33-days before the next Superbowl, which he was most likely sacrificed for. Also, he was known for receiving passes from ‘Joe Namath’, a name equating to 33 R., along with the last name alone, as ‘Namath’ equals 33 R.R. Onto the connection to 53, ‘Don Maynard’ equals 53 R.R., and the shape of a football is a ‘Vesica Piscis’, which equals 53 R. In Texas, he was born in a town called ‘Crosbyton’, a name matching ‘Superbowl’ in all the base ciphers. This is because he was scripted to die as a sacrifice for Superbowl 56, which I’ll remind is the reason there are many former players that die around the time of the Superbowl each year. Back to Joe Namath’s relationship with Don, Joe Namath’s last birthday was exactly 32-weeks before Don’s death, ‘NFL’ equals 32 O, and there are 32 teams in the "NFL'. The abbreviation for the team they both played for is ‘NYJ’, which equals 32 R.O. Remember the Jesuits always tie in, as they script narratives for the NFL, and the Jesuit logo has 32 sun rays on it. You could also say that Don died a span of 225-days after Joe’s birthday, and ‘Donald Maynard’ equals 225 R.O. The date of Don’s death, ‘January 10th, 2022’ equals 125 O., and his birthday is written 1/25. In addition, ‘January 10th, 2022’ equals 132 R.O., connecting to ‘Pro Football’, as it equals 132 O., the team he was known for being on was the ‘New York Jets’, whose name equals 132 R.O., and the date of the Superbowl he was most likely sacrificed for can be written 13/2. Speaking of, he was a part of the team that won ‘Superbowl’ III, the emphasized equals 131 O., just like his hometown ‘Crosbyton’ does. Also, he was a former ‘Receiver’ in the NFL, and the emphasized equals 131 R.O. He died at age 86, both 'Blood Sacrifice' and 'Human Sacrifice' equates to 86, the spelling for 86 is ‘Eighty-Six’, which equals 126 O., ‘Donald Maynard’ equals 126 O., and he was a former ‘Wide-Receiver’, a position equating to 126 O. as well. They say the cause of his death was ‘Dementia’, which equals 46 R.R., ‘Sacrifice’ equals 46 R., just like ‘Don Maynard’ does, and ‘Catholic’ equals 46 R.R., this relates to the Jesuits who ritualistically kill people while pretending to be ‘Catholic’.

Ralph Neely and his Death

Ralph Neely, a former player in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys died on January 5th, 2022. The date he died has numerology of 28, ‘Kill’ and ‘Ralph’ both equal 28. His birthday is September 12th, which can be written 12/9, and the date he died, ‘January 5th, 2022’ equals 129 O. He died 115-days after his birthday and ‘Killing’ equals 115 R.O. He died a span of 116-days after his birthday and ‘Ralph Neely’ equals 116 O. Also, the Jesuit moto ‘Ad maiorem Dei gloriam’ equals 116 R.R., a moto meaning “For the greater glory of God”, this is the moto the use to justify their killings. He played 13 seasons in the ‘NFL’ for ‘Dallas’, and both the emphasized equal 13, ‘Dallas’ also equals 41, which is the 13th prime. He was known as an ‘All Pro’ Player, the emphasized equals 74 O., his last name ‘Neely’ equals 74 R.O., ‘Football Player’ equals 74 R.R., just like ‘Dallas Cowboys’, and ‘Killing’ equals 74 O. Neely died a span of 251-days before his next birthday and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ equals 251 R.O. He wore the number 73 while in the NFL, ‘Sacrifice’ and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ both equal 73. His position was an ‘Offensive Lineman’, a phrase equating to 83 R.R., ‘Football’ equals 83 O., ‘Murder’ equals 83 R.O., and his full name ‘Ralph Eugene Neely’, which equals 83 R. In addition, ‘Ralph Neely’ equals 154 R.O. and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ equals 154 O. Also, his last birthday came 154-days before the next Super Bowl, an event he was most likely sacrificed for.  The news of his death will have a full day of circulation starting on January 6th, 2022, since his death was late at night on January 5th. Having said that, January 6th, 2022, is a date with 29 and 49 numerology, connecting to 29, as ‘Football’ equals 29 R., and again, he was known for being an ‘All Pro’, a phrase that also equates to 29 R. As for the connections to 49, ‘NFL’ equals 49 R.O. and ‘Dallas’ equals 49 O. He died a span of 266-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday, connecting to ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator’, which equals 266 R.O., this is another Jesuit moto meaning “Jesus, the savior of mankind”, again, these scripted events and deaths are how they play God, and at the time of Ralph Neely’s death, the 266th Pope (who plays God) is in power. Neely died a span of 38-weeks before the Jesuit Order’s birthday, and ‘Death’, R.I.P’, ‘Murder’, and ‘Killing’ all equal 38 in the base ciphers. He died a span of 223-days before the anniversary of the Society of Jesus being founded, ‘The Synagogue of Satan’ equals 223 O., as this is what the Roman Catholic Church truly is, and ‘Masonic’ equals 223 in Jewish Gematria.

John Madden and his Death

‘Professional Sports’ equals 85 R., just like ‘National Football League’ does. This is significant John Madden, a big name in the NFL, just died at age 85. He has an ‘April 10th’ birthday, and the emphasized equates to 85 O. His name is known by gamer kids that play his video game series, ‘The Madden Series’, which equals 85 R.R. His last video game Madden 22 release on a date with numerology of 49 and ‘NFL’ equals 49 R.O. He died 47 days before the next ‘Superbowl’, 47 spelled out is ‘Forty-Seven’ and both the emphasized equal 49 R.R. Also, ’85-years-old’ equals 49 R. When he was a coach, he won ‘Superbowl XI’, which equals 56 R., and he has now been sacrificed for Superbowl 56. He died a span of 263-days after his birthday, which is the 56th prime number, and don’t forget, ‘Society of Jesus’ equals 56 R. Also, John died on the day leaving ‘Three’ days left in the year, and ‘Three’ equals 56 O. Getting back to the number 47, his first name ‘John’ equals 47 O., just like ‘Time’, which is a key concept to the occult, his first and last name ‘John Madden’ equals 47 R.R., he was in the NFL ‘Hall of Fame’ and considered a ‘Legend’ both the emphasized equal 47, the first in R.R. and the latter in O. He was born in ‘Austin, Minnesota’, which equals 211 R.O., the 47th prime number. He also had a ‘NFL Video Game’ named after him, the emphasized equates to 211 R.O., again, the 47th prime. The date of Madden 22’s release was ‘August 20th’, which equals 47 R.R. Also, John Madden finished his coaching career with ‘103 Wins’, the emphasized equals 47 R.O. In addition, ‘Austin’ alone is a perfect match in all four of the base ciphers with ‘Jesuit’, and the first Jesuit Pope is Pope Francis who is 85 years old at the time John Madden died at age 85, which is not a coincidence considering the Pope has been connected to many sacrifices in the NFL. John Madden is considered a ‘Legendary Coach’, a phrase equating in three out of four base ciphers with ‘Blood Sacrifice’. The video game series named after him Madden, released Madden 22 exactly 130-days before his death, connecting to ‘Human Sacrifice’ in O., John is also known as a ‘Football Legend’, a phrase also equating to 130 O. Also, ’85-years-old’ equals 130 R.O. Or you could say Madden 22 released a span of 131-days before his death, connecting to ‘Superbowl’ in O., in his career as a coach he won a ‘Superbowl’ and now has been sacrificed for one. His full name ‘John Earl Madden’ and ‘Madden Football’ are a match in three out of the four base ciphers, both equal 74 R.R. and the team he won a Superbowl with was the ‘Raiders’, whose name equals 74 O. John Madden died 251 days before the Pope’s birthday and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ equals 251 R.O. Also, his birthday came a span of 36-weeks before the Pope’s birthday, and both were born in 1936. John Madden won the 11th Superbowl against the Vikings who had 11 wins for the season, and he died 11 days after the Pope’s birthday. Speaking of the 11th Superbowl, the word ‘Eleventh’ equals 91 O., and the date John won the 11th Superbowl can be written 9/1. You could say he was an ‘NFL Great’ a phrase matching in three out the four base ciphers with ‘Football’. His last video game, Madden 22 was released on the day leaving 133 days left in the year, connecting to ‘Football’, ‘NFL Great’, and ‘Superbowl XI’ in R.O. His ‘Superbowl XI’ win was against ‘Minnesota’, which also equals 133 R.O. In addition, Madden 22 was released exactly a span of 133-days after John’s birthday. His birthday April 10th can be written 10/4, like 104, and his date of birth ‘April 10th, 1936’ equals 104 O. His birthday written 4/10, like 41, connecting to ‘Madden’, ‘Superbowl’, and ‘Oakland’ in the base ciphers. Also, Madden 22 released 4 months and 10 days after his birthday on 4/10. John Madden died on a date with 61 numerology, connecting to ‘John’, ‘Time’, ‘John Earl Madden’, and ‘Superbowl XI’, again, all in the base ciphers.

Odell Beckham Jr. and his famous One-Handed Catch:

I remember being young playing backyard football with the kids in my neighborhood and trying to get one-handed catches simply because Odell Beckham Jr. made it cool. Now that I’m older, smarter, wiser, and don’t get caught up in the hype of things, I see that his famous catch was another scripted event. First, let’s start off with his name ‘Odell Beckham Jr.’, which equals 56 R. and the fact that his birthday leaves 56-days in the year. He made his famous catch with ‘Three’ fingers and ‘Three’ equals 56 O. His last name ‘Beckham’ equals 38 R.R., he played for the “Giants’ when he got the ‘One-Handed’ catch, and both the emphasized equal 38 R.R. Also, the day he made this catch is the day that leaves 38-days in the year, which is known as a ‘Famous Catch’, and the emphasized equals 38 R. Odell has been compared to ‘Randy Moss’, who was known for making a great one-handed catch, and his name equals 38 R., and Odell’s birthday comes exactly a span of 38 weeks after Randy’s. Another interesting connection is that ‘Randy Moss’ equals 115 R.O. and Odell’s birthday is written 11/5. In the game he made his one-handed catch, he finished the game with 146 receiving yards, connecting to his last name ‘Beckham’, as it equals 146 R.O. The date he made this catch was ‘November 23rd, 2014’, which equals 128 O., this matters because he got his jersey in the Pro Football Hall of Fame on December 8th, or 12/8. A great wide receiver that played for Dallas in the game Odell made his famous catch is ‘Dez Bryant’, whose name equals 128 R.O. Also, a famous NFL receiver who has been compared to Odell is ‘Randy Moss’, whose name equals 128 O. Odell and Randy were both famous for making catches with ‘One-Hand’, which equals 128 R.O. ‘Odell’ equals 87 O. and the team that won the night of his famous catch was the ‘Cowboys’, whose name equals 87 R.O. and ‘Scripted Sports’ equals 87 R.R. Tying back to the Randy Moss comparisons, there’s a saying that was named after the NFL great, which was ‘Get Mossed’, whenever someone made a great catch (specifically a one-handed one) with a defender covering them, and ‘Mossed’ equals 87 R.O. In addition, the wide receiver position is commonly abbreviated as ‘WR’, which equals 13 in two of the base ciphers and 41 O., and 41 is the 13th prime number, Odell wore the number 13. Also, the word ‘Receive’ equals 41 R.R. and again, this catch was against ‘Dallas’, a city summing to 13 and 41 in the base ciphers. On top of all that, ‘Beckham’, ‘Football’, ‘One-Handed’, ‘Hall of Fame’, ‘Dallas Cowboys’, and ‘Dez Bryant’ (WR for Cowboys at the time of Odell’s big play) all equal 43 in the base ciphers, 43 is the 14th prime number, and ‘WR’ equals 14 R.

Aleister Crowley and his Death

The world’s most wicked man, and founder of the religion “Thelema”, is seen by many as an ‘Anti-Christ’ like figure, and ‘Anti-Christ’ equals 121 O., which goes along with the book of ‘Revelation’, a word equating to 121 O. He was an ‘Occultist’, a word equating to 121 R.O., so it couldn’t be more fitting that he died on 12/1. Some think he was ‘Possessed’, a word equating to 121 O. His most famous quote “Do what thou wilt” is the nature of the ‘Law of Thelema’, and the emphasized equals 121 O. The anniversary of the Satanic Church's establishment date is on the 121st day of a leap year. Also, his birthdate resembles 121, as it can be written 12/10, and he was into ‘Witchcraft’, a word equating 1210 in Jewish Gematria. His birthday came a span of 10 months and 12 days after his death, and his birthday is written 10/12. He was born on the day leaving 80-days in the year, ‘Satan’ equals 80 R.O, he even called himself ‘The Beast’, a phrase equaling 80 O., and the main satanic symbol is the 'Baphomet', which equals 80 O. He died a span of 66-days after the Jesuit Order’s birthday, and his real first and last name ‘Edward Crowley' equals 66 R., just like ‘Number of the Beast’ does. Also, Revelation is the 66th book of the bible, specifically the ‘New Testament’, a phrase equating to 66 R.R., and this is where the ‘Number of the Beast’ is introduced. He was born 66 days before Saturnalia, the ancient roman festival in tribute to Saturn, this planet synonymous with Satan/Beast, 'Planet Saturnus' equals 66 ("Saturnus" is latin for "Saturn"), and 'Saturn Worship' equals 66. He was known as ‘The World’s Wickedest Man’, a phrase equating to 316 R.O. and he died 316 days before his next birthday. As he called himself “The Beast”, ‘Beast’ equals 47 O., he died in 1947, and he died in the town of ‘Hastings’ in England, a town name equating to 47 R.R. Also, it’s said that Crowley engaged in ‘Homosexual’ acts, ‘Homosexual’ equals 47 R.R., being one is considered a sin by many and ‘Sins’ equals 47 R.O. He was the embodiment of ‘Rebellion’, a word that equals 47 R., he has also been called ‘The Human Beast’, a phrase equating to 47 R. as well. He died a span of 216 days after the anniversary of the Church of Satan being founded, remember that the number of man/beast is 666, and 6X6X6 equals 216. You can also say that he died 215-days after the anniversary of the Church of Satan being founded, and ‘Aleister Crowley equals 215 R.O. His last name ‘Crowley’ equals 88 R.O., along with ‘Occult’ and ‘Beast’ in the same cipher. Also, he was known for performing 'Ceremonial Magic', a phrase equating to 88 R.R. It’s said that he performed ‘Sex Rituals’, a phrase equating to 122 R.O., just like ‘Satanic’ and ‘Esoteric’, along with ‘Occultist’ equating to 122 O. On top of that, as the Jesuits were probably the ones behind his scripted death, one of their mottos that seems holy but is truly ‘Satanic’ is ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator’, which equals 122 R.R. There was a movie that came out in the same year of his death called ‘Possessed’ and some think that Crowley was ‘Possessed’, a word equating to 122 R.O. This movie came out 136-days before his birthday, and he called himself ‘The Beast’, a phrase equating to 136 R.O., just like ‘Baphomet’ does. You could also say that this movie came out a span of 137 days before his birthday, he has been called ‘The Human Beast’, a phrase equating to 137 O., just like ‘Church of Satan’ does, an organization I made a connection to earlier. In addition, Crowley claimed that he was a prophet sent to usher in the ‘Aeon of Horus’, a phrase also equating to 137 O. Crowley founded the religion called ‘Thelema’, which equals 125 R.O., just like ‘Great Work’ does. "The Great Work" is a concept in occultism including the religion ‘Thelema’, about uniting opposites. Also, ‘Darkness’ equals 125 R.O., ‘Demonology’ equals 125 O., just like ‘Dark Spirit’ does, and his cause of death is ‘Undisclosed’, a term equating to 125 O. as well. He proclaimed that he was a ‘Prophet’, which equals 98 O., again, he called himself the ‘Great Beast’, along with ‘The Beast 666’, and both phrases equate to 98 O. Going back to the ‘Church of Satan’, who the Jesuits control, ‘Church of Satan’ equals 56 R., just like ‘Society of Jesus’ does, which is the formal name of the Jesuits. Again, Crowley said he was a prophet sent to usher in the ‘Aeon of Horus’, a phrase also equating to 56 R. A time known to be a pivotal point in Crowley’s life is when he and his wife had many mystical experiences while they were in ‘Cairo, Egypt’, a location equating to 56 R. As Crowley did satanic rituals, the phrase ‘The Pentagram’ equals 56 R., he authored the ‘Book of the Law’, and the emphasized equates to 56 R.R.

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