Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day, the date written 3/14, which is the 73rd day of the year, and ‘Number’ equals 73. Pi is written 3.14, which resembles the number 314, and when you spell that number out, you get 'Three Hundred Fourteen', which equals 108. Albert died on the 108th day of the year, ‘Geometry’ equals 108 in two of the base ciphers, ‘Geometrical’ equals 108, and the plural word for Gematria is ‘Gematriot’, which equals 108. This will make more sense when you read how baseball and geometry connect, but anyways, the guy known as the “Father of Baseball” is Alexander Cartwright who was born on the 108th day of a leap year. By the way, Alexander Cartwright was a freemason, which is very significant as you will read, and ‘Freemasonic’ equals 108. He died at age 76, the number spelled out is ‘Seventy-Six’, which equals 108 as well. Also, the Jesuit moto “Ad maiorem Dei gloriam” translates to ‘For the greater glory of god’, which equals 108. Again, this motto is used to justify their wrongdoings, like killing people, which historically they have been known to do. In addition, ‘Seventy-Six’ also equals 162 and he died 162-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday. The World Series in 1955 came 162-days before Albert’s first birthday since he passed. The 1955 World Series was numerically synced up with him because of the connections to geometry. Every year each MLB team plays 162-games, ‘Baseball’ and ‘Major League Baseball’ both equal 162. Remember, a freemason invented baseball, which is probably the most geometrical sport, that’s why ‘Freemasonic’ and ‘Geometrical’ are a match in all the base ciphers. This is because Freemasons are known as the builders, that’s why ‘Masons’, ‘Builders’, and ‘Geometry’ all equal 36. Geometry is key to the freemasons, that’s why one of their symbols is the compass and ‘Square’, and the emphasized equals 36. Albert died a span of 36-days after his birthday, ‘Geometry’ equals 36, and the winners of the 1955 World Series were the ‘Dodgers’, a team name equating to 36 in two base ciphers. The number 36 spelled out is ‘Thirty-Six’, which equals 53, 91, and 152, like ‘Spherical’ does. Think about the relation with spheres, circles, and a baseball, which is best defined as spherical. To give these connections further significance, think about how many degrees are in a circle, 360. The number 54 also connects to the Masons, Geometry, and Baseball as ‘Geometrical’ and ‘Baseball’, both equal 54, with ‘Baseball’ equating to 54 in two ciphers, and ‘Builders’ equating to 54. Also, 'Baseball' is a game with 54-outs total, ‘Gematriot’ equals 54, and ‘Jesuit Order’ equals 54, as the Jesuits are who the freemasons serve. The Freemasons believe God is the master 'Mathematician', a word that also equals 54. In addition, another number in relation to the topic is 63, as ‘Geometrical’, ‘Albert Einstein’, ‘Major League Baseball’, and ‘Freemasonic’ all equal 63. The number 63 spelled out is ‘Sixty-Three’, which equals 54 in two of the base ciphers, like ‘Baseball’ does, so you see how these numbers are inter-connected. At the time of the 1955 World Series, the Dodgers were a part of ‘Brooklyn’, a city equating to 104, just like ‘Albert’ does, and the Dodgers won the World Series on 10/4. That date spelled out is ‘October Fourth’, which is a match in two base ciphers with ‘Mathematics’. Albert is known for the equation ‘E=MC Squared’, which equals 106, just like ‘Mathematical’ does. In addition, 'Arithmetic' is another name for mathematics, and 'Arithmetic' equals 106. Also, his home country ‘Germany’ equals 106. On top of all that, ‘Numerical Patterns’ equals 106. He died in ‘Princeton, New Jersey’, a location equating to 95, and ‘Einstein’ equals 95.
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