Ralph Neely and his Death

Ralph Neely, a former player in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys died on January 5th, 2022. The date he died has numerology of 28, ‘Kill’ and ‘Ralph’ both equal 28. His birthday is September 12th, which can be written 12/9, and the date he died, ‘January 5th, 2022’ equals 129 O. He died 115-days after his birthday and ‘Killing’ equals 115 R.O. He died a span of 116-days after his birthday and ‘Ralph Neely’ equals 116 O. Also, the Jesuit moto ‘Ad maiorem Dei gloriam’ equals 116 R.R., a moto meaning “For the greater glory of God”, this is the moto the use to justify their killings. He played 13 seasons in the ‘NFL’ for ‘Dallas’, and both the emphasized equal 13, ‘Dallas’ also equals 41, which is the 13th prime. He was known as an ‘All Pro’ Player, the emphasized equals 74 O., his last name ‘Neely’ equals 74 R.O., ‘Football Player’ equals 74 R.R., just like ‘Dallas Cowboys’, and ‘Killing’ equals 74 O. Neely died a span of 251-days before his next birthday and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ equals 251 R.O. He wore the number 73 while in the NFL, ‘Sacrifice’ and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ both equal 73. His position was an ‘Offensive Lineman’, a phrase equating to 83 R.R., ‘Football’ equals 83 O., ‘Murder’ equals 83 R.O., and his full name ‘Ralph Eugene Neely’, which equals 83 R. In addition, ‘Ralph Neely’ equals 154 R.O. and ‘Ritual Sacrifice’ equals 154 O. Also, his last birthday came 154-days before the next Super Bowl, an event he was most likely sacrificed for.  The news of his death will have a full day of circulation starting on January 6th, 2022, since his death was late at night on January 5th. Having said that, January 6th, 2022, is a date with 29 and 49 numerology, connecting to 29, as ‘Football’ equals 29 R., and again, he was known for being an ‘All Pro’, a phrase that also equates to 29 R. As for the connections to 49, ‘NFL’ equals 49 R.O. and ‘Dallas’ equals 49 O. He died a span of 266-days before the Jesuit Order’s birthday, connecting to ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator’, which equals 266 R.O., this is another Jesuit moto meaning “Jesus, the savior of mankind”, again, these scripted events and deaths are how they play God, and at the time of Ralph Neely’s death, the 266th Pope (who plays God) is in power. Neely died a span of 38-weeks before the Jesuit Order’s birthday, and ‘Death’, R.I.P’, ‘Murder’, and ‘Killing’ all equal 38 in the base ciphers. He died a span of 223-days before the anniversary of the Society of Jesus being founded, ‘The Synagogue of Satan’ equals 223 O., as this is what the Roman Catholic Church truly is, and ‘Masonic’ equals 223 in Jewish Gematria.

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