2007 Movie: "Sunshine" and More

"Sunshine" is a movie that released on the 27th of July in 2007, 'Sun' equals 27, and this movie is about a crew trying to reignite the 'Dying Sun', a phrase equating to 103, the 27th prime number. This movie released during the time of Leo, which is ruled by the 'Sun'. The Jesuits are a 'Sun' cult, their order was formed on the 27th of September, which is the 270th day of the year, before they formed their order, they were just the Society of Jesus (a personification of the 'Sun' is Jesus, hence SUNday worship), which was formed on the 227th day of the year, they have a 'Sun' in their logo, and the Society of Jesus was formed in the time of Leo as well, which again, is ruled by the 'Sun'. Furthermore, 'Luminary' equals 103, 'Jesuits' equals 103, interestingly enough, this movie came out on the Pope's 103rd day of his age, and again, 103 is the 27th prime number. Also, 'Horus' was an Egyptian 'Sun' god, 'Horus' equals 27 in two of the four base ciphers, Horus's right eye symbolizes the sun, and the ancient Egyptian city HELIOpolis (why I bolded this will make sense later) has been called 'The City of the Sun', a phrase equating to 207. The founder of the Jesuits died in the time of Leo, and interestingly, he was beatified on the same day in history that this movie came out on. I've mentioned a few times now that Leo is ruled by the sun, "leo" is latin for "lion", and Jesus, the SUN of God is the lion of judah.

I think it's worth pointing out that this movie released 201 days after Pope Gregory XIII's birthday, this is significant because the SOLAR calendar that most of the world is on was designed by him, 'Catholic Pope' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Heliocentricism' equals 201, this is the model of our solar system that says the planets revolve around the sun, and "Helio" is at the beginning of 'Heliocentricism' because Helios is a sun god in greek mythology. In Jewish gematria, 'Apollo' and 'Roman' equate to 201, as 'Apollo' is a sun god of 'Roman Mythology', a phrase also equating to 201, and 'The Rays of the Sun' equals 201. The founder of the Jesuits, who I mentioned earlier, was 'Ignatius of Loyola', a name equating to 201. A name that Jesus has been called is 'Adonai Yeshua', which equals 201, of course, it was N.A.S.A.'s "APOLLO" program that landed man on the moon on the 201st day of the year, and during the launch simulation for the Apollo 1 mission, a fire killed three of the crew members, this happened a span of 201 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday.

Going back to the 27 connections real quick, this incident during the launch simulation for the Apollo 1 mission occurred on the 27th of January, man landed on the moon on 20/7, remove the valueless zero for another 27 connection, it's also a date with numerology of 27, and 'El Sol' equals 27, this phrase is spanish for "the sun".

Going back to Pope Gregory XIII, creator of the solar calendar that most of the world is on, died 93 days after his birthday, "Michaelmas" is a christian festival in honor of the archangel of the sun, Michael, it's observed by the western christian calendar on the day leaving 93 days in the year, 'Sun Angel' equals 93, and Jehovah witnesses believe Jesus was the archangel Michael in human form. Adding on, 'Solar Man' equals 93, 'God's Son' equals 93, 'Sunny' equals 93, 'Crucifix' equals 93, and 'Triclavianism' equals 93. This is the belief that Jesus was crucified with three nails, it's said during the crucifixion of Jesus that the sky became dark for three hours, Jesus was dead for three days, and the ancients considered the sun to be "dead" for three days, as it stays at its lowest point for three days out of the year and then "resurrects" on December 25th, which is not only the birthday of Jesus, but many other sun gods including Mithra and Horus. Anyways, it's said Jesus most likely died on april third, which is the 93rd day of the year, 'Nazareth' equals 93, the sun is supposedly 93,000,000 miles away, and I mentioned how another ancient sun deity is 'Mithra', a name also equating to 93.

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