Tupac's book "The Rose that Grew from Concrete" and "The Don Killuminati" album

"The Rose that Grew from Concrete" released on what would've been Tupac's 139th day of his age if he was still alive, 'Tupac Shakur' equals 139, and he died on a date that can be written 13/9. Cesare Borgia was born on 13/9, this is who the western image of Jesus is modeled after, the cover of Tupac's "The Don Killuminati" album depicts him on the cross, and a ROSE on a cross is a symbol of Christ. By the way, Jesus was most likely a black man, there have been many black artists, specifically rappers, to die in rituals connected to Jesus because of this very likely fact.

Anyways, "The Don Killuminati" released on the day leaving 56 days in the year, 'Rosy Cross' equals 56, 'The Son of God' equals 56, 'All-Seeing Eye' equals 56, and 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, as the Illuminati was created by a Jesuit.

The Flow State, "God's Cipher", and Nirvana


Kurt Cobain was born on the 20th of February, to quote Kurt Cobain's "All Apologies", "All in all is all we are". His band "Nirvana" originally formed when he was 20, 'Music' equals 20, I bring this up because I think it would be accurate to say that the Buddhist concept "Nirvana" is the primordial state of being. Having said this, 'Vibe' equals 20 (as nirvana or the flow state is the highest vibration or vibe to be), 'Flow' equals 20, 'Balance' equals 20, 'Seasons' equals 20 (as existence goes through an infinite series of cycles or 'Seasons', 'Time' equals 20 (time doesn't truly exist as there is an infinite amount of it), again, 'Music' equals 20 (as Louis Armstrong said "Music is Life itself), and 'Kabbalah' equals 20, as 'Kabbalah' explores the hidden aspects of God, like what I'm exposing here with gematria, which is a subject within 'Kabbalah'. All the emphasized words that I've gone over so far equal 20 in what I now call "God's Cipher", a.k.a. the reduction cipher. I'm calling this cipher "God's Cipher" now because it seems to naturally connect related words, phrases, and concepts more than any of the four base ciphers, maybe even more than all the ciphers. Anyways, 'Cosmo' is a combining form or noun relating to the word "cosmos", 'Cosmo' equals 20, just as 'Beauty' does, because life is beautiful. Furthermore, 'All' equals 20, as God is 'All', as I'm exposing hidden knowledge here, 'Occult' equals 20, and 'Occult' means "hidden". I'm 20 as I'm making this, my first name equals 20 in god's cipher, and my last name equals 71, the 20th prime number. In addition, 'Wise' equals 20, because seeing life for what it truly is and living a life according to nature means you are 'Wise', and 'Pace' equals 20, as it's important to find a 'Pace' in life that best suits you, ideally, one that is not too fast, but not too slow. A god of wisdom and knowledge was 'Thoth', a name equating to 71, the 20th prime number, and 'Dao' equals 20, this noun refers to an asian concept about the natural order of the universe. Recall Kurt Cobain's "All Apologies" lyrics that I quoted earlier, as 'Alone' equals 20. Each thing that exists makes up a fraction of 'Spirit', or God/Life-Force, 'Spirit' equals 71, the 20th prime number, 'Semen' equals 20, as 'Semen' is life-force energy, 'Ocean' equals 20, 'Sea' equals 20, as the universe is like an endless 'Ocean' or 'Sea', and 'Mental' equals 20, like a hermetic maxim says "All is Mental" or "All is Mind".
                                        'Seasons' and 'Vibe' equal 20 in "God's Cipher" as well
Taoism is about letting go and not trying to force things, 'Let Go' equals 22, 'Logos' equals 22 (a word that can be defined as "the divine reason that governs and develops the universe"), 'Cycles' equals 22, as existence is cyclical, 'The All' equals 22 (what god has been called), 'Isness' equals 22 (God has been called 'Isness', this means God is all that exists, all that has ever existed, and all that will ever exist), 'Core' equals 22, 'Power' equals 22, 'Alive' equals 22, and 'Life' equals 22, as God is the 'Core' from which all 'Power' or 'Life' comes from. Continuing, 'Wind' equals 22, being in the state of flow is being like the 'Wind', 'Silent' equals 79, as it's crucial to be 'Silent' in order to learn about God/'Life' from your own experience, 'Nature' equals 79, 'Wonder' equals 79, as existence is wonderful, and 79 is the 22nd prime number. Adding on, 'Loved' equals 22, as all of creation is 'Loved', because each part of creation is just as valuable as another, 'Water' equals 22 (like Bruce Lee said, "be like water"), 'Void' equals 22, as all came from a 'Void'. The 'Buddha' got back to this primordial state of nothingness or 'Nirvana', 'Mind' equals 22, 'Guru' equals 22, 'Lord' equals 22, 'Buddha' equals 22, 'Master' equals 22, 'Gnosis' equals 79 (greek noun for "knowledge", specifically meaning knowledge of the divine/infinite), 'Subtle' equals 79 (as the balance of the universe is 'Subtle'), 'Nirvana' equals 79, 'Light' equals 79, 'Ether' equals 79 ("ether" or "aether" permeates all matter and space), 'Semen' equals 79, 'Semen' is 'Life-Force' energy, 'Life-Force' equals 79, my first name equals 79, and 79 is the 22nd prime number. Going back to Kurt Cobain, he was born on 2/20, a date with numerology of 22, and his infamous wife, Courtney Love was born on 7/9, like 79, again, the 22nd prime number. Anyways, 'Nirvana' is a Buddhist concept, Buddhism teaches the middle path, again, 'Nirvana' equals 79, which again, is the 22nd prime number, and the letter in the MIDDLE of "nirvana" is "v", the 22nd letter of the alphabet. Notice how the letter has two points that come to merge as one, just like Buddhism teaches to unite opposites to have 'Balance', a word I decoded earlier, 'Medi' is a latin root word meaning "middle", and 'Medi' equals 22. On top of all that, 'Wisdom' equals 79, the 22nd prime number, by the way, 22 is a 'Master' number, it's what you could call the MIDDLE 'Master' number as it's between 11 and 33, the other 'Master' numbers. Also, Buddhists celebrate the Buddha's birth on 4/8, the same day Kurt Cobain's body was found, which I've talked about in a few other posts/videos, these posts are linked at the end of this decode.
                                       'Isness' and 'Alive' equal 22 in "God's Cipher" as well
So far, we've talked about numbers with 2 in them, so let's show how the meaning of 2 fits with all that we've been talking about. 2 represents love and harmony, just as the 2nd planet from the sun does. Of course, 2 represents duality, but it also represents balance, or in other words, the uniting of opposites.

Recall what I said about 'Kabbalah' earlier, a word that also equals 38, 'Gematria' equals 38, 'Balance' equals 38, 'Subtle' equals 38 (as the 'Balance' of the universe is 'Subtle'), 'Nature' equals 38, 'Elegance' equals 38 (the universe is the epitome of 'Elegance'), 'Essence' equals 38, 'Vibe' equals 38 (as the highest 'Vibe' or vibration is oneness with all), 'The Core' equals 38, as all things are of the 'Essence' of God/'The Core', 'Ocean' equals 38, as the universe is like an endless 'Ocean', 'The Void' equals 38, as it was a primordial void from which all was created, and 'Taoism' equals 38, this is the Chinese religion that teaches living in harmony with the universe/god. Furthermore, 'Vibrance' equals 38, 'Rich' equals 38, 'Delight' equals 38, 'Enchanted' equals 38, because when you truly understand to just flow with life, it's a vibrant/rich/enchanting/delightful experience, which is also why 'Present' equals 38, because it's a 'Present' to be in the 'Present', and 'Within' equals 38, all you need is 'Within', think about the saying "As Within, So Without". Finally, 'Dual' equals 38, 'Opposite' equals 38, as existence is duality, 'Silent' equals 38, 'Secret' equals 38, as silence is key to unlocking the invaluable secrets of life, 'Energy' equals 38, 'Create' equals 38, 'Creative' equals 38, 'Fire' equals 38 ('Fire' represents creativity), as there is an unlimited amount of creative energy in the universe.
                                'The Void' and 'Vibrance' equal 38 in "God's Cipher" as well
FOR RELATED POSTS: Exposing the Gematrix: Nirvana's "All Apologies" is a Tribute to Apollo, The Moon Landing, 201, David Bowie and his "Rock n' Roll Suicide" in connection to Kurt Cobain, Chris(t) Cornell, and Chester Bennington (qu5st9on.blogspot.com) and Exposing the Gematrix: Death of Kurt Cobain, Undeniable Buddha Connection (qu5st9on.blogspot.com) and Exposing the Gematrix: Death of Osho or Rajneesh, More On The Death of Kurt Cobain, and their connections to Buddhism (qu5st9on.blogspot.com) and Exposing the Gematrix: FBI files on the Death of Kurt Cobain released a span 33 days after his death anniversary and More (qu5st9on.blogspot.com) and finally, this one has a section that goes deep on how I'm connected to the number 22: Exposing the Gematrix: Interesting Decode on Myself (qu5st9on.blogspot.com)

'The Beatles' and 56

It's reported that 'The Beatles' performed for close to 56,000 people at Shea Stadium in New York on 8/15/1965, this just so happened to be the Society of Jesus's birthday, 'Society of Jesus' equals 56, 'The Beatles' equals 56, and this event occurred a span of 56 days before John Lennon's birthday. Not to mention that 'The Beatles' originally formed in 1956 under the name "The Quarrymen", George Harrison was born on the 56th day of the year, and there was an attempt to take his life when he was 56. In addition, I find it interesting that Global Beatles Day is a span of 56 days after the Illuminati's birthday and the Illuminati was created by a Jesuit.

2007 Movie: "Sunshine" and More

"Sunshine" is a movie that released on the 27th of July in 2007, 'Sun' equals 27, and this movie is about a crew trying to reignite the 'Dying Sun', a phrase equating to 103, the 27th prime number. This movie released during the time of Leo, which is ruled by the 'Sun'. The Jesuits are a 'Sun' cult, their order was formed on the 27th of September, which is the 270th day of the year, before they formed their order, they were just the Society of Jesus (a personification of the 'Sun' is Jesus, hence SUNday worship), which was formed on the 227th day of the year, they have a 'Sun' in their logo, and the Society of Jesus was formed in the time of Leo as well, which again, is ruled by the 'Sun'. Furthermore, 'Luminary' equals 103, 'Jesuits' equals 103, interestingly enough, this movie came out on the Pope's 103rd day of his age, and again, 103 is the 27th prime number. Also, 'Horus' was an Egyptian 'Sun' god, 'Horus' equals 27 in two of the four base ciphers, Horus's right eye symbolizes the sun, and the ancient Egyptian city HELIOpolis (why I bolded this will make sense later) has been called 'The City of the Sun', a phrase equating to 207. The founder of the Jesuits died in the time of Leo, and interestingly, he was beatified on the same day in history that this movie came out on. I've mentioned a few times now that Leo is ruled by the sun, "leo" is latin for "lion", and Jesus, the SUN of God is the lion of judah.

I think it's worth pointing out that this movie released 201 days after Pope Gregory XIII's birthday, this is significant because the SOLAR calendar that most of the world is on was designed by him, 'Catholic Pope' equals 201, 'The Jesuit Order' equals 201, 'Heliocentricism' equals 201, this is the model of our solar system that says the planets revolve around the sun, and "Helio" is at the beginning of 'Heliocentricism' because Helios is a sun god in greek mythology. In Jewish gematria, 'Apollo' and 'Roman' equate to 201, as 'Apollo' is a sun god of 'Roman Mythology', a phrase also equating to 201, and 'The Rays of the Sun' equals 201. The founder of the Jesuits, who I mentioned earlier, was 'Ignatius of Loyola', a name equating to 201. A name that Jesus has been called is 'Adonai Yeshua', which equals 201, of course, it was N.A.S.A.'s "APOLLO" program that landed man on the moon on the 201st day of the year, and during the launch simulation for the Apollo 1 mission, a fire killed three of the crew members, this happened a span of 201 days before the Society of Jesus's birthday.

Going back to the 27 connections real quick, this incident during the launch simulation for the Apollo 1 mission occurred on the 27th of January, man landed on the moon on 20/7, remove the valueless zero for another 27 connection, it's also a date with numerology of 27, and 'El Sol' equals 27, this phrase is spanish for "the sun".

Going back to Pope Gregory XIII, creator of the solar calendar that most of the world is on, died 93 days after his birthday, "Michaelmas" is a christian festival in honor of the archangel of the sun, Michael, it's observed by the western christian calendar on the day leaving 93 days in the year, 'Sun Angel' equals 93, and Jehovah witnesses believe Jesus was the archangel Michael in human form. Adding on, 'Solar Man' equals 93, 'God's Son' equals 93, 'Sunny' equals 93, 'Crucifix' equals 93, and 'Triclavianism' equals 93. This is the belief that Jesus was crucified with three nails, it's said during the crucifixion of Jesus that the sky became dark for three hours, Jesus was dead for three days, and the ancients considered the sun to be "dead" for three days, as it stays at its lowest point for three days out of the year and then "resurrects" on December 25th, which is not only the birthday of Jesus, but many other sun gods including Mithra and Horus. Anyways, it's said Jesus most likely died on april third, which is the 93rd day of the year, 'Nazareth' equals 93, the sun is supposedly 93,000,000 miles away, and I mentioned how another ancient sun deity is 'Mithra', a name also equating to 93.

The Archangel Michael and Jesus Connection

"Michaelmas" is a christian festival in honor of the archangel of the sun, Michael, it's observed by the western christian calendar on the day leaving 93 days in the year, 'Solar Man' equals 93, 'God's Son' equals 93, 'Sunny' equals 93, 'Crucifix' equals 93, and 'Triclavianism' equals 93. This is the belief that Jesus was crucified with three nails, it's said Jesus most likely died on april third, which is the 93rd day of the year, Jesus is called 'The Word' (of God), a phrase equating to 93, and 'Nazareth' equals 93 (currently making this on 9/30 and just looked at the clock which read 9:30). To continue, 'Sun Angel' equals 93, it's said that the sun is 93,000,000 miles away, and Jehovah witnesses believe Jesus was the archangel Michael in human form. This sun connection matters because Jesus is the personification of the sun, like I said, Michael is the archangel of the sun, and another sun deity is 'Mithra', a name also equating to 93.

"Michaelmas" is celebrated in eastern 'Christian' traditions 47 days before Christmas, 'Christian' equals 47, 'The Christ' equals 47, 'God's Light' equals 47, 'Solar Deity' equals 47, and 'Mithras' equals 47, another way the name "Mithra" is spelled/said.

"Michaelmas" is celebrated by those on the western christian calendar on a date with numerology of 38, 'The Sun of God' equals 163, 'The Rising Sun' equals 163, and 163 is the 38th prime number. In addition, 'Sun Light' equals 38, 'Sun of God' equals 38, 'Christmas' equals 38, and 'Son of Man' equals 38, this is what Jesus called himself.

On top of all that, 'Michael' equals 33, 'Jehovah' equals 33, 'God's Son' equals 33, 'Son' equals 33 (the sun represents masculinity), 'Mithra' equals 33, 'SUNday' equals 33, 'Holy Sun' equals 33, 'Sunrise' equals 33, 'Saviour' equals 33 (without the sun, life on earth couldn't exist, that's why Jesus is called the 'Saviour'), in Jewish gematria, 'Sun' equals 330, and it's said that Jesus most likely died at the age of 33 in 33 AD. To add on, 'Bible' equals 33, 'Good Book' equals 33, this is what the 'Bible' is also called, 'The Word' equals 33, this is a phrase referring to Jesus and the 'Bible', as Jesus is the 'Living Word' of God and the 'Bible' is the written word of God, and interestingly enough, 'Living Word' equals 137, the 33rd prime number. Furthermore, 'Solomon' equals 330 in Jewish gematria, notice how I bolded "Sol", I did that because "Sol" is Spanish for "Sun". Having said this, of course, King Solomon was an ancestor of Jesus, and although this may be kind of arbitrary, I find it interesting that it was the archangel of the sun, 'Michael', who gave King Solomon a supernatural ring. As Solomon was a king, it's worth pointing out that 'Corona' is latin for "crown", 'Corona' equals 33, and the outermost layer of the sun is the 'Corona'. In addition, the meaning of the name "Michael" is pretty fitting given the connection between Jesus and the archangel, the meaning is 'Who is Like God', a phrase equating to 137, which is the 33rd prime number, 'Angelic' equals 33, 'Celestials' equals 33, this is what angels have been called, and of course, the greatest celestial body in our solar system is the sun. Finally, there was actually a movie about the Archangel Michael being on Earth called "Michael" that released on Christmas.

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